Each multiple choice question has only one correct answer  …

Each multiple choice question has only one correct answer


Question 1 (1 point)



Which statement most accurately defines and reflects the meaning of inclusion?

Question 1 options:

  Inclusion means providing all students within special education programs assistance so that they may be successful.
  Inclusion means children are included with additional assistance and resources regardless of ability in early childhood settings, educational environments, and community programs.
  Inclusion means providing support for all students.
  An inclusive school ensures everyone is accepted in the domain of special programs.

Question 2 (1 point)


Which of the following is the most accurate definition of disability as defined by Underwood (2013), World Health Organization, and UNICEF (2012)? 

Question 2 options:

  Disability is the diagnosis given to children who require assistance in order to be successful in an educational setting.
  Disability is a characteristic of the child in order to receive resources in the learning environment.
  Disability is the interaction between the individual and their environment and where a restriction of functioning, activities or participation exist as result of barriers in the environment.
  Disability is defined as the interaction and barriers that may prevent an individual’s full participation in an educational setting.

Question 3 (1 point)


Which term best refers to the point in time when a child with a disability is getting ready to learn to do something challenging, and is highly motivated to do so? 

Question 3 options:

  teachable moment
  teachable period
   motivational moment
  motivational period

Question 4 (1 point)


What reason best describes parents’ fears about sharing information with early childhood programs regarding their children’s disabilities? 

Question 4 options:

  Parents are afraid that the children will be left out, teased, bullied, and/or hurt.
  In Canada, there is no law mandating inclusion in early childhood programs, and the parents are afraid the children will be rejected by the programs.
  Parents are afraid the children will learn inappropriate behaviours from the other children in early childhood programs.
  Parents are afraid the children will not receive the required attention from the educators or educators in early childhood programs.

Question 5 (1 point)


Who is responsible for the education and care of young Canadian children? 

Question 5 options:

  federal government
  provincial and territorial governments
  federal, provincial, and municipal governments
  municipal government

Question 6 (1 point)


Early Childhood educators have a long tradition of being advocates. What does the term advocacy mean? 

Question 6 options:

  speaking and acting in support of or on behalf of people or ideas
  joining professional organizations to support inclusion
  providing high quality care for all children
  showing commitment to inclusive education

Question 7 (1 point)


Which of the following are stressors that often arise for siblings of children who have special needs? 

Question 7 options:

  having no one to help with one’s own homework, having to take on the role of the sibling’s babysitter, and having to help with the sibling’s homework or planned activities
  having to take on role of the sibling’s babysitter, having to leave class because of the sibling’s needs, and having to remain after school to help coach the sibling’s extracurricular activities
  fear of hitting the sibling who has special needs, fear of being blamed for the sibling’s mistakes, and fear of being punished for the sibling’s wrongdoings
  being jealous of parents’ attention towards the sibling, having guilt feelings about being angry with the sibling, and being embarrassed to bring friends home because of the sibling’s special needs

Question 8 (1 point)


In which context is it most appropriate for educators and parents to discuss behavioural or learning issues of the child? 

Question 8 options:

  arrival time
  departure time
  at an arranged conference time
  on the telephone or at an informal meeting

Question 9 (1 point)


What is the most important ingredient in creating a true partnership with families? 

Question 9 options:

  teaching families what they need to know about their child’s program
  developing mutual trust between parents and caregivers/professionals
  speaking to parents rather than with parents
  maintaining a professional distance but a caring attitude

Question 10 (1 point)


What is the primary and most effective source of information regarding the disability of a child? 

Question 10 options:

  special coursework or training
  clinician’s manual

Question 11 (1 point)


What term does Vygotsky use to refer to the strategy of providing decreasing levels of support while placing higher demands as the child progresses toward the goal of independent problem solving, in the context of the teaching/learning process? 

Question 11 options:


Question 12 (1 point)


Generally speaking, why is it unwise to assign a label of cognitive delay to a young child? 

Question 12 options:

  There are too many concerns about the definition of cognitive delay and what it really means.
  Cognitive delay is too broad a term to give to young children who may have multiple disorders or disabling conditions.
  There are too many children being labelled with this term, and the children will carry this label for the rest of their lives.
  Children change; they evolve. The younger the child, the more likely it is that changes will occur.

Question 13 (1 point)


To work effectively with infants and children who have special needs, educators must have which of the following? 

Question 13 options:

  a course in cultural norms and special needs
  a diploma or degree in child development and special needs
  a thorough knowledge of growth and development within cultural norms
  a caring and respectful attitude

Question 14 (1 point)


What is the significant chromosomal factor of Down Syndrome? 

Question 14 options:

  extra chromosome on chromosome 21
  extra chromosome on chromosome 47
  structural abnormality on X chromosome
  structural abnormality on Y chromosome

Question 15 (1 point)


There are no set programs for working with children who have cognitive delays; however, universal design for learning (UDL) provides several promising strategies. Which of the following is a guideline for working with children? 

Question 15 options:

  Break down tasks into small steps, focusing on one step at a time.
  Encourage children to imagine and create their own possibilities.
  Use playground and gym equipment to ensure the development of gross motor skills.
  Be sure children have proper nutrition and rest throughout the day.

Question 16 (1 point)


Which statement best describes children who are gifted or talented?

Question 16 options:

  They demonstrate abilities that are more advanced in all areas of development when compared to children of the same age. 
  They demonstrate abilities that are more advanced than their peers with regard to maturity and emotional/social development.
  They demonstrate abilities that are considered to have abilities like those of geniuses.
  They demonstrate abilities that are advanced in one or more areas of development when compared to children of the same age.

Question 17 (1 point)


According to research, which of the following best describes when children who are truly gifted develop best? 

Question 17 options:

  when they are in an environment where they are indulged because of their gifts or talents
  when they are in an environment that recognizes and responds to their special needs
  when they are in an environment where they feel special
  when they are in an environment where they are treated like everyone else

Question 18 (1 point)


Which of the following is most seriously impacted by hearing loss? 

Question 18 options:

  cognitive development
  early speech and language development
  social development
  family life development

Question 19 (1 point)


Poor vision has an impact on which of the following? 

Question 19 options:

  all aspects of development
  cognitive and social development
  language development
  physical and cognitive development

Question 20 (1 point)


What device is useful for a child with poor balance and faulty coordination? 

Question 20 options:

  suction device
  indoor and outdoor railings attached in strategic places
  floor coverings

Question 21 (1 point)


What should you NOT advise a child to do at the beginning of an asthma attack? 

Question 21 options:

  rest, relax, and stay calm
  remain sitting in an upright position
  drink a cold liquid
  sip warm water

Question 22 (1 point)


Which term refers to a rapid allergic reaction that can be life threatening if not treated immediately? 

Question 22 options:

  high blood pressure
  anaphylactic shock
  sleep apnea

Question 23 (1 point)


Which treatment has been shown to reduce medication use for children with ADHD? 

Question 23 options:

  medication management
  behavioural treatment
  routine community care
  combination of medication management and behavioural treatment

Question 24 (1 point)


According to the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada, which statement best defines the term learning disabilities? 

Question 24 options:

  Learning disabilities refers to conditions such as perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimum brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.
  Learning disabilities refers to a number of disorders that may affect the acquisition, organization, retention, understanding, or use of verbal and nonverbal communication.
  Learning disabilities refers to children who have learning problems, primarily as the result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
  Learning disabilities refers to disorders in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, may manifest themselves in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.

Question 25 (1 point)


What is one of the best strategies an educator must use when working with children with learning disabilities and giving them directions? 

Question 25 options:

  Have fun with the child throughout all your interaction.
  Make sure that they sit still during circle time.
  Wait and allow time for them to process the directions and respond.
  Insist that they listen to all directions before responding.

Question 26 (1 point)


For what reason are educators in an advantageous situation, relative to clinicians, to identify developmental or potential problems? 

Question 26 options:

  level of comfort and spontaneity
  observation of similar ages
  observation of similar interests
  extended periods of time and many situations to observe

Question 27 (1 point)


What is the difference between an individual education plan (IEP) and an individual family service plan (IFSP)? 

Question 27 options:

  An IEP is a plan that provides services to a child or individual who has special needs; an IFSP is a plan that includes and offers services to the family of a child who has special needs.
  An IEP is for an infant or toddler receiving early intervention services; an IFSP is used for children older than three years.
  An IFSP is a more interactive, dynamic, family-friendly document than the IEP.
  An IFSP was created at an earlier time than the IEP.

Question 28 (1 point)


How can early childhood services help children with special needs move more easily into a new environment? 

Question 28 options:

  discuss transitions
  carefully plan transitions
  arrange a party
  give a gift

Question 29 (1 point)


When visiting prospective or alternative programs, it is important for the coordinator and the parents to do which of the following? 

Question 29 options:

  Sit in on staff meetings.
  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the program.
  Take notes on the environment, staff-child interactions, program approach, and parent involvement.
  Take enough time to observe the program routines, learning opportunities, and activities.

Question 30 (1 point)


According to Gonzalez-Mena & Eyer (2007), what do caregivers need to remember about their relationships with parents? 

Question 30 options:

  Staff and parents need to collaborate and provide the child with warm and responsive care.
  Positive interaction between parents and staff enables the child to feel more secure.
  Positive interaction between staff and parents can help parents feel more confident in their roles and with their child care choices.
  Staff and parents need to share thoughts and feeling about the child’s development.

Question 31 (1 point)


To meet the needs of the infant and toddler, caregivers should develop which of the following skills? 

Question 31 options:

  Responding to the infants and toddlers in a spontaneous way.
  Waiting for the infant or toddler to make an overture or response to stimulation.
  Giving the infant or toddler the room or space to develop.
  Talking and playing with the infant or toddler in ways that actively encourage development.

Question 32 (1 point)


Directors and families of children in school-aged child care programs often need to do which of the following? 

Question 32 options:

  strongly advocate for additional supports for children who have special needs
  advocate for children’s rights in the provincial legislature
  hire a lobbyist to advocate for school-aged children who have special needs
  write letters to the community to gain supports for school-aged children who have special needs

Question 33 (1 point)


Who is the “third educator” in the classroom considered to be? 

Question 33 options:

  the child
  the parent
  the physical environment
  the library

Question 34 (1 point)


According to Underwood (2013), the best indoor and outdoor learning environment is based on which of the following? 

Question 34 options:

  universal design so that all children have a variety of ways to access and participate in activities
  maximum amount of special equipment in the classroom so that all children have an opportunity to use the equipment
  discussion about special equipment in the classroom
  discussion about the concept of special needs within the classroom

Question 35 (1 point)


Although social responses are influenced by temperament, it is especially important to remember that all social behaviours are which of the following? 

Question 35 options:

  influenced by the environment

Question 36 (1 point)


How does Shanker (2017) describe self-regulation? 

Question 36 options:

  At its core, self-regulation refers to the manner in which a child recovers from the expenditure of energy required to deal with stressors.
  Self-regulation refers to the child’s ability to deal with and recover from stressors.
  At its core, self-regulation refers to the child’s ability to remain calm and deal with stressors.
  At its core, self-regulation is a skill that children learn and that this takes time.

Question 37 (1 point)


What is meant by social reinforcement? 

Question 37 options:

  children’s appropriate responses to one another in a social context
  the positive and negative feedback children receive from adults and peers that leads to further learning, either appropriate or inappropriate
  children’s inappropriate responses to the adults in their lives
  the positive feedback parents give children in social environments

Question 38 (1 point)


Educators must be concerned about the safety of all children in the group as well as the child who is displaying aggressive behaviours. According to the text, what issues might be at stake when dealing with aggressive behaviours? 

Question 38 options:

  control issues
  ethical issues
  emotional/stress issues
  societal issues

Question 39 (1 point)


Many children have learned that inappropriate behaviour is the best way to get an adult’s attention. What is the best approach to take in situations such as this? 

Question 39 options:

  Ignore the children’s behaviours.
  Remind the children that what they are doing is inappropriate.
  Give attention to the children when they are behaving appropriately.
  Give the children a time-out.

Question 40 (1 point)


What is the relationship between brain development and the impact on cognitive growth and learning? 

Question 40 options:

  From preschool to school age the brain forms a network of neural pathways; a major developmental task at this age is to form and reinforce these links so that they become a permanent part of the brain’s wiring.
  From the time of birth to the first few years the brain forms a network of neural pathways; a major developmental task at this age is to form and reinforce these links so that they become a permanent part of the brain’s wiring.
  Brain development occurs through continual and repeated connections.
  The pattern for cognitive growth and learning is set within the brain during the first few weeks of life.

Question 41 (1 point)


What is meant by perceptual motor skills? 

Question 41 options:

  the process of more than one sense working together to understand a sensory message
  the process of arranging objects in order
  movement generated by sensory messages such as seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, or touching
  the process of using manipulative materials to strengthen one’s fingers and wrists

Question 42 (1 point)


When discussing cognitive learning activities, it is important for educators to have a view of cognitive learning in what way? 

Question 42 options:

  a play-based learning approach
  an educator directed approach
  a holistically approach
  a close-ended approach

Question 43 (1 point)


How would the concepts of speech and language be defined? 

Question 43 options:

  Speech is the exchange of thoughts and ideas, feelings, emotions, likes, and dislikes; language depends on articulation: the ability to produce sounds distinctly and correctly.
  Speech is verbal; language is the printed word.
  Speech is the sound system of a language, the way we communicate verbally; language is a code or symbol system that enables individuals to express ideas and communicate them to others who use the same code.
  Speech is a code or symbol system that enables individuals to express ideas and communicate them to others who use the same code; language is the sound system, the way we communicate verbally.

Question 44 (1 point)


Which term refers to the words an individual speaks or signs? 

Question 44 options:

  receptive language
  recognized language
  spoken language
  expressive language


Allen, K. E., Cowdery, G. E., Paasche, C. L., Langford, R., Nolan, K., & Cipparrone, B. (2021). Inclusion in early childhood programs (7th Canadian ed.). Cengage Learning, Inc.