Can you please give a substantiated reply to this post below…

Can you please give a substantiated reply to this post below please? 


“As a Servant leadership, your responsibility is to put the needs of your employees and customers over your own. When you show motivation and inspire employees, they will show their best work and know why their work is worth it. “Servant leadership is a leadership model developed by Robert K. Greenleaf. Servant leaders display characteristics such as strong listening skills, empathy, self-awareness, and the desire to createa healthy work environment.” (Asana,2022) Also, a servant leadership views their own leadership as an opportunity to serve and share their power with others. They also make sure to build trust and communicate with their employees and create an open environment to express their opinions or ideas.  

In the Topic resources, I did enjoy reading the part of the leadership examples, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Teresa. All these examples were born not made and they also showed how to form leadership relationships instead of thinking of themselves and their needs. In a workplace, there will be leadership failures, but you must take the lessons learned and try to improve but it seems like more cases are arising of poor leadership. In the article they mention that “In fact, a Gallup study that examined the relationships between employees and their managers found that of 7,200 people surveyed who left their jobs; half did so because of a bad manager”. (Gandolfi and Stone, 2018)  


The way I will apply servant leadership in my field is by being open-minded with ideas or thoughts from others, instead of closing off. Although you may think an idea does not make sense, sometimes it can work. I will make sure everyone is heard and allowed to speak and able to feel comfortable in the work environment. It is always nice to have an environment where you can call home and have a team that considers each other’s family. For example, the job I currently work at, we work as a team and make sure everyone that needs help gets it. We put customers first in front of our own and throw in ideas to help the company grow. In GCU, you can see that servant leadership is applied, especially between professors and students. Professors make sure to respond to any messages quickly and provide you with the help you need or any feedback. The few classes I have taken at GCU, I have always been able to reach out to professors with any questions of assignments or reach out to any counselors.” 


Asana, T. (2022, August 25). What is servant leadership? definition, principles, & benefits [2022] • asana. Asana. https://asana.com/resources/servant-leadership 


Gandolfi, F., Stone,S. (2018) Leadership, Leadership Styles and Servant Leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4) ,261-269. https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=132968632&site=ehost-live&scope=site 


Please respond with at least one in-text citation and reference listed.


For reference, I included the original question below. 


“Describe the ways to demonstrate servant leadership. What did you learn about servant leadership from the topic Resources? In what ways will you apply servant leadership in your field? How does servant leadership fit into Grand Canyon University’s Christian worldview”?