For requirements determination, the traditional sources of…

For requirements determination, the traditional sources of information about a system include interviews, questionnaires, observation, and procedures, forms, and other useful documents. Describe one such tool that you would use, including its purpose, advantages and disadvantages. Justify why such tool would be ideal for your requirements determination. Provide justifications and citations for your responses. Respond to at least two of your peers and provide recommendations to extend their thinking. Challenge your peers by asking a question that may cause them to reevaluate their choice of requirements determination method. Provide examples that support your peers’ explanations.

pretty much just have any other recommendations for these two post or anything else to add or disagree with? 


1st post: 


For requirements determination, the traditional sources of information about a system include interviews, questionnaires, observation, and procedures, forms, and other useful documents. Describe one such tool that you would use, including its purpose, advantages and disadvantages.

A tool that I would use for requirement determination would be in a form of a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a traditional source to gather information or data usually a questionnaire is in written form, but I would say a questionnaire falls under an interview as you can verbally ask interviewees. Some of the advantages of a questionnaire consist of that they are cost effective, results are fast, and they offer privacy for the respondents to answer honestly (Debois, 2022). While the disadvantages of a questionnaire are that respondents can answer them dishonestly, they can skip questions, and there is the fear that your respondents can have questionnaire fatigue or fear as they will not answer your questionnaire truly due being hassled with other questionnaires (Debois, 2022).


 Justify why such tool would be ideal for your requirements determination.

My week 1 assignment on a business system was to improve my organization’s vendor which we use to perform expense reporting and tracking, and we would like a vendor offer a software system that can track expenses and book travel for our employees. A tool like a questionnaire would be a great fit to identify data that I would need in order to make decisions on whether or not my organization needs to keep or move on to another expense and travel software. Questionnaire answered truly form our employees will identify the pain points that they are having which will show the systems analyst what areas that need improving and areas to focus on for a new vendor.



Post 2: 

In the process of assessing the requirements, interviews are one way that may be used. Interviews are done with a variety of stakeholders, including users, developers, and project managers, in an effort to gather information about the system directly from those stakeholders. Some of the advantages of conducting interviews include the opportunity to collect detailed and precise information, the flexibility to ask follow-up questions, and the potential to develop connections with stakeholders. In addition, surveys and other methods such as observation and other types of inquiry, such as interviews, may help identify hidden or implicit needs; nonetheless, interviews are the most effective method for discovering these needs.
However, there are a few negatives to interviews that should be noted. One of the possible disadvantages is that they may be time-consuming, since each interview must be arranged and conducted in a unique way. Another possible disadvantage is that they are subject to bias, because the interviewer has the capacity to influence the replies of the interviewee. In addition, it may be difficult to get accurate replies from certain stakeholders, such as end-users, since they may not fully comprehend the system or their own needs.
In spite of these shortcomings, conducting interviews as a method for assessing requirements would still be very effective, since they permit the gathering of exact and specific information that would not be readily apparent using other methods. In addition, the ability to build connections with stakeholders and ask follow-up questions may be useful for identifying implicit or unstated demands. In addition, interviewers may utilize their expertise to probe for information and ask pertinent questions in order to get the essential information for the evaluation of needs.
Due to the fact that we are integrating two entirely unrelated sectors — coding and operational military training — these aspects of my plan are very advantageous. My suggestion is to include virtual reality software into military aviation training in order to save time, money, and improve performance. I am aware that collaboration may and will occur through email and the telephone; but, interviews with the military subject matter experts (SME) and coders associated with this project will provide light on the intangibles.
In summary, the use of interviews as a strategy for determining requirements may result in the acquisition of accurate and detailed information, the opportunity to ask follow-up questions, and the ability to establish a rapport with the coders and the military SMES.