After reading the below question and student response , please…

After reading the below question and student response, please assess whether the “RESPONSE” is accurately and sufficiently addresses the questions asked in the discussion topic and why? Incorporating additional research will strengthen your participation. Assess whether the information is correct or not, and/or complete, and provide correct information to enhance the discussion. ****



Referring to the MTC Case Study, Raj Patel, the Chief Information Officer (CIO), has indicated that the current IT strategy is to adopt Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This week’s discussion focuses on the benefits, considerations, and risks of adopting a SaaS solution.

Group 4: Review the Week 7 reading, Implementing a SaaS Solution, then compose your initial response as follows:

List two benefits of the IT Strategy of using a SaaS solution to support the hiring process.
Identify three things the CIO and his team should look for as they consider which SaaS vendor to select. Explain what they are and why they are important to MTC’s business.
Explain what you think is MTC’s biggest risk in outsourcing this IT function, why you selected that risk, and what MTC’s IT department’s key responsibilities are to minimize risk and protect the business as they select and use a SaaS solution.



SaaS Solution is a software owned by the vendor, runs on the vendor’s hardware, is accessed via the internet, and it is usually leased or subscribed to by the customer (UMGC, 2023). There are benefits to the IT Strategy of using a SaaS solution to support the hiring process, one benefit is easily accessible. Easy accessibility is a benefit to the hiring process because it is a system that the customer should already have installed and ready to use. It will help in the hiring process to save time and it will have all the resources needed available. Another benefit of the IT Strategy using a SaaS solution to support the hiring process is that it is low cost. It being low cost is a benefit because there will be no need to get upgrades for the hiring process features as it should all come included in the SaaS solution. 

Three things the CIO and his team should look for as they consider which SaaS vendor to select are security, reliability, and maintainability. Security is seeing what type of protection are provided by the vendor, the steps needed to make system secure, who has access to certain functions, and other functions/ questions that would determine the security the system solution needs. Security is important factor because in the hiring process there is usually confidential information involved that needs to be protected from individuals that don’t need access to that information. Reliability is to see if data is being maintained correctly. Reliability is an important factor to consider because it is important to see if the system is going to work for what is needed such as maintaining data and see if the system is creating the data correctly. The last factor that is important and should be considered is maintainability because it’s to make sure the system has proper maintenance. Maintainability is to see what updates are needed and how quick corrections can be made to systems. 

MTC’s biggest risk in outsourcing this IT function is that other people can have access to the system that aren’t suppose to which is why security is important. MTC’s IT department key responsibilities to minimize this risk and protect the business as they select and use a SaaS solution is that they check closely who has access to certain information of the hiring process needed and make sure there is no one that shouldn’t have access to that information.