Advancing Sustainable Practices in the Electronics Waste Management…

Advancing Sustainable Practices in the Electronics Waste Management Sector: A Research Report for Jackie, CEO of XYZ Company Ltd.




Sustainability and CSR


“Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (McGill University)

Sustainability is the practice of operating a business in a way that does not negatively affect the environment, the community, or society. It is no longer an option to debate whether to include sustainability in a company plan in the context of today’s dynamic environment. For long-term success, it might be essential to use a values-based approach while creating a business strategy. A sustainable business strategy seeks to make a difference in either of these areas, contributing to the solution of some of the most important global problems. Moreover, corporate sustainability might improve a company’s general success. Although investing more money in sustainable company practices may seem incongruous with profitability. Research indicates that the most sustainable businesses also tend to be the most prosperous.

 One or more of the advantages of sustainability for a firm are:

•  Risk minimization and brand protection for the company will be guaranteed.

• The use of such measures will help recruit a staff that is driven and ambitious.

•  The demand for environmentally friendly products and services is growing. Working together with other businesses can benefit your own business. (Maryville University)

Accepting sustainability is now an essential component of a successful company’s strategy rather than a barrier to income or success. Profitability, expansion, and staff retention may all suffer from disregarding sustainability issues. One can succeed by including sustainability in the company plan.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the term used to describe a company’s commitment to social and environmental sustainability as well as its responsibilities as a good neighbour in the areas where it conducts business. CSR attempts to create a good influence and build a positive brand by giving back to the community, participating in charitable activities, and producing a positive social effect. Companies are increasingly using CSR to show their dedication to social responsibility and draw in clients who share their beliefs. As a result, conducting business sustainably makes sense.

Meeting consumer wants and expectations while also successfully managing their organizations via workforce awareness are priorities for Canadian firms. They can please their consumers by reaching this equilibrium.

• Canadian companies place a strong emphasis on identifying and reducing particular risks  inside their operations in order to guarantee client satisfaction. evaluating client happiness and carrying out strategic goals.

• By meeting the demands and expectations of their consumers and operating their companies effectively with the aid of their team, Canadian businesses aspire to be sustainable. By detecting and resolving any difficulties, considering consumer input, and putting strategic goals into action, they are able to satisfy customers.


  To improve sustainability, Canadian businesses can take several actions. 

•  To start, they may use renewable energy sources and be conscious of their total energy usage to lower their energy use.

 Smart meters may be used to do this, and basics like lighting, heating, and electrical appliances can be optimized. Also, companies may want to think about switching out their current lighting for more energy-efficient models like LED lights. 

• Reducing waste production is another option for Canadian companies to enhance sustainability. 

No matter the industry or company size, every business produces some garbage. Businesses can produce excellent work and increase their efficiency by identifying the best trash disposal option and lowering their waste. (Electronics products and technology)

•  Employing environmentally friendly materials in the marketing, packaging, and goods may help increase sustainability.

 Canadian companies should look into choices including organic textiles, corn flour packaging, recycled paper and cardboard, and biodegradable packaging. (Canada SME)

• Working with local vendors

 There are several advantages to working with sustainable and local vendors. It may assist a business in minimizing its environmental effect, maximizing local prospects, and enhancing its reputation. Our joint venture electronics business puts sustainability first and practices green engineering to stop toxins from getting into electronics and harming the environment and people’s health.


For businesses, putting sustainability first is essential since it not only safeguards people and improves their health and well-being but also prevents adverse effects on the environment. Businesses may develop and expand while being environmentally responsible by putting the appropriate protection systems and sustainability measures in place.



The relevant sustainability challenges in the Electronics Waste Management sector in Canada

1. Due to the alarming rise rate of disposal of outdated electronic products in Canada, proper management of electronic waste has become essential in modern life. Since 85% of it ends up in landfills and poses a serious environmental threat, managing this electronic waste effectively is currently the biggest challenge. Addressing this problem has shown to be challenging.

 2. The contaminants and chemicals contained in disposed of garbage provide increased dangers to human health. 

These compounds, which are often used by everyone, are not beneficial to human health and can be harmful by contaminating the air and water. It becomes difficult to avoid detrimental consequences on human health when garbage is put in landfills. In order to reduce the usage of heavy metals and chemicals while protecting human health, valuable materials must be extracted from waste.

 3. Preserving the intrinsic value of electronic materials 

After the electronic materials become waste, it is crucial as their worth diminishes once they are discarded, resulting in no monetary return for the company. Although we would prefer not to dispose of this waste, we also wish to avoid incurring additional expenses in terms of sustainability and product recycling.

 (IT World Canada)


What are Canadian businesses in your sector doing to manage those challenges? Please provide a description of three companies demonstrating best practices


One organisation that does a great job of managing electronic waste is this one. By managing and eliminating trash, this business improves sustainability. This business wants to promote a circular economy for electronic trash in order to safeguard the environment. In order to ensure a coordinated effort and maximise the efforts, they have included both the community and the businesses interested in this venture.

Bourget Jr. Recycle Inc.

This business gathers and sells the electronic garbage that other businesses discard. They do this in an effort to decrease landfills and safeguard public health. Despite the likelihood that their electronic waste products are recyclable, the majority of businesses dispose of it. They are avoiding the product’s lower value, which is the cause. For this business, gathering and reselling recyclable waste is a resource and a source of income. Nonetheless, the advantages provided by this organisation are vital and beneficial to both the community and the environment.


Flex Cycle recovery management Ltd.

This is a Canadian business that recycles electronics in Ontario. Customers receive full trash management services as part of the company’s delivery of its services. These services concentrate on resource management techniques, hard drive data deletion, garbage disposal, and green electronic recycling. Environment protection, information security, and resource integration are among their key ideals. Their approach entails recycling waste, eliminating landfills, and sustainable junk disposal. They function in a bidding manner. This is done in an effort to lessen the consequences of ecological damage and climate change by avoiding burning and dumping.





Recommendations to the company considering the research


Selling waste products to a recycling company

There wouldn’t be any landfills owing to the sale of the waste items. There won’t be any environmental contamination, and neither will there be any danger to human health. Another approach for the business to generate income is to sell this waste rather than dump it.

Implementing green electronic recycling


Here is where the business will need to make investments in recycling its own garbage. The used electronics will either be sold to other businesses for use or recycled and utilized more effectively within the organization. In either case, the risks associated with improper disposal of garbage to the land will be reduced.

Partnering with a disposal company

Using the best waste disposal practices might need more money and resources than our business can afford. Nonetheless, a number of businesses in Canada are engaged in this industry. Their entire company strategy is built on this goal. Working together would guarantee the company’s sustainability and prevent any damage to the ecosystem. Also, by making sure there are no landfills, the inhabitants will be educated on the significance of sustainability.


Question:  I need a executive summary of the entire document of around ONE PAGE. To place it at the beginning of the document

Clarifications- Here you should summarize the main points of your report to give your reader a whole picture of the proposal when they have no time to read it all. This should be at the beginning of the paper, but since it is a summary of your paper, you should write this section LAST