Assignment#2 Algoma Multicultural Centre ADMN 2017     The Algoma…


Algoma Multicultural Centre

ADMN 2017



The Algoma Multicultural Centre Story


            The Algoma Multicultural Centre (AMC) was established in 2008 by Sita Kaith.  Sita and her daughter recognized the need to bring different cultures together in Sault Ste. Marie.  There were many new comers to the Sault area, many of whom were leaving due to lack of jobs, sense of not belonging and felt overall isolated.  In addition, of the people who decided to stay in the Sault area, very few were aware of AMC and the services they provide.  The main goal of AMC is to make the new comers of the Sault feel comfortable in their new surroundings by helping them to form relationships with people of their culture who have already established themselves in the city.  AMC also helps immigrants attain jobs, driver’s licenses, as well as offers translation services.  Main users of AMC’s services include the Italian, Finnish and East Indian Cultures. The Algoma Multicultural Centre has hopes to host events in an effort to create awareness, however being an infant organization with a severe lack of funding has held the organization back from accomplishing this goal. 


To date AMC has 11 members on their Board of Directors, which includes one chair, one vice chair, one secretary and one treasurer.  Regular members of the board range from Algoma University students to members with full time jobs to retirees.  There is not a high turnover of board members; the only reasons for members to leave their position on the AMC board are due to other obligations and prior commitments. 

There is a constant need for volunteers to provide services like food preparation and ticket sales.  Volunteers from all demographics are needed to best meet the needs of all people being served through the organization.   Currently volunteers are recognized by receiving free tickets and food at the events which they are working.  High school students who must complete their 40 hours of community service have made up the majority of the volunteer population for this organization. A previous group of students enrolled in the ADMN 2017 course had selected this organization and recommended that AMC work on restructuring their organization.  This involved creating job descriptions for specific tasks to be completed by specific individuals on the board.  These recommendations were never implemented, and at this time the Board of Directors chooses to continue operations as a team. 


            In the beginning stages of the organization’s growth, AMC received money by helping host events under the umbrella of the labour union.  Members of AMC helped to distribute posters and organize details of the event in exchange for funding which was used to host their own event last year.  At this time, AMC nurtures their relationship with New to the Sault in order to reap the benefits acquired from that connection. However, New to the Sault is also a main competitor of AMC, focusing on serving the same target markets as well as offering similar services in a community with a limited inflow of immigrants. 

Regardless of the offers made by government officials and the YMCA to print posters for AMC, Algoma University students in the Computer Games Technology Masters Program (also members of the board) have been asked to create and print posters which will be posted around the University.  AMC has also had the opportunity to set up tables at the University in an effort to speak to students and spread awareness.              

The YMCA has offered to print and display posters and signage for the organizations upcoming events.  Supporters such as the YMCA, government officials and New to the Sault have offered their resources to AMC; however they have not provided any monetary funding. 


When first established, Sita acted as the main source of funding for the organization.  Any costs associated with creating awareness came directly from Sita’s personal finances and no donations or other inflows of money existed.  To date AMC still does not have any solid source of funding, and therefore a budget is nonexistent.    This organization has approached government officials such as Sault Ste. Marie’s MP Tony Martin in an effort to acquire funding.  The response was positive, however disappointing at the same time, as the government offered to print posters and tickets but would not provide monetary support.   AMC has also reached out to Essar Steel Algoma as a potential corporate sponsor of the developing organization.  Currently AMC is still awaiting a response from the union at Essar Steel Algoma. 


Sita, founder of AMC, funded the initial office space for the infant organization.  Due to other commitments Sita was obligated to step down from her position as Vice Chair. Upon her departure, AMC lost their facilities and main source of funding.  AMC does not have a registered location where they are able to meet clients or to even accept mail. The Board of Directors has stated that even without a location they are able to organize future events and other operations.  However, an address is needed to serve as a physical location clients are able to contact.  Recently a fellow multicultural organization, New to the Sault, offered the use of a very small office space that only came equipped with a desk and one chair.  AMC would need to provide the phone service, internet and any computer, printer or fax machine that would be needed to complete daily operations. Since AMC lacks a location of their own, the Board of Directors holds meetings the second Tuesday of every month, as they have access to meeting rooms at the Civic Centre for free once a month.  When hosting events, AMC must rent different venues at various locations depending on the nature of the event. 


Previously AMC has helped to host events under the labour union. AMC received funds to host their own events, in exchange for the organization and other operating details of the events such as posters and ticket sales.  However, to date AMC has only hosted two events of their own, solely to raise awareness.  Profit was not the main goal in the hosting of these events; in fact priority was to simply break-even.  The ideology of not aspiring to make a profit will not provide growth for the organization and will simply leave them in the same position they find themselves in today. 

            AMC has had plans to host events such as summer barbeques, eliminate racism days (which were scheduled for March 2010 but never solidified) and other cultural events which offer ethnic food, entertainment and alcohol. 

The most current event being hosted by AMC has been their Cultural Event on March 27th, 2010.  This event took place at Korah Collegiate and Vocational School. Tickets were sold at $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children and admission for children under 5 years old was free. 

 Advertising and Marketing

To date, AMC does not partake in any form of advertising that has a cost associated with it.  They rely on word-of-mouth only, and with a limited amount of connections and clientele, the awareness created using this method is very minimal.  For the Cultural Event held on March 27th, AMC required volunteers to sell tickets, but were very cautious about how many tickets they let circulate in fear that they would oversell tickets and run out of food. 

The organizations website is very simple and does not offer the essential information required to inform new immigrants of the services AMC offers. The website is only offered in one language which does not allow the organization to connect with their target market.  The Board of Directors had initially thought that their website domain was due to expire in March 2010, however recently discovered that the subscription would not end until September of the same year.  The only member assigned to maintain and update the website is an Algoma University Computer Games Technology Masters Student.  With other pressing university obligations, the maintenance of the website finds itself at the bottom of the student’s priority list. 

Other Constraints

            In order to receive funding from the federal government, organizations must be legally incorporated.  AMC has invested in becoming a legally incorporated organization and has taken the steps to become one.  Another issue that arises when applying for funding is the need for insurance. This is a costly expense that the organization is unable to satisfy. Besides the need to be a legally incorporated organization with insurance, there is no member on the board that has the ability to fill out applications for funding.  An attorney in Sault Ste. Marie helped the organization fill out applications and took on the responsibility of dealing with these forms; however other commitments resulted in her current absence.  These are barriers that must be overcome to gain entry in the market. 


            The Algoma Multicultural Centre lacks the direction needed to move forward in this competitive market.  The organization does not have the time or funds needed to attract immigrants in need of assistance.  The Board of Directors has requested recommendations on their one year and a five year plan to help the organization gain awareness which will establish them in the community. 


required case Memo and executive memory