For this final project you will continue with the social issue that…

For this final project you will continue with the social issue that you selected (health and wealth) and you will create an essay where you discuss your perspective. You will use the ideas and information from the summary-response and the quote log to make a case study.

 Connection to other Course Assignments

The Case Study Project is the culminating assignment, where you will tie together all of the information and ideas from the course.
All of the reading, writing, thinking, and discussing that you have done over the past several weeks have led up to this assignment.

Sources: Purnell, J. Q. (2015). Financial health is public health. In L. Choi, D. Erickson, K. Griffin, A. Levere, & E. Seidman (Eds.), What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Futures of Families, Communities, and the Nation (pp. 163-171). Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Clay, R. A. (2001, October). Wealth secures health. Monitor on Psychology, 32(9), p. 78.

Sapolsky, R.M. (2018). The health-wealth gap. Scientific American, 319(5), pp. 62-67.


Your submission should include all of the following components:


Describe a “real life” instance of your selected social issue in a professional or a personal setting.
Discuss your perspective on your selected social issue, including the reasons for your viewpoint.
Discuss how your core values inform or influence your perspective on your selected social issue.
Demonstrate that you are really thinking about your issue—don’t settle for easy answers, don’t pretend that conflicting evidence doesn’t exist, and don’t feel that you have to take an either-or position.
Discuss the complexities of your selected social issue. For example, do not just conclude that using academic language is always good, or that government surveillance is always bad, or that wealth automatically leads to health. Think about the intricacies of these issues and how they play out in everyday life.

To earn the maximum possible points on this assignment, use and cite at least five sources:

Cite three of the assigned course readings on your selected issue (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth). Sources from the assigned readings do not require a reference list for this assignment.
Use and cite two more sources (course readings or otherwise). Sources that are not from the assigned readings must be listed at the end of the paper on a reference. List author, year of publication, title, and URL. Full APA  is not required for the reference page.
In-text citations for all sources should be in APA.

These examples show options for citing a paraphrase:

This is a paraphrased sentence (Author, year).

Author (year) explains that ….

These examples show options for citing a quote:

A recent study showed that “this is the quoted passage” (Author, year, p./para. number).

Author (year) explains, “this is the quoted passage” (p./para. number).


Previous quotes and thesis used in previous assignments: 


Thesis: The unequal distribution of wealth is a significant contributor to health disparities. Economic stability is crucial for individuals to access healthcare, proper nutrition, and a safe living environment.

1. Purnell, J. Q. (2015). Financial health is public health. In L. Choi, D. Erickson, K. Griffin, A. Levere, & E. Seidman (Eds.), What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Futures of Families, Communities, and the Nation (pp. 163-171). Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Quote: “The impact of poverty on health is a fundamental reason why financial health is public health” (p. 163). 

Sapolsky, R.M. (2018). The health-wealth gap. Scientific American, 319(5), pp. 62-67.

Quote: “Being poor leads to elevated levels of stress, which in turn promotes a host of deleterious physiological outcomes” (p. 63). Paraphrase: Sapolsky claims that poverty causes stress, which leads to various adverse physical consequences. 

3. Clay, R. A. (2001, October). Wealth secures health. Monitor on Psychology, 32(9), p. 78.

Quote: “People with higher incomes are generally healthier than those with lower incomes” (p. 78). 

Purnell, J. Q. (2015). Financial health is public health. In L. Choi, D. Erickson, K. Griffin, A. Levere, & E. Seidman (Eds.), What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Futures of Families, Communities, and the Nation (pp. 163-171). Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Quote: “The negative health consequences of poverty are not limited to adults but begin in childhood” (p. 166). 

Sapolsky, R.M. (2018). The health-wealth gap. Scientific American, 319(5), pp. 62-67.

Quote: “We must also consider the ways that poverty gets under the skin and becomes biology” (p. 65).

Clay, R. A. (2001, October). Wealth secures health. Monitor Psychology,

Quote: “Socioeconomic status is one of the most powerful predictors of health, disease and mortality” (para. 2).

Paraphrase: Clay argues that socioeconomic status is a strong predictor of an individual’s health, disease, and risk of death.