CorporalMole2920 Watch the…

Watch the above video about “The pop-up Chapel co”

After watching this video in which the business idea presented by the entrepreneur, was rejected by the Dragons.

Follow the steps below to analyze the business idea rejected by the Dragons, and then create a written report for submission. 

Here are the steps and guidelines for the report: 

In an introductory paragraph, summarize the Dragon’s Den episode you used for the assignment.
Mention and explain one major problem which made the Dragons reject the business idea (i.e., Identify the main problem which the business owner must resolve).
Mention and analyze at least two alternative solutions which the entrepreneur(s) could use to address the problem identified in step 2 above. Remember to discuss at least two pros and two cons of each alternative solution you identify.
Select the best option of the alternative solutions discussed in step 3. Remember to have a strong/convincing argument to support your choice.
Write  convincing conclusion, explaining why this new solution/plan, will help the business to be more successful. The conclusion should be in the form of a pitch which the entrepreneur could use to persuade the Dragons to give her/him a second chance.
Put all the parts together in a coherent report. Each step should have its own subheading. Edit the work when completed, and submit it for grading. 
Formatting and Other Requirements:

1. Reference all your sources, using the APA format.

2. Use a minimum of 3 sources/references to support your analysis.

3. Write your report in an academically accepted language and tone.

4. Use Times New Roman (12 font size) or Arial (11 font size). The report should have a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5 pages, double spaced (excluding the cover page, table of content and reference page).

Scoring Guide – Total is 10%


Criteria Score Weight of the 10% Assign’t.  Grade


Cover Page & Reference Page: Provide 


A Table of Content and a cover page which has the title of the Dragon’s Den business studied, the course code, the student’s name, date, and the name of the professor.


A reference page in APA format, showing at least four references used for the work.

5    4    3     2     1










Introduction: Provide 


A brief description of the Dragon’s Den episode you chose.


Remember to cite the video in the reference list, using the APA style.  Check the ‘Getting Started’ section on Blackboard for information on APA 

5    4    3     2     1



Problem Identification: Provide 


Details of the main problem for which the Dragons rejected the business idea in the video you selected.





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Alternative Solutions: Provide


A detailed analysis of atleast two alternative solutions which the entrepreneur could use to address the problem in. step 1


At least 2 pros and 2 cons of each of the alternative solutions.

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Optimal Solution: Explain


The best alternative solution (from the two solutions discussed in step 2.


Why you think that is the best solution to address the problem.

5    4    3     2     1



Conclusion: Provide 


A convincing conclusion, explaining why this new solution you’ve suggested will help the business to be more successful.


The conclusion should be in the form of a pitch which the entrepreneur could use to persuade the Dragons to give her a second chance. 

5    4    3     2     1



Clarity and Coherence: Provide 

A clear and coherent flow of content, following all the assignment guidelines.

5    4    3     2     1
