coy_45 A CASE STUDY ON AMAZON’S E-COMMERCE Superior written essays will…A CASE STUDY ON AMAZON’S E-COMMERCESuperior written essays will mention and explain the following elements when responding to the assignment question: The paper should contain the following five sections: 1. Section One – Problem Statement: This section should provide an introduction to the case study you have selected for the final assignment. It should introduce the case and provide a detailed background of the subject company or enterprise. It should also provide a description of the problem situation in which the subject company or enterprise finds itself. There should be sufficient detail on the subject and its situation to provide the basis for identifying the problem it faces. 10-points2. Section Two – Literature Review: This brief section provides a review of the research sources used by the student. In this section, the student takes the research performed for prior assignments and composes a coherent review. This section of your paper will review the sources you used in preparing your material. A good literature review will discuss each or almost every source you used in your paper. This is not one by one narrative of your sources but a coherent story where you play the role of the facilitator and moderator. Imagine yourself in a situation where all the authors you cited sit in one room, around the same table, having a discussion on the subject of your paper. A good literature review is about 1/3 of the volume of the entire paper and includes not less than 80% of the sources used in the research.15-points 3. Section Three – Case Elements: From the Problem Statement, the third section will logically follow. This section of the paper should provide an analysis of the root cause of the company/enterprise’s problem. The root cause should be described in such detail as to provide sufficient information for a discussion (in this section) of proposed solutions/recommendations. 20-points 4. Section Four – Recommended Action Plan: From the Case Elements section, the fourth section will select, from the alternatives discussed in Section Three, the best alternative and present it as the recommended solution. This section will provide a narrative as to why the recommended solution is the best alternative, with supporting logic and research. A high-level action plan which provides a description of implementation steps concludes this section. 20-points 5. Section Five – Case Conclusion: This section discusses the importance of the case study. This discussion takes the form of highlighting the issues discussed as well as their relevance and importance to the business world. 10-pointsBusinessBusiness – Other