Description You will write an assignment which comprises a response…


You will write an assignment which comprises a response to an essay question and the development of solutions/recommendations relating to one of the topics you have completed in this course.
As part of your preparation for this assessment, you are advised to engage with all of the modules and topics that are covered in this course
Students must read and follow the directions below and be sure that they are containing a minimum of three contemporary academic peer-reviewed journal articles (published within the last three years). to support each of the points they make in their essay. Refer to the section relating to ‘Reference List’ for more information 

Choose one topic question, either Topic 1 or Topic 2

Question 1 relates to: Digital Environment (Module 2) however other modules also relate. 

‘Technology and automation is rapidly changing the way we work’. As manual workplace tasks become automated, many workers will experience job displacement with implications for low-skilled workforces.’ 

In this essay explain how and why the future of work will impact low-skilled workers. Remember to define the term ‘Low-Skilled worker’ in relation to the industry or job you will examine, using a peer reviewed journal article.
Identify an industry/job that is likely to be or has been affected, and the implications this may have for one (1) equity/minority group (e.g. migrants, foreign workers, people with a disability, older workers, or younger workers – remember to define this group using a peer-reviewed journal article).
Based on the issues you have identified, provide two (2)solutions that may reduce the implications of job displacement for your chosen equity/minority group.


1,000 words (+/- 10%) i.e. (minimum of 900 words to a maximum of 1,100 words). Please note that the word count does include the in-text citations however does not include the reference list or title page

Your assessment submission should follow the structure below. Students are required to use these headings as a template for the essay. 

Title page:

Title of your solutions paper
Your name and student number
Tutors name
Workshop time and location

Introduction (approx 100 words) 

Introduce what you will be doing in this paper (brief overview of focus of report – i.e. that you will be discussing this topic and providing recommendations/solutions to a workplace problem)
Briefly justify the importance/significance of this paper (why it is important for organisations, employees, society, etc.)

Response to essay topic (approx 400 words):

Here, you will need to draw on current research from a minimum of three scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles (published in the last three years). Students are encouraged to read and use many more so as to inform their knowledge on the topic
In this section students, need to effectively demonstrate their knowledge of the topic and their ability to critically analyse the topic being investigated. This section goes beyond simple summary and description and requires an analytical approach to the problem/s or issue/s, indicating that you have understood the problem/s or issue/s and can make useful links between theory and practice. Be sure to introduce and define any key terms used in relation to the group you are focusing on and the topic/issue/ideas/concepts
Using evidence from the research (scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles) you have undertaken you will need to discuss things such as:
What the problem actually is
The size or scale of the problem
The costs/issues associated with the problem
Justify why is it a problem that needs to be addressed in relation to the future of work
For tips on researching please visit the GBS Guide to ResearchingLinks to an external site.

Recommendations (approx 400 words):

Reflecting on the issues you wrote about relating to your essay question, in your own words, provide two to three well-considered solutions/recommendations for how you might solve the major issues you have raised in your response to your chosen topic
To demonstrate your critical thinking skills, the recommendations or solutions should be theoretically relevant and practically viable and it should be clear how you have arrived at these recommendations based on the research you have undertaken in your response to the essay topic (i.e. the recommendation should link effectively to the discussion you had in the previous section and should not appear random or unrelated)
Each recommendation should also be accompanied with a justification of its importance or significance

Summary (approx 100 words):

End the paper by briefly summarising the key points raised in the paper
The reader should be left with a brief reminder of the issues raised, their importance and that you have raised viable recommendations
Please note that no new ideas or literature should be added in the summary

Reference list:

The report should be supported using in-text citations and a reference list containing a minimum of three contemporary academic peer-refereed journal articles (published within the last three years). If you wish to use articles that are older than this you may, however this would be in addition to the minimum of three published since 2019. Three is a bare minimum and students are encouraged to read and use many more so as to inform their knowledge on the topic.
Students should consistently apply either the APA or Harvard referencing system
Please note that the reference list does not contribute towards the word count
For support on referencing please visit the GBS Referencing GuideLinks to an external site.