karen2day CORPORATE GOVERNANCE   Please read the below slides. Write a short…CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Please read the below slides. Write a short essay of no more than 350 words. The essay should analyze business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and employee behaviour in different countries.      SLIDES: Image transcription textBalancing Economic, legal and Social Responsibilities . Anyorganization and manager must seek to juggle mulpleresponsibilities. The belief that the business of busines… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSocial Responsibility . An emphasis on social responsibility canattract customers. A poll conducted by Opinion ResearchCorporation showed that 89 percent of purchases by a… Show more… Show more Image transcription textEconomic Obligations and Social Responsibility D0 sociallyresponsible companies sacrifice profits by workingconscientiously to promote the social good? Do they … Show more… Show more Image transcription textSocial Programme 0 Any social programme—for example,in—company child care center, a drug education Program foremployees, or the lending of company executives as ad… Show more… Show more Image transcription textLegal Requirements versus Corporate Socia Responsibility .Accompanying a firms economic responsibility to its stockholdersare its legal obligations. As a member of society, a firm … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLegal requirements . Laws and regulations help create a levelplaying field for businesses that compete against one another. Byrequiring all firms to meet the same social standards-f… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCriteria . The traditional economic and legal criteria are necessarybut not sufficient conditions of corporate legitimacy. Thecorporation that flouts them will not survive; even the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.»WWWW- ./ | nte rests 0 Toplevel managers, along with acorporation’s board of directors, are generally expected toproduce as much value as possible for the company’s o… Show more… Show more Image transcription textInterest However. stockholders are not the only stakeholdergroup that management must keep in mind. The leaders of theworld’s largest organizations from E1u’ope. Asia, and … Show more… Show more Image transcription textResponsibility 0 These are the kinds of risks faced by corporatemanagers who have a legal responsibility to produce high valuefor the corPany’s stockholder—owners but who also m… Show more… Show more Image transcription textCorporate SocialResponsibility around the World . Socialresponsibility reflects cultural values and traditions and takesdifferent forms in different societies. . What may be th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCorporate Responsibility . Japanese firm, have proven themselvesto be model citizens on many dimensions of corporate socialresponsibility. . Their support of local community activ… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textcorporate social responsibility 0 According to Lawrence and PostThe practice of corporate social responsibility has also spread toother Asian countries. 0 In Indonesia, for example, the … Show more… Show more Image transcription textCorporate social responsibility . Corporate social responsibilityhas assumed a different form in European countries. . There,governments have provided many social services ofte… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCorporate social responsibility . In many of the world’s developingnations where poverty is widespread or civil strife is frequent,economic goals and military activities tend to be given … Show more… Show more Image transcription textCorporate social responsibility . Corporate social responsibility isa highly debatable notion. Some argue that its benefits includediscouraging government regulation and promoting lo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCorporate social responsibility 0 Socially responsible businessesshould attempt to balance economic, legal, and social obligations.0 Following an enlightened selfinterest approach, a fir… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCorporate Social Responsiveness . Corporate socialresponsiveness is seen in the processes a firm establishes toaddress social demands initiated by corporate stakeho… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text. Central to the practice of corporate citizenship are collaborativepartnerships, as per the case study where businesses jointogether and with their likely stakeholders (governme… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPolicy Stage- In the first stage of social responsiveness, thecompany becomes aware of those parts of the surroundingenvironment to which it needs to respond and act on. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFramework for Social Policy . Framework for Social Policy: . Afterreaching the organizational commitment stage, the company mustdevelop specific guidelines to direct the strategic socia… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHow to become socially responsible 0 Organization can alsoensure top management. has this philosophy 0 Employ sociallyresponsive strategies 0 Social Audits 0 Awards 0 Moni… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSummary Points 0 Corporate social responsibility means that acorporation should be held accountable for any of its actions thataffect people,I their communities, and their epvironme… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSummary Points How to become socially responsible: . Steps: .Policy Stage . Learning Stage . Organization must becomecommitted To reinforce: Monitoring and evaluation m… Show more… Show more       BusinessBusiness – Other