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Help me to have this template filled where it is about a business use case scenario for Checking in Scenario, Publishing yoga schedule scenario, and Working with availability scenario using this template. use one table each scenario


Use Case Number   
Use Case Name  
Business Event Number and Name   
Business Use Case Description  
Interested Stakeholders  
Active Stakeholders  
Normal Case Steps  
Alternative Steps  
Exception Steps  
Outstanding Issues  

Problem Statement:
Sarah and her partner are the co-founders and managers of FitZone, a wellness center that offers yoga and fitness training. FitZone has hired several part-time employees, including yoga instructors, fitness trainers, and massage therapists, to deliver a range of services to clients. Initially, staff members indicated their availability two months before creating the schedule. Once confirmed, the schedule is made available on the center’s website for everyone to access, including clients and fitness enthusiasts. To book a yoga class, clients and fitness enthusiasts can visit the center’s website to check the schedule and contact John, the receptionist, to provide their name, contact information, and the specific class they wish to attend. The receptionist oversees the scheduling of yoga classes and handles any issues related to personal training sessions. Additionally, massage and personal trainers at the center have a separate schedule from the yoga instructors and are responsible for scheduling appointments with clients directly. Therefore, clients usually make appointments for massage and personal training sessions directly with the therapists, and their schedules may not be available on the center’s website. Furthermore, Sarah’s partner, David, manages the schedule for yoga classes two months in advance and hands it over to Sarah to update the schedule.

FitZone is currently experiencing scheduling problems that are impacting the satisfaction of its customers and the efficiency of its operations. One of the main issues is the manual process of scheduling classes and appointments. Sarah is not proficient in using technology, so she has to manually create the schedule using an Excel sheet and has limited knowledge of HTML coding. As a result, updating schedules on the website is a time-consuming and inefficient process. This often results in clients and part-time employees not having access to the most up-to-date information about their schedules. This can lead to confusion and frustration as clients may show up for appointments that have been cancelled or rescheduled without their knowledge. Additionally, double-booking can occur due to slow updates, which can be frustrating for receptionists who must spend time adjusting schedules, removing and adding clients, and delaying other important tasks.

The second issue is related to David’s responsibility of managing the schedule for yoga instructors two months in advance. Some instructors do not provide their availability immediately, making it challenging to coordinate the schedule effectively. Since these instructors are part-time and may have other obligations outside the studio, scheduling conflicts can arise. These issues could negatively affect the efficiency of business operations and customer satisfaction.

Checking in Scenario: 
Yogis are advised to arrive at the counter 15 minutes before their class starts. The studio requires their contact information and the type of pass they have, whether it’s an unlimited pass or a monthly pass, so they can keep track of who they are. No forms need to be filled out except for new yogis, who will need to fill out a waiver form. For their first class, yogis should arrive 30 minutes early to sign the waiver form.

When yogis arrive at the front desk, they should inform the receptionist that they are there for class. The receptionist will check their name and mark them off as having arrived for that class. If the yogi is not registered, the receptionist will check if there’s room available and record their name. If the yogi doesn’t have an ID, the receptionist will check with the office manager to validate their record or file.

Yogis can purchase a one-day session, and even if they are late, they can still check in and get registered for the class. The waiver contains the rules of conduct, common sense rules, the yogi’s date, name, signature, and policies.

Class lists indicate the type of class and the names of the yogis registered for it. If receptionists are not available, the owners will handle the check-ins themselves.

Publishing yoga schedule scenario:

Our process for scheduling yoga instructors involves gathering their availability through a form where they can indicate the days and times they are willing to teach, as well as the type of class they prefer. Once we receive their submissions, we review and create a schedule that works for everyone. Once it is confirmed, we post the schedule on our website for the public to see. We send reminders to instructors 15 days before the new schedule needs to be posted, and if they are late, they will be given the remaining slots. We prioritize seniority in case of scheduling conflicts and strive to treat everyone fairly. We also send email reminders to ensure no one forgets to submit their availability or mistypes their schedule. The schedule contains the dates of the month, time, class type, and instructor. Ashley is primarily responsible for putting the schedule together, with assistance from Jane the receptionist. Our goal is to ensure that our yogis are informed and prepared for what is coming up.


Working with availability scenario:

To efficiently manage the availability schedule of our yoga instructors, we will first inquire about the days when they absolutely cannot work due to prior commitments. Afterward, we will ask for their preferred schedules. Initially, we will provide a physical form to the instructors to fill out, which they can then return to us via email or in person. We will then review the previous schedules to see if the instructors prefer to keep the same schedule. In case of any discrepancies, Ashley will communicate with them to clarify their availability. Furthermore, we will send a general reminder to all instructors to update their availability schedules; failure to do so may result in their preferences not being accommodated.