  Email about Monitoring Employee Blogs Situation :  You can…


Email about Monitoring Employee Blogs


You can certainly sympathize with employees when they complain about having their email and instant messages monitored when using company equipment or when employees publicly state an active connection with the company on their social media accounts, but you’re only implementing a company policy that all employees agree to abide by when they join the company. Your firm, Nebcor Builders of Ottawa, Ontario, is one of the growing number of Canadian companies with such monitoring systems in place. More and more companies use these systems (which typically operate by scanning messages for keywords that suggest confidential, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate content) in an attempt to avoid instances of sexual harassment and other problems. As the chief information officer, the manager in charge of computer systems in the company, you’re often the target when employees complain about being monitored. Consequently, you know you’re really going to hear it when employees learn that the monitoring program will be expanded to personal blogs as well.

Your task: 

make aN email to be distributed to the entire workforce, explaining that the automated monitoring program is about to be expanded to include employees’ personal blogs. Explain that while you sympathize with employee concerns regarding privacy and freedom of speech, the management team’s responsibility is to protect the company’s intellectual property and the value of the company name. Therefore, employees’ personal blogs will be added to the monitoring system to ensure that employees don’t intentionally or accidentally expose company secrets or criticize management in a way that could harm the company

Rubric: see next page






Rubric for Negative messages (15 marks)

Criteria Values Note


Correct format (0.5 marks for each element)

Pays attention to all elements of an email, mentioning: 

Signoff (and signature-not necessary)
Sender’s Name and  designation
Sender’s contact details
Has proper (double) spacing between paragraphs and single spacing between lines
Has at least four paragraphs in the body of the email


If there is any error in each criterion – 0 mark

Style / Grammar / Spelling-5 marks


Displays appropriate syntax and language:

Formal Style (1)

Active voice (1)

Grammar—punctuations (1), sentence structure (1)

No Spelling errors (2)

If the criteria is mentioned but has some error – 0.5 mark


If the criteria is not mentioned-0 mark

Professionalism & Effectiveness -5 marks

Demonstrates the elements mentioned below:

Starts with an appropriate buffer statement in the first paragraph (1)
Explains the reason for the negative news in the second paragraph (1)
Addresses the main purpose of the message – clearly states the message in the third paragraph (2)
Ends with a courteous close in the fourth paragraph (1)

If there is any error in each criterion – 0.5 mark


If the criteria is not mentioned-0 mark