Hi! Can you assist me with the following? Describe at least two…

Hi! Can you assist me with the following? Describe at least two benefits of teams to an organization and to an individual employee. How could Finnegan employ teams to help the department meet the goal of designing a training program? What kind of team would be most appropriate to accomplish this goal? Be sure to support your choice with at least two specific reasons. 


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Post 1 

I am thrilled to have the chance to address this fantastic group, and I am optimistic that my presentation today will be both productive and informative. My talk will focus on two key topics: the integration of TEAMS into the department to tackle specific issues, as well as the creation of a new training program.

An effective tool for optimizing a department’s overall performance and increasing group cohesion is TEAMS. The four stages of group development – forming, storming, norming, and performing – can be utilized to achieve this goal. In the forming stage, the department or team establishes the expected behaviors. During the storming stage, team members discuss ideas, and conflicts may arise as members vie for leadership roles. The norming stage is when group members agree on preferred goals and develop closer relationships by sharing ideas. Finally, the department comes together in the performing stage to perform and achieve its desired destination. VP Laine Finnegan plans to use all four stages to achieve measurable outcomes and enhance efficiency and productivity within her team.

To have a successful training program, managers must evaluate each employee in their department to gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. From there, VP Lane Finnegan can design training that meets the specific needs of each employee while also building a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge. The aim is to motivate the department by setting challenging individual and team goals, encouraging high performance, and fostering ongoing learning.

To improve and maintain a high level of performance, it’s recommended that VP Lane Finnegan forms a cross-functional team. This approach involves bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and roles within the organization to share their ideas and perspectives. Although there may be initial challenges and resistance among team members, ongoing communication and collaboration will eventually lead to a united and productive team working towards their shared goals. Additionally, this type of interaction and cooperation enhances the department’s synergy, ultimately boosting morale and production.


Post 2

Benefits of teams to an organization:

Increased productivity and efficiency: Teams allow for the division of labor and the pooling of skills and knowledge. When working collectively, team members can collaborate, share ideas, and tackle tasks more effectively, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in achieving organizational goals.
Enhanced creativity and innovation: By bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, teams foster a creative and innovative environment. Team members can generate new ideas, problem-solve together, and leverage their collective knowledge to develop innovative solutions to challenges.

Benefits of teams to an individual employee:

Skill development and learning opportunities: Working in teams provides employees with opportunities to develop various skills. Through collaboration, employees can enhance their communication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills. They can also learn from their team members, gaining new insights and knowledge from different areas of expertise.
Increased job satisfaction and engagement: Being part of a team fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among employees. Collaborating with others, sharing successes, and supporting each other’s growth can contribute to higher job satisfaction and increased engagement with their work.

To help the department meet the goal of designing a training program, Finnegan can employ teams in the following ways:

Cross-functional team: Finnegan can form a cross-functional team composed of individuals from different departments or roles within the organization. This team can include representatives from HR, subject matter experts, trainers, and departmental managers. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, this team can design a comprehensive training program that caters to the needs of various stakeholders.
Project team: Finnegan can build a project team specifically focused on designing the training program. This team can consist of individuals with relevant skills, such as instructional designers, content developers, and trainers. By dedicating a specialized team to this project, they can focus solely on the task at hand, ensuring thorough planning, design, and execution of the training program.

Reasons for choosing a cross-functional team and a project team:

Diverse expertise: Both the cross-functional team and the project team provide access to a diverse range of expertise. In a cross-functional team, members from different departments can contribute their unique knowledge and perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive training program that addresses various needs. Similarly, a project team composed of specialized individuals brings specific skills and insights required for effective training program design.
Collaboration and synergy: Both team structures promote collaboration and synergy among team members. In a cross-functional team, individuals with different backgrounds collaborate, leveraging their collective knowledge to develop innovative training solutions. A project team, on the other hand, allows for close collaboration and coordination, enabling efficient task completion and effective utilization of resources.

Please advise.



