Activity 20: Community program   This task has seven parts. You…

Activity 20: Community program


This task has seven parts. You must complete each part..

Part A

Talk with staff, relevant supervisors and/or your Workplace Supervisor to identify a potential community program the organisation, and its’ clients would benefit from. The program must not be currently provided by the organisation. 

The new initiative may be a one-off or ongoing program and may be held at the organisation or externally. Ideally the program will be able to cater for up to ten clients at a time, however depending on client needs and the identified program, this can vary.

List the ideas shared in the space below. If staff are unable to contribute or the service does not have any upcoming new initiatives or programs, you can investigate and identify your own option that could potentially meet the needs of clients accessing support services at the organisation.

Unless otherwise specified by the organisation, imagine you have a budget of $2000 (this must also cover staff costs). If additional money is required, this will either need to be obtained through a community grant or from participants. 




Part B

Create a plan for consumer participation and engagement so clients can be involved in the decision-making process for the development of your service program.

Use the template (on the next page) to create your plan. Complete each section of the plan based on the one of the options listed in Part A of this activity.




Engagement plan template

Engagement plan

What is the scope of your program to be developed?


What is the objective of the program?


How does the proposed program align with the overall objectives of the organisation?


What impact will this program have on service delivery in the organisation?


What is the profile of those who will be accessing the program?


What is the purpose of the client consultation?


Identify at least two barriers to client engagement that might affect how clients participate in the program. Identify how these barriers will be addressed.

Barrier 1:

Actions to barrier 1:




Barrier 2:

Actions to barrier 2:




Other barriers:

Actions to other barriers:




What resources are required for consultation session?


Costs related to each resource:






What is the strategy for receiving ideas and feedback from clients?


What is the strategy for obtaining client participation in the development and/or implementation of this program?


What is the strategy for valuing and supporting the diversity of client backgrounds?


Where and when will the client consultation take place?


Time and date:

Expected duration:




Are there any other stakeholders who should be consulted? Who are they?


What arrangements will be made for other stakeholder consultation?




Part C

Investigate the needs and preferences of the clients who will attend your program. 

Record your findings in the table that follows.

What client needs were identified?


What client preferences were identified? 



How will diversity be supported?


How will clients participate in the development and implementation of the program?


Provide a description of the program that will run. Include an agenda if required.



Part D

Use the template provided (on the next page) to complete your program development.




Service program development template

Service program development template

Program title


Detailed description of the program (include an agenda where one applies)







Section A – Action plan

Action plan


Priority (high, medium, low)

Due for completion by

Consultation required (Y/N – with whom?)

Person responsible

What governance arrangements are in place for the project?






Obtain input from internal stakeholders

(Section B to be completed)






Obtain input from external stakeholders

(Section B to be completed)






Engage clients in decision making process






Organise internal services (such as staffing/ roles and responsibilities) 

(Section B to be completed)






Organise external services (such as transport, service supply and so on) 

(Section C to be completed)






Individual needs planning – what individual differences need to be supported?






List the resources that will be required (financial, human and physical resources)

(Section D to be completed)






What systems and process will be required? (include risk assessment, consent, emergency planning and any others that are applicable)

(Section E to be completed for Risk management Plan)






What will be put in place to ensure adequate environmental sustainability?






How will the program be monitored and evaluated? 






Section B – Internal stakeholder planning

Internal stakeholder planning task (provide details of all tasks that will be required)


Special requirements (such as licensing, consent, legal requirements, time frame)

Person responsible

Training required

Staff roster





Staff role and responsibilities (consider responsibility for staff briefings, client supervision, client consent, first aid, communications system)





Client responsibilities





Other (please specify)





Section C – External stakeholder planning

Internal stakeholder planning task (provide details of all tasks that will be required)


Special requirements (such as licensing, consent, legal requirements, time frame)

Person responsible

Training required

Obtain funding/ donations





Book/ purchase services/ resources that will be required





Other (please specify)





Section D – Resources and budget

Types of resource


Staffing resources (please specify)




Physical resources (please specify)


Total cost

Financial resources available



Are there sufficient funds for this program?


How will the shortfall be funded?


Section E – Risk management plan


Level of risk (refer to the organisation’s WHS policies and procedures and use a risk matrix)

Elimination/ control measures

Training required

Who is responsible?




































Part E 

Imagine you are to implement the program at the organisation. Identify what information needs to be communicated to staff, clients and stakeholders, as well as what training is required to support program implementation.

Record the required information in the table that follows.



Information and training needs

Section A – Communicate roles, responsibilities and procedures to stakeholders

Action plan

Roles and responsibilities, and procedures and/ or arrangements to be communicated

How will this occur?

What resources are required?

When will this occur?

Person responsible

What information needs to be provided to staff?






What information needs to be communicated to clients?






Information to be communicated to other internal stakeholders






Information to be communicated to external stakeholders






Section B – Training to support implementation

Training requirement

Who is to be trained

How is the training to be delivered?

Who will deliver the training? 

What resources are required?





































Part F

Work out and identify in the table below how the program will be monitored. 

At what stages of the program will service delivery and client needs be monitored? How will this occur?


What performance indicators will indicate the program has satisfied the objectives?


What mechanism/s will be available to clients if they feel their needs have not been addressed or they wish to make a complaint?



Part G

Make a list of all the documentation that may be required during the implementation and monitoring of this program.

Name of documentation
