hernan22x Hi hope you can help and please use long sentences  make sure to…Hi hope you can help and please use long sentences make sure to answer the questions with different examples if you can I appreciate it  Consider the following questions:What. priorities. will the. local, regional and headquarters managers have.?What is the value of having. a regional division.? Should Andersen separate .Lundbeck Korea. from Lundbeck Asia.? What advice would you give to Andersen.? Image transcription textLUNDBECK KOREA: MANAGING AN INTERNATIONALGROWTH ENGINE Michael Roberts wrote this case under thesupervision of Professor Paul Beamish solely to provid… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 2 9310M012 However, these markets were fairly stable andgenerally experienced low single—digit growth. Exhibit 1 is a listof the top pharmaceutical markets and Exhibit 2 graph… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 3 93101111012 per cent of the global population.5 “Bad”mood, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, dif?cultyconcentrating, and even thoughts of suicide are just so… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textpharmaceutical prescriptions. China, Thailand, and Malaysia hadvirtually no group or collective programs and most costs forpharmaceuticals were paid by individuals. LUNDBECK… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 5 9310M012 pharmaceuticals market, from knowledge andcontrol of research to the development of new pharmaceuticals,production, marketing and sales. However, it did not b… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 6 9310M012 The Asian subsidiaries were joined together aspart of a regional group headquartered in Hong Kong, calledLundbeck Asia. In total, Lundbeck Asia consisted of eig… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 7 9310M012 and it was publicly announced that he hadsuffered from depression. The situation repeated itself soon after,when a very popular Korean ?lm actress committed su… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 8 9310M012 product manager. At Bayer and Lilly, Jundeveloped a deep and rich knowledge of the Korean CNSpharmaceutical market. Perhaps even more important… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 9 QB1OMO12 Rajar’s goals were to launch and marketLundbeck’s newest and most innovative products; to control costsand preserve resources; to create effective communic… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 10 9310M012 Since Ebixa had been registered many yearsearlier, the price set by the government insurance regulator wasvery low. In fact, the price was well below the current … Show more… Show more Image transcription textPage 11 9310M012 Rajar disagreed with this strategy. He arguedthat there was a chance that a generic company might register ageneric version of Lexapro. If it did, the generic brand … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 12 SB1OMO12 In addition, Rajar felt that the cliententertainment that occurred in the Korean subsidiary wasexcessive, and as such a poor business practice. He cer… Show more… Show more Image transcription textPage 13 9310M012 LUNBBECK’S STRATEGY INTERPRETED BYJUN FOR KOREA Jun believed that he had a very clearunderstanding of Lundbeck’s core strategy. Integratin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 14 SB1OMO12 regional manager. However, Andersenwondered if Rajar was putting too little emphasis on developingnew and unique opportunities. The question for Ander… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 15 9B 10M012 Exhibit 1 TOP PHARMACEUTICALMARKETS, 2005 Country Pharmaceutical Population LundbeckMarket Size (millions USD) Functions (billions USD) U… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 16 9B10M012 Exhibit 3 CNS PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETSHARE BY FIRM Johnson & Johnson 11% Lundbeck 2%Forest Labs 3% Wyeth 5% Other 40% AstraZeneca 5… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 17 9B10M012 Exhibit 4 LEADING ANTI-DEPRESSANTSAND ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE MEDICATIONS IN THE GLOBALCNS MARKET, 2005 Brand Company Generic Class Sa… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 18 9B10M012 Exhibit 5 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS, 2005DKK millions USD millions Revenue 9,070 1,513 Profit fromoperations 2,174 363 Finance income, net 17 3 Profit … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text9B10M012 Page 19 Exhibit 6 LUNDBECK ASIAORGANIZATIONAL CHART, 2005 (WITH PROPOSED CHANGE)Michael Andersen Vice President Regional Executive … Show more… Show more   BusinessBusiness – Other