a. Which of the following are examples of Opportunities associated…

a. Which of the following are examples of Opportunities associated with the business case of a (sustainability) project? (Select 2)     

Revenue growth from improved reputation with customers      
Lost revenue because of weak brand and social license to operate.                    
Higher productivity from employees.                 
Higher energy expenses.

b. Ecolabelling” is a mandatory method of environmental performance certification and labeling that is practiced around the world. 


c. Which of the following is NOT true of EPDs?                   

They are similar to nutritional labels on products                         
They are most often used to share information with the general public
They are highly credible            
EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration

d. Which of the seven ISO26000 principles is most relevant to sustainability reporting?       

Ethical behaviour         
Respect for the rule of law                      
Respect for Human Rights

e. Which of the following are examples of Topic-Specific GRI Standards? Select 2.                         

GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach                   
GRI 408-1: Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor  
GRI 102-4: Location of Operations                       
GRI 304-3: Habitats protected or restored.

f. In the determining significance stage of the Materiality Assessment, it is important to consider:              

The organization’s impacts on stakeholders and sustainable development (outward)        
The impacts of stakeholders and SR issues on an organization (inwards)                          

g. All SR issues are relevant to all companies?


h. When conducting a materiality assessment, which is not a possible framework that could be use

UN SDGs                        
Future-Fit Business Benchmark                            

I. In the 21st-century business case, the purpose is viewed as separate from capturing new opportunities and mitigating new risks.


j. The CAPEX form can be used to convince decision-makers makers within a business to invest in sustainability initiatives.


k. Which of the following does not describe green marketing?

Green marketing is the marketing of environmentally harmful products and services.
Green marketing is the marketing of environmentally friendly products and services.
Green marketing promotes products or services as being eco-friendly and sustainable.
Green marketing is the process of promoting products or services based on their environmental benefits.

l. Which of the following are examples of Risks associated with the business case of a (sustainability) project? (Select 2)

Higher energy expenses.
Higher productivity from employees.
Lost revenue because of weak brand and social license to operate.
Revenue growth from improved reputation with customers

m. Which of the following green marketing practices is NOT greenwashing?

Publishing a verified EPD that summarizes the environmental impacts of a product across its life cycle.
Putting a big “Eco-Friendly” label on your product’s packaging.
Putting a big “All-Natural ” label on your product’s packaging.
Rebranding by changing the logo of your company to resemble a leaf and using green color in your marketing materials.

n. The aim of the Future-Fit benchmark is to help companies assess their sustainability performance in comparison to other companies in the same industry.


o. Sustainability frameworks can help a company assess, plan, and report on:

All of the above
Its future performance
Its past performance
Its current performance

p. The following is an example of a Future-Fit Do-some-good goal.

Employees are paid at least a living wage.
A local ecosystem is restored
Operational waste is eliminated
Energy is from renewable sources