Hello,   Can I have task 3, Methodology from my Research Concept…



Can I have task 3, Methodology from my Research Concept  BUSI885, done according o this instructions: 



Cognate: Strategic Management

Research Project Track: ADRP Project Track 

Research Paradigm: Constructivism

Planned Research Design: Flexible Design using Single Case Study

Proposed Topic: Lack of Employee Training Impact on The United States Manufacturing Industry

Task 3: Methodology 

This study will be conducted with a flexible design using qualitative methods specifically, a single case study design will be used. 

Specific Problem Sentence

The specific problem to be addressed is the possible lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry, potentially resulting in reduced employee performance and increased turnover. 

Discussion of Research Paradigm 


Task 3: Methodology 

This is a narrative assignment rather than a bullet point outline. You will post your submission as a word document. 

Your submission will include the following: 

Title Block 

·  Last Name, First Name 

·  Cognate 

·  Research Project Track (Dissertation or Project) 

·  Research Paradigm 

·  Planned Research Design 

·  Proposed Topic 

Outline for this assignment: 

·  Introductory paragraph – For this methodology paper, including the specific problem sentence. 

·  Discussion of Research Paradigm 

·  Discussion of Methodology 

·  Summary – For this methodology paper 

·  Reference Section 

Discussion of Research Paradigm: 

Begin with a theme sentence: “My research paradigm is XXX” Then discuss your research paradigm and how this is likely to guide your study. 

Discussion of Methodology: 

Begin with a theme sentence: “This study will be conducted with a XXXXX design using XXXXX method(s) specifically, a XXXXX design will be used”. Then discuss why this is the appropriate methodology for your study. 

Provide multiple citations from multiple authors to support factual assertions about the function of the design. Reference your problem statement and research questions in demonstrating why this is the correct methodology and how it fits with your research paradigm. 

Based on my previous tasks 1 and 2 as follows: 

Problem Statement Bullet Outline

General Problem Sentence

          The general problem to be addressed is the lack of employee training, resulting in reduced employee performance and increased turnover. 

According to Smith (2022), inadequate employee training has been linked to decreased productivity and increased organizational turnover rates.
Recent studies (Jones et al., 2021; Brown, 2020) have demonstrated that a lack of training leads to lower employee performance and decreased organizational effectiveness.
In a survey conducted by Johnson and Johnson (2023), it was found that organizations with insufficient training programs experienced higher rates of employee dissatisfaction and turnover.
The absence of comprehensive training initiatives hinders employee skill development and impedes their ability to adapt to technological advancements in the manufacturing industry (Gupta, 2022).

Specific Problem Sentence

The specific problem to be addressed is the possible lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry, potentially resulting in reduced employee performance and increased turnover. 

Relationship to Cognate

          The lack of employee training and its impact on organizational performance and employee turnover directly relates to strategic management. Effective strategic management involves developing and implementing strategies that align with organizational goals, and employee training plays a crucial role in enhancing the workforce’s capabilities to achieve strategic objectives.



Brown, D. (2020). Training effectiveness and organizational performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(2), 267-289.

Gupta, S. (2022). Skill development and technological advancements in the manufacturing industry. Journal of Strategic Management, 40(4), 456-478.

Jones, A., Smith, B., & Johnson, C. (2021). The impact of training on employee performance: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 45(3), 123-145.

Johnson, E., & Johnson, F. (2023). The relationship between employee training and turnover rates: A survey-based study. Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(1), 56-73.

Approved Problem Statement Bullet Outline from Task 1

General Problem Sentence

          The general problem to be addressed is the lack of employee training, resulting in reduced employee performance and increased turnover.

           According to Smith (2022), inadequate employee training has been linked to decreased productivity and increased organizational turnover rates. 

Recent studies (Jones et al., 2021; Brown, 2020) have demonstrated that a lack of training leads to lower employee performance and decreased organizational effectiveness.

In a survey conducted by Johnson and Johnson (2023), it was found that organizations with insufficient training programs experienced higher employee dissatisfaction and turnover rates.

The absence of comprehensive training initiatives hinders employee skill development and impedes their ability to adapt to technological advancements in the manufacturing industry (Gupta, 2022).

Specific Problem Sentence

          The specific problem to be addressed is the possible lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry, potentially resulting in reduced employee performance and increased turnover. 

Research Questions


1. How do the current employee training practices impact the United States manufacturing industry? 

1a. How do manufacturing companies assess the training needs of their employees?

1b. How do manufacturing companies select suitable employee training methods and resources? 

2. How does employee training affect job performance in the manufacturing industry of the United States?

2a. How does performance indicators are used to measure the effectiveness of employee training programs?

2b. What is the relationship between employee training and productivity in the manufacturing sector?

3. How do the potential consequences of inadequate employee training affect the manufacturing industry in the United States? 

3a. How does a lack of training contribute to employee turnover?

3b. How do reduced employee performance and increased turnover impact the bottom line of manufacturing companies?

3c. How do reduced employee performance and increased turnover impact the morale and productivity of manufacturing employees?

Discussion of The Research Questions

These research questions aim to explore the current employee training practices, understand the impact of training on job performance, and investigate the consequences of inadequate training in the manufacturing industry. Each research question and sub-questions address different aspects of the problem statement, providing a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Research Question 1

Research Question 1 aims to explore the current employee training practices within the United States manufacturing industry. Investigating the training methods and resources used provides insights into the strategies manufacturing companies employ to enhance their employees’ skills and knowledge. Sub-question 1a delves into the training need assessment, enabling a deeper understanding of the factors considered when identifying specific training requirements. Sub-question 1b focuses on the training methods and resources, shedding light on the techniques and tools commonly utilized in the manufacturing sector.

Research Question 2:

Research Question 2 aims to examine the impact of employee training on job performance within the United States manufacturing industry. By investigating the relationship between training and job performance, this research question provides insights into the effectiveness of training programs and their outcomes. Sub-question 2a explores the key performance indicators used to evaluate the effectiveness of employee training programs. In addition, it helps identify the metrics and measures organizations employ to assess the impact of training on performance. Finally, sub-question 2b focuses specifically on the relationship between employee training and productivity, highlighting the connection between training initiatives and the overall productivity of the manufacturing sector.

Research Question 3:

Research Question 3 aims to explore the potential consequences of inadequate employee training within the United States manufacturing industry. By investigating the impact of inadequate training, this research question addresses the broader implications of the problem statement. Sub-question 3a examines how a lack of training contributes to employee dissatisfaction and turnover. It explores the relationship between training deficiencies and adverse outcomes, such as reduced job satisfaction and increased turnover rates. Sub-question 3b focuses on the financial implications of inadequate training for manufacturing companies, highlighting the costs associated with reduced employee performance and turnover. Furthermore, sub-question 3c focuses on employee morale and productivity can suffer when performance decreases and turnover increases. To address this, companies should focus on creating a positive work environment and offering opportunities for growth and development. Doing so can help improve employee performance and reduce turnover.