Answer the following Description The BAN220 Final test has 3 parts…

Answer the following


The BAN220 Final test has 3 parts (Part A, B and C).
In Part (A), students are required to answer 2 random short-answer questions in the area of Ethics and Law.
In Part (B), students are required to answer 2 random short-answer questions in the area of Privacy and Data Security.
Each question in Part A and B has a value of 10%.
In Part C, students are provided with a business case. Students are required to read the case and answer a set of 3 questions following that case.
Each question in Part C has a value of 20%.
Part C (the Case) requires students to identify the issues, provide definitions for related concepts, and apply their knowledge in areas of ethics, privacy, and data security to answer the questions.
There is no word limit for the answers. However, students are expected to address each question in a timely manner and provide a complete answer that goes beyond general terms and definitions. Strong answers are usually supported by theories, logical reasoning, evidence, and real-world examples. Students will be evaluated based on their abilities to use and apply the class learning and the subject knowledge.
Proper referencing (if students used sources) is a compulsory requirement. Students can include their references at the end of their answers in each part.
Student’s attention to referencing and professional writing (the correct use of grammar, wording, spelling, writing structure) impacts the rewarded marks. There are 100 marks for this exam and it contributes 25% to your overall course grade.
Students are not allowed to copy the text from the cases, articles, textbook, and other sources into their responses. If required, text must be paraphrased and referenced (no direct quotes are permitted – only paraphrasing will be accepted).


1. Explain the idea of discrimination, using an example. Contrast this with an example of exclusion that is not based on discrimination. 


2. Explain how unethical experiments in the past resulted in the need for Research Ethics Board review of all testing on human subjects.


3. Explain the difference between Privacy and Security. Provide at least 2 examples of Privacy and 2 examples of Security to illustrate these differences. 


4. There are several examples of violations of privacy.  Name 4 types of privacy violation and provide a brief explanation of each. 


5.  “Yelp connects people with great local businesses.” says Yelp on its corporate website. Founded by the former PayPal employees (IPO in 2012), Yelp is a demand aggregator platform enabling users to review local businesses and rate them according to their experience, making it one of the largest user-generated review platforms. Yelp business model (you can see works based on value proposition to three groups of Local Businesses, Users (local business seekers), and active reviewers (content creators). CNBC reports that while Yelp had a quick growth over the last 8 years, company faced with some severe concerns in recent years: “it’s been a rocky road since then as advertisers fled the platform and as competition has increased from Google, Facebook and others. Watch the video to hear the story of Yelp and learn why the company has lost its 5-star rating.” Please watch this CNBC video at and answer three below questions.

1) Provide a brief history of Yelp and its business. In your historical review, highlight the critical incidents and milestones of Yelp’s life in aspect of data, privacy, and accuracy.  (20 Marks)

2) According to the provided video (and your additional research), what are the ethical and legal concerns impacting Yelp’s business? Explain these concerns according to Yelp’s responsibilities toward different stakeholder groups (business owners, users, and reviewers). (20 Marks)

3) What is the importance of data accuracy for businesses like Yelp (Rating & Review Companies)? Explain what practical steps they should take to prevent data manipulation? (20 Marks)