SargentGull2573 According to Fuscaldo, Managing remote workers requires finesse…According to Fuscaldo, Managing remote workers requires finesse from employers, as companies face unique challenges when employees are not together in a physical office. However, with a solid plan and effective communication, businesses with remote workers can overcome these obstacles. Fuscaldo further states, The need for excellent communication is even more important when employees work remotely. For remote work to be a success, everyone has to know what is expected of them – the scope of the work, the deliverables and the deadlines. There should be no room for ambiguity (Fuscaldo, 2023). This Author agrees that onsite leadership benefit from delivering instruction with their words and actions both in sync to ensure that staff are able to receive and visualize the message in the intended manner. When leaders are subject to instructing from a remote setting, mastering all types of commuication including phone, email, and social media are essential due to the modes of transmitting info through remote settings. This Author beleves that remote style working is ultimatel here to stay even as Covid-19 is seemingly disapating. Coffey & Wolf state, Firms are embracing alternative working models to reduce labor costs. Very large firms in particular have offices worldwide to ameliorate risk, to take advantage of tax laws, to reduce capital costs, and to attract great talent in a specific location in the world. A modern labor force whose products are mostly accomplished through thinking and writing can be organized and managed much differently (Coffey & Wolf, 2018). This Author suggests the order in which way you manage a remote workforce will have long-term side effects for an operation and its growth potential. If you perform a poor job, morale and productivity will suffer. On the other spectrum, if you’re successful, a remote workforce can build loyalty and boost engagement that wil maximize growth and revenue to invest back into the company. According to Waizenegger, There are also negative impacts of remote e-working on wellbeing in the literature. First, the blurred boundary between home and work causes problems such as the “always-on culture” facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICT) makes it difficult for knowledge workers to switch off and results in work intensification, as well as distractions from the home environment and family members (Waizenegger et al,2020). This Author wants to conclude that amoungs living in a time where telemedicine is delivered at an efficient scale, workers are just as productive, and business models are still yeiding efficient and efffective results to leaders and shareholders, allowing workers to do what fits their life and balance is essential given the changing of times from tradtional values to more modern ideaolgies.  provide discussion board replyBusinessBusiness – Other