BrigadierOxide24437 Exit case B           Here are the questions, and below the…Exit case B Image transcription textCollege of Business Exit Case Analysis – Part B Preparation &Grading Scheme: Your grade on the Exit Case Analysis is based onhow well you demonstrate your abilities in: ” Pro… Show more… Show more Image transcription textCase Instructions: The company in the case, Boeing, has hired youas a strategist to produce a strategic analysis on its corporatestrategies. The company had seen tremendous growth… Show more… Show more Image transcription text4. Implementation: D Produce a 3-year plan to implement theselected strategy, by specifying: Which group(s) of stakeholderswill be affected by your choice of strategy? What stake… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 4:07 PM Boeing Company – Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results & BOEING All News * Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results Oct 27, 2021 CHICAGO, Oct. 2… Show more… Show more Here are the questions, and below the questions there are the case that will help you answer the questions.Read the whole case to be able to answer all the questions  Image transcription textA B C D E F G Problem-solving Skills Exceeds expectation ptsMeets Expectation pts Does Not Meet Expectation Criticalproblem Identify THE critical strategic problem. 2 Ide… Show more… Show more Image transcription textmatrix to generate alternative solutions: 1 List the firm’s keyexternal opportunities 2 List the firm’s key external threats 3 Listthe firm’s key internal strengths List the firm’s key inte… Show more… Show more   Image transcription textThe problem is It’s a problem because Not addressing thisproblem would < > Rubrics 1. Critical Problem 2-4. SWOTAnalysis 5. QSPM 6. Implementation… Show more  Image transcription textA B C D E F Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities 50 StrategyWO Strategy… Show more  Image transcription textThreats ST Strategy WT Strategy Instructions for how to use theSWOT matrix to generate alternative solutions: 1 List the firm’skey external opportunities 2 List the firm’s key externa… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textA B C D E F G H K M N O Alternative1 Alternative2 Alternative3INTERPRETATION – which alternative will you choose to im KeyFactors Weight AS TAS AS TAS AS TAS Opportunities … Show more… Show more Image transcription textO 0.3 0.9 Threats O 0.1 A 0.4 O 0 N 0 O o o o o o o o o o O 4 0 0 oooo oo 0 0 0 10… Show more Image transcription textTotal Strengths 0.3 0.3 1 0.3 0.6 0 0 4 0 o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 o oooooo ooo 0 o o o o o o O 8 0 10… Show more Image transcription textWeaknesses 0.3 LU 0.9 1 0.1 A 0.4 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 9 0 10 4.4Total… Show moreImage transcription textInstructions for how to use the Q5PM to evaluate alternativesolutions and to select the most attractive solution for the criticalproblem. Copy the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportuni… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich group(s) of stakeholders will be affected by your choice ofstrategy? W N P 4 5 What stakeholder resistance do youanticipate? 1 2 3 4… Show moreImage transcription textWhat would a step-by-step implementation plan look like for yourstrategy, with the stakeholder resistance considered? INP 3 10… Show more Here is the case.  Image transcription textTable 1. Summary Financial Results Third Quarter Nine Months(Dollars in Millions, except per share data] 2021 2020 Change2021 2020 Change Revenues $15 278 $14,139 8% $4… Show more… Show more Image transcription textTable 2. Cash Flow Third Quarter Nine Months (Millions) 20212020 2021 2020 Operating Cash Flow ($262) ($4,819) (54,132)($14,401) Less Additions to Property, Plant & Eq… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 4:07 PM Boeing Company – Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results Total company backlog at quarter-end was$367 billion. Segment Results Commercial Airplanes T… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textDefense, Space & Security Table 5. Defense, Space &Security Third Quarter Nine Months (Dollars in Millions) 20212020 Change 2021 2020 Change Revenues 56,617 $6… Show more… Show more Image transcription textDuring the quarter, Global Services captured orders for 12additional 737-800 converted freighters for BBAM, an award forperformance-based logistics support of the global C-1… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textNon-GAAP Measures Disclosures We supplement the reportingof our financial information determined under GenerallyAccepted Accounting Principles in the United States o… Show more… Show more Image transcription textCaution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This pressrelease contains “forward-looking statements” withinthe meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Refor… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statementsof Operations (Unaudited) Nine months ended Three monthsended September 30 September 30 (Dollars in million… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 4:07 PM Boeing Company – Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results Total revenues 47,493 42,854 15,27814.139 Cost of products (35,166) (36.001) (11,271) (1… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWeighted average diluted shares (millions) 587.3 566.3 589.0566.6… Show moreImage transcription textThe Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statementsof Financial Position (Unaudited) September 30 December 31(Dollars in millions, except per share data) 2021 2020 … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLiabilities and equity Accounts payable $10,151 $12,828 AccruedLiabilities 18,974 22,171 Advances and progress billings 51,26950,488 Short-term debt and current portion of long-te… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 4:07 PM Boeing Company – Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results Treasury stock, at cost – 424,789,354 and429,941,021 shares (52,030) (52,641) Retained earni… Show more… Show more Image transcription textOther charges and credits, net (82) 912 Changes in assets andliabilities – Accounts receivable (280) 125 Unbilled receivables(2,010) 56 Advances and progress billings 781 428 Inv… Show more… Show more Image transcription textCash flows – financing activities: New borrowings 9,822 42,362Debt repayments (11,049) (8.792) Stock options exercised 36 31Employee taxes on certain share-based payment arran… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 4:07 PM Boeing Company – Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results (Unaudited) Nine months ended Threemonths ended September 30 September 30 (Dollars i… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLoss before income taxes (333) (5.851) (310) (825) Income taxbenefit 207 2,349 178 459 Net loss (126) (3.502) (132) (466)Less: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest (… Show more… Show more Image transcription textThe Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Operating and FinancialData (Unaudited) Nine months ended Three months endedDeliveries September 30 September 30 Commercial A… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 4:07 PM Boeing Company – Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results CH-47 Chinook (New) 12 18 CH-47Chinook (Renewed) 5 IN F-15 Models 11 F/A-18 Mode… Show more… Show more Image transcription text(Dollars in millions, except per share data) Third Quarter 2021Third Quarter 2020 $ millions Per Share $ millions Per ShareRevenues 15,278 14,139 Earnings/(loss) from operati… Show more… Show more Image transcription textThe Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Reconciliation ofNon-GAAP Measures (Unaudited) The tables provided belowreconcile the non-GAAP financial measures core oper… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 4:07 PM Boeing Company – Boeing ReportsThird-Quarter Results Core operating earnings/[loss) (non-GAAP)$461 ($5.773) Core operating margin (non-GAAP) 1.0… Show more… Show more Image transcription text& BOEING Commercial Airplanes Fact Sheet As ofSeptember 30, 2021 Aircraft Production Rate Future ChangesBacklog Key Facts / Dates . Over 10,000 737 produce… Show more… Show more Image transcription text. 747-8 selected as next U.S. Presidential Aircraft . Secured orderfor four 747 freighter aircraft from 0.5 / mo 9 airplanes Atlas Airin 1021 * 747 production will end in 2022 Learn more … Show more… Show more Image transcription text777X combined) . Largest product launch in commercial jetlinerhistory New engines and composite wings (built in the CompositeWing Center); existing 777 fuselage 253 . In 1Q19, Bri… Show more… Show more Image transcription textDefense, Space & Security Fact Sheet As of September 30,2021 Segments Key Facts . Received contract for two KC-46Tanker aircraft for Japan in 4Q20 . Awarded contract f… Show more… Show more Image transcription text11/11/21, 2:31 PM Boeing Company – Investors . Fact SheetsGlobal Services Fact Sheet As of September 30, 2021 SegmentsKey Facts Awarded Performance Based Logistics cont… Show more… Show more Image transcription textTREFIS ANALYSIS for NYSE : BA OCTOBER 29, 2021 -CORPORATE SNAPSHOT – Boeing is one of the two majormanufacturers of 100+ seat aircraft for the global com… Show more… Show more Image transcription text- VALUATION HIGHLIGHTS – Commercial Airplanes constitute46% of the Trefis price estimate for Boeing’s stock. Defense,Space & Security Systems constitute 30%% of the… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textBOEING (DA) Lint Update 1029121 Related CAT LMT GUW GETol Stock Price Free Cash Flow 10 307n Commercial Airplanes 11.18 Defense, Space & Security Systems 17 2T Gl… Show more… Show more Image transcription textBOEING (BA) Last Update 1029/21 Related CAT LUT QLW GE” of Stock Price Revenue Adjusted EBITDA Free Cash Flow1441 8 Commercial Airplanes Defense, Space & S… Show more… Show more Image transcription textWe forecast fundamental drivers like pricing, market share, andprofit margins for different businesses in estimating the division’svalue within the DCF framework. The analysis below p… Show more… Show more Image transcription text- SOURCES OF VALUE – The commercial airplanes division is thelargest contributor to Boeing’s total value. The key factorsresponsible for thisare: Established position as one of … Show more… Show more Image transcription text- KEY TRENDS – Aircraft demand is strongly tied to globaleconomic growth A decline in passenger and cargo traffic due tothe global recession in 2009 adversely impacted reven… Show more… Show more Image transcription text- THE BOEING COMPANY NET INCOME COMPARISON – TheBoeing Company (BA) Net Income And Margin History LastUpdated: 11/6/2021 Annual Net Income 5.0 -06 -11.9 … Show more… Show more Image transcription textWhat’s Notable? The figure for BA changed significantly in 2020compared to the other years BA has shown evidence of adowntrend which is unexpected in normal course of b… Show more… Show more Image transcription textBA Net Income 15 0 105 10.0 -10 0 -11.9 2016 2017 2019 2020LTM BA Net Margin 910 10.3 54 10.0 0.8 D.O -14.3 -10 0 20.4.2016 2017 2010 2019 2020 LTM TREFIS ANALYSIS f… Show more… Show more Image transcription textNet Margin vs. Peers, Industry & Sector Based on LTM netmargin, BA is behind all peers considered In addition, it is behindboth the industry and the sector Net Margin vs Peers … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text- THE BOEING COMPANY VS INDUSTRY PEERS – The BoeingCompany vs Lockheed Martin Last Updated On: 11/4/2021Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace co… Show more… Show more Image transcription textHIGH RELIANCE ON THE U.S. GOVERNMENT: About 94% ofLockheed’s revenue comes from the U.S. government through itsagencies such as the Department of Defense, Homela… Show more… Show more Image transcription textBA vs LMT Peer Comparison: LMT Looks More Interesting [1]Market Valuation: At P/S of 2.0, BA stock is more expensive perdollar of sales compared to 1.4 for LMT Market Valuat… Show more… Show more Image transcription text[3] Financial Risk: Then, is the market is assigning more risk toLMT? Unlikely as the company does not appear to be at higherrisk vs BA – LMT has a better debt position, with debt a… Show more… Show more Image transcription textThe Boeing Company vs Airbus Source:, Airbus.comAirbus is the largest aeronautics and space company in Europe,manufacturing and delivering aerospace products, ser… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuarterly EBIT Breakdown (Cumulative) IN @MILLION Hi im5031 3030 Airturs 2.317 Helicopters Defence and Space 17Elimination 12 Complidated Airbun… Show more Image transcription text9m 2021 Commercial Positioning Consolidated Airbus OrderBook Consolidated Airbus In 2120 Airbus Order Book -74% <35.2 bn tho defence Order Inalot $4:6 bm [in units Caf... Show more... Show more Image transcription text9m 2021 Profitability EBIT Performance . Am 2021 BBITReported of < 3.437 m * am 2021 EBIT Adjustments resultingfrom + 190 m A380 programme E . 165 m POP mismat... Show more... Show more Image transcription textAIRBUS Helicopters Extomal Revenue Split INCMILLION ChangeOrder intake (rati 141 Order Book COT Adpunted Revenuesreflect growth In services and higher deliveries . EBIT ... Show more... Show more Image transcription textBarron's' reported on 10-28-2021 that with solid earning, Airbustraded higher as the company confirmed that it would deliver 600jets in 2021. Airbus predicts "a full year operatin... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textAirbus Chief Executive Guillaume Faury flagged at the company'squarterly earnings last month that snags in its supply chain wouldagain have an impact in October as suppliers come out... Show more... Show more BusinessBusiness - Other