case study link : Maryland Technology Consultants Case Study -…

case study link: Maryland Technology Consultants Case Study – Maryland Technology Consultants is a fictitious company – Studocu



Assignment – BA&SR:   Introduction and Section I. Strategic Use of Technology 


Write an appropriate Introduction to the entire BA&SR Report (guidelines are provided below).  Section I of the BA&SR document contains an organizational analysis and identifies ways in which an information system to improve the hiring process can help MTC, the organization in the case study, meet its strategic goals and meet the information needs of various levels of management. 


Using the case study, assignment instructions, Content readings, and external research, develop your Introduction and Section I. Strategic Use of Technology.  To start, review the readings in Weeks 1 and 2. The case study tells you that the executives and employees at MTC have identified a need for an effective and efficient applicant tracking or hiring system.  As you review the case study, use the assignment instructions to take notes to assist in your analysis.


Use the outline format, headings and tables provided and follow all formatting instructions below.  For Stage 1, create a title page and reference page that will be used for all 4 stages.


Apply specific information from the case study to address each area.



Begin your report with a clear, concise, well organized introduction to explain why you are writing and what is to come in the complete BA&SR report (not just Stage 1).  This should briefly set the context for MTC – business purpose, environment, and current challenges related to hiring.  Then specifically provide what is to come in the full report.   Keep your audience in mind – this is an internal report for the CIO of MTC. Provide an introduction in one paragraph that engages the reader’s interest in continuing to read your report.

Strategic Use of Technology
Business Strategy – In this section, you should clearly present – at a broad level – what MTC’s business strategy is (refer to case study information), then what issues the current manual hiring process may present that interfere with achieving that strategy, and how improving the hiring process will benefit MTC and support its business strategy.  (Use two to three strong sentences that explain how the system would support the strategy and justify your position with specifics from the Case Study.)


Competitive Advantage – First, provide an overview of the competitive environment that MTC is currently operating in based on information from the case study. Then explain how and why MTC can use the new hiring system to increase its competitive advantage and help achieve its overall business strategy.  Your explanation should demonstrate your understanding of what competitive advantage is as well as how improving the hiring process will help achieve MTC’s competitive advantage. Include how MTC can use the type of data or information that will be in the hiring system to improve its competitive advantage.  (Paragraph of 4-5 sentences)


Strategic Objectives- Review the four Strategic Goals presented in the Strategic Business Plan section of the MTC Case Study.  The CIO has asked you to come up with an example of an objective to help meet each goal and explain how a new hiring system would help achieve that objective.  As you can see from the example provided in the table below, an objective is a statement that is clear (not vague) and is something that can be measured or evaluated to determine whether it has been met or not. An important part of setting objectives is that they are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound).  In order to evaluate whether an objective has been achieved, it’s important to be able to measure it.  Consider this difference – Student wants to get a degree (non-specific and not measurable) vs.  Student wants to earn a degree in Information Systems Management by May 2020.  (This objective provides specific what and when.)   First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this table.  Then, for each of the rows listed below, complete the table with the requested information.  (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table.  Create an objective for each of the 3 remaining goals and explain using 2-3 complete sentences for each.)   Note:  This is not about an objective to implement a hiring system or broad business goals but rather the focus is on objectives that would be supported by the use of a technology solution to support/improve the hiring process.

Strategic Goal

 (from case study)


(clear, measurable and time-bound)


(2-3 sentences)

Increase MTC Business Development by winning new contracts in the areas of IT Consulting



Build a cadre of consultants internationally to provide remote research and analysis support to MTC’s onsite teams in the U. S.


EXAMPLE PROVIDED – (Retain text but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

Increase international recruiting efforts and employ 5 research analysts in the next 12 months. 

The new hiring system would allow applicants from around the world to apply online, increasing the number of international applicants.  It would enable the recruiters to carefully monitor the applications for these positions, identify the necessary research and analysis skills needed, and screen resumes for these key skills.   Recruiters could quickly view the number of applicants and identify when additional recruiting efforts are needed to meet the objective. 

Continue to increase MTC’s ability to quickly provide high quality consultants to awarded contracts to best serve the clients’ needs    

Increase MTC’s competitive advantage in the IT consulting marketplace by increasing its reputation for having IT consultants who are highly skilled in leading edge technologies and innovative solutions for its clients




Decision Making – In the reading, “How Information Supports Decision Making,” you were introduced to the information requirements of various levels of the organization.  First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section. Then, for each of the management roles listed below, complete the table with the appropriate level (as defined in the reading – one word is all that is required in this column), an example of a specific decision supported by the Hiring System to be made at that level, and what type of information from the hiring system would be needed to support that decision.  Think about what information the hiring system could provide about applicants, etc., and then identify an example of a decision that might be made by each level of management. A decision is a choice or conclusion that the management might make about business operations or future planning. This is not about the decisions about implementing a new technology solution or about general responsibilities of each role. Example:  A decision example could be stated as:  CEO decides to expand MTC’s services to include cybersecurity.  He can make this decision because the hiring system provides information that many applicants have the needed skills, certifications and experience to enable MTC to easily recruit IT consultants in this area. (Provide an introductory sentence then copy the table and insert information within, writing in complete sentences.)


Role Level as defined in Course Content Reading  Example of Possible Decision  Supported by Hiring System Example of Information the Hiring System Could Provide to Support Your Example Decision

Senior/Executive Managers 

(Decisions made by the CEO and the CFO at MTC supported by the hiring system.)


Middle Managers

(Decisions made by the Director of HR and the Manager of Recruiting supported by the hiring system.)


Operational Managers

(Decisions made by the line managers in the organization who are hiring for their projects supported by the hiring system.)


Please I really need your help