BUS400NXX-Independent Country Comparison…

BUS400NXX-Independent Country Comparison Assignment-Highlights-Summer 2023

country assigned is mexico and comparison with canada.


[1] Objective


The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to become more familiar with the economic (and social) situation of other countries of the world compared to Canada, and to use statistical information as a basis for such a comparative endeavour.


[2] Sources of Information


Although students are free to use whatever sources are available including the internet to obtain the necessary information, you are encouraged to use the CIA World Factbook, available at This website will provide you with virtually all the statistical data you need for this assignment. However, students are also encouraged to locate additional material online pertaining to your assigned country. 


[3] Value and length


 The assignment is worth 15% of final grade.  The written report should not exceed five to six  pages (maximum), including the cover page, which shows your name, student ID number, and name of the country you are assigned to research,  one to two pages for the County’s Comparative Chart (i.e., statistical data/indicators  which includes 25 economic and social indicators), 2 pages highlighting basic information and issues pertaining to the assigned country, including some  selected  three, four, or five   most interesting or distinguishing characteristics of your assigned country compared to Canada, and one page for the references/information resources used. 


[4] Submission Deadline


The deadline for the electronic/online submission of the assignment is midnight (i.e., 11:59 PM), Friday, June 23, 2023. You are expected to use the Assignments link of the Course Blackboard to upload your assignment report.


[5] Insights and Conclusion (Written Components)


Based on the statistical and otherwise information you have obtained, you will have acquired an insightful view about the country which should enable to draw conclusions about the country under consideration, compared to Canada. Examples of those most distinctive characteristics might include:

A high external debt.
Extremely high and persistent inflation that makes daily life  a struggle (e.g. Iran and the US sanction)
An aging population (e.g., Japan and most west European countries)
A very low GDP per capita that translates into a poor standard of living.
A highly skilled or unskilled labour force, high unemployment rates, low life expectancy, high illiteracy rates.
Major issues facing the country e.g., conflict (Ukraine/Russia), political instability (Syria, Myanmar), poverty (Sudan, Nigeria), environment (China, India), and so forth

Countries Comparison Chart



Name of Indicator                              Name of Assigned Country               Canada                       


Land mass                                                                                                                                           


Life expectancy                                                                                                                                   

Population growth rate                                                                                                                      

Literacy rate                                                                                                                                        


Natural resources                                                                                                                               

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                                                                                                           

GDP per capita                                                                                                                                    

Major exports                                                                                                                                     

Major imports                                                                                                                                     

Main trading partners                                                                                                                         

Balance of Trade (surplus or Deficit)                                                                                                  

External Debt                                                                                                                                      

Major Industries                                                                                                                                  

Military expenditures as % of GDP                                                                                                     

Ethnic groups                                                                                                                                      

Environmental issues                                                                                                                          

Unemployment rate                                                                                                                           

Inflation rate                                                                                                                                       

Expenditures on health as a % of GDP                                                                                               

Expenditures on education as a % of GDP                                                                                         

Investment expenditure as a% of GDP                                                                                               

Consumption expenditure as a % of GDP                                                                                           

Exports as a % of GDP