At the end of each Distributed Leader Course (DLC), you are…

At the end of each Distributed Leader Course (DLC), you are required to write a
reflection paper on your experience within the course as it pertains to the Leadership
Requirements Model (LRM). A reflection paper is an essay that reflects your personal
observations, thoughts, opinions, insights, and experiences. In this case, capture your
thoughts on the learning experiences with the topics covered in DLC. Like other types
of essays, it should have an introduction (topic sentence or thesis statement), a body,
and a conclusion (summary). Even though a reflection paper is personal and
subjective; organize it thoroughly and cohesively with a professional tone. The
reflection paper is a prerequisite to attend your next level of Professional Military
Education (PME) and is accounted for on your Total Army School System (TASS)
pre-execution checklist. It must be prepared for submission to your facilitator by the first
day of your PME. Your reflection paper must be in an electronic Microsoft Word
document (.doc or .docx).

Throughout DLC it is recommended that you take notes and journal your thoughts on
the questions posed in the “Consider This Reflection” and “Use It” sections of the
courseware. These notes and journal entries will help you structure your reflection
paper. Here are some things to consider when writing your journal:
1. Did the lesson content or experience change your way of thinking? Did it conflict
with beliefs you held previously, and what evidence did it provide you with in
order to change your thought process on the topic?
2. Did the lesson content or experience leave you with any questions? Were these
questions ones you previously had or ones you developed only after finishing the

3. Did the lesson content or experience fail to address any important issues? Could
a certain fact or idea have dramatically changed the impact or conclusion of the
lesson content or experience?
4. How did the issues or ideas in the lesson content or experience mesh with past
experiences or readings? Did the ideas contradict or support each other?
5. Did the lesson content or experience challenge you socially, culturally, or
emotionally? If so, where and how?
6. Also consider:
• Your reactions to personal situations and world events related to the
lesson topics
• Goals you are working towards that relate to the lesson topics
• Anything and everything that comes to mind regarding your thoughts on
the lesson topic
• Any event that happened during the learning experience that stands out

The purpose of this paper is for you to reflect on your experience throughout the course,
explain what you learned about yourself, and consider how this course will impact your
career. Write in the first person, 250— 500 words in length, Anal 12-point font, double
spaced, 1-inch margins. Use your notes and journal responses to the “Consider This
Reflection” and “Use It” components of the course as a basis for your reflection paper.
Here are some tips for writing your reflection paper:
• Keep it clear, concise, and within the length requirements
• Maintain a professional tone
• Avoid sentence fragments; make sure that each sentence has a subject and a
• Avoid slang and always use correct spelling and grammar
• Avoid internet abbreviations like “LOL,” “IDK,” or “OMG”

You must submit your reflection paper electronically to your next level PME facilitator on
the first day of the course. Facilitators will use the following rubric to assess your paper
and provide feedback.