EsapaMchgee   After reading the case above. Use any business framework to…Image transcription textIn March 2017. Alphabet’s CEO Larry Page, leaned on a dustywooden railing and gazed across the vastness of Moffett Airfield’sHangar Two. A half-dozen illuminated balloons, each fi… Show more… Show more Image transcription textGoogle’s 21316 results had been a mix of good and bad news.Google’s ad revenues had grown to 5?? billion. an increase of 13percent over the previous year. llowever. the cost-per… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe first test of the PageRank system occurred in March of 1996.It became apparent to Page that his system would make anexcellent search engine. Page and Brin, assisted by sev… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textOn June 26. 2000. Yahoo announced that it had licensed Google’ssearch engine. Jeff Mallett, presi- dent and CEO of Yahoo stated,”Our web directory and navigational guide is crit… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn August 2004, Google made an initial public offering for eightpercent of the company (Exhibit 3). A dual class structure wasused that enabled Page and Brin to retain control of th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSoftware the previous spring. In 2006, Google released Finance.Translate, and Docs & Spreadsheets. It also purchasedYouTube for a then staggering $1.65 billion. In 2010, G… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn recent years Google, however, has made efforts to rationalizeits product portfolio. Since April 2015, Google has ditched severalprojects deemed nonessential to the company’s future… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWe are evolving search to be much more assistive. We want usersto have a two-way ongoing dialogue with Google to help getthings done in the real world. We think of this as buildi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAlthough Android is open source, its use is not entirely free formanufacturers. Both Apple and Microsoft successfully suedGoogle alleging that Android’s operating system infrin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn 2017. Google acquired HTCs smartphone engineering groupfor $1.1 billion. The Taiwanese smartphone maker developed theGoogle Pixel phone. 45,* With this acquisition, Google … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textGmail Gmail, Google’s free e-mail service, uses algorithms to”read” a user’s e-mail, determine the subject of thecorrespondence, and then display relevant advertising… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textgarnered an estimated 50 million viewers.”By late 2016.viewers were watching more than one bil- lion hours of video aday, nearly surpassing U.S. television consumption.&q… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMost of Google’s advertising customers pay Google on acost—per-click basis. which means that users needed to engage1with an ad for lLivuogle to earn revenue from it. Goo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textGoogle’s search engine as the default on Apple’s iPhones. Themove yielded roughly $8.9 billion in mobile-search revenue forGoogle from Apple devices.” ADVERTISING PR… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAdMob AdMob places advertisements on mobile websites and inmobile applications. The product was developed in 2005 by serialentrepreneur Omar Hamoui while he was attending … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textADVERTISING COMPETITORS Facebook Businesses are nolonger asking if they should market on mobile, they’re asking how.This is a shift that we think we’re very well-positioned … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textMicrosoft, Yahoo, Verizon, & AOL In February 2016.Microsoft launched the Bing Network, an ad sales network withaccess to Microsoft’s and partners’ properties includin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAOL and its parent company. Verizon Communications, withgreater ad inventory and customer access. Rik van der Koori, vicepresident of Microsoft Search Advertising believes tha… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textRegulation Google’s dominance in search has invited criticism andscrutiny. This is especially pronounced in Europe, where Googleholds some 90 percent market share of all online searc… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textwith harmful software.”In September 2016, Google helpedform “The Coalition for Better Ads.” The groupconsists of trade associations, advertisers, publishers, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWAYMO The challenges of managing Alphabet’s Other Bets areillustrated by its Waymo subsidiary. The company traces itshistory to software and sensor technology developed … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAlthough Google has developed its own pod-shaped”Koala” cars, the company has publicly dis- avowedany intentions to manufacture cars itself. “We ar… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textRETAINING TALENT Alphabet’s ability to attract top talent isevident throughout the organization. It is often considered one ofthe hardest corporations to break into. Not only does t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAlthough Waymo’s vehicles are adept at avoiding obstacles. thecompany has been hitting potholes in human resources.Bloomberg writers Alistair Barr and Mark Bergen des… Show more… Show moreAfter reading the case above. Use any business framework to analysis this case and provide a strategic recommendation to the critical issue in the case. BusinessBusiness – Other