You are now in charge of creating an organization. Decide what the…

You are now in charge of creating an organization. Decide what the focus of the organization is. What are the goals of your organization? What are your organizational messages? How would you communicate effectively?

REPLYLMLauren Martinez

Aug 7, 2023, 8:23 PM


Reflecting on the organizations I have been a part of made me internalize how many similarities and differences they share. I am entering my fourteenth year as a teacher and have taught at four different schools. May share similarities of community involvement, student-centeredness, and inclusion. 

Before teaching, I worked at the restaurant Texas Roadhouse which also reflects a community-centered comradery, guest-centeredness, and inclusion for both staff and patrons. 

This cohesion was interesting to reflect upon because of how different the sectors are. Texas Roadhouse is driven by sales whereas education is driven by growth and data. Both are able to utilize previous information collected from sequential years to determine marketing strategies and future steps. Creating a strategic plan that incorporates the greater community of schools and local businesses could benefit one another in organizational messages. They could scaffold and support each other to personify and demonstrate each other’s missions of inclusion and community involvement.

REPLYVMVictoya Mcdermott

Aug 6, 2023, 7:07 AM





An organization is a structured and coordinated group of people or entities that come together to achieve specific goals and objectives. It can take various forms, such as a business, government agency, non-profit entity, educational institution, or any other group with a defined purpose. Throughout my adult life I have been a part of many professional organizations and most of them were educational institutions. My most recent was Future Leaders’ Institute; most messages in an organization are used to set the purpose for that company and its mission. Messages are used to gather clientele or stockholders. In my personal life I have had the pleasure to be a part of a Yoga company, the messages in both are typically used to deliver announcements, share knowledge on the company and give background information on how that company has come to be and some messages are used for employee engagement; to engage employees and foster a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization. I believe that Future leaders institute could have used some support with their message, purpose and just sticking to their mission. There were so many lope holes that needed to be filled within that company that it started bringing the school down and lowered enrollment. One-way FLI could have used organizational message effectively is to be consistent; Maintain consistency in the messaging across different communication channels and within distinct levels of the organization. Consistency helps build trust and ensures that employees receive accurate and uniform information. 

REPLYSNShelbi Neuman

Aug 5, 2023, 9:05 PM


Hello Professor and Class,

As far as my professional life, the organizations I am most familiar with are public and charter school districts. My current school is a charter school, and we push our organizational messages with emails, using our website, social media, etc. On site we have huge posters, flyers, T-shirts and more that promote the overall message from our campus. The biggest way messaging has been done is probably word of mouth. Working with a charter school has provided me with a different view on things. We had our professional development this last week and they straight up told us that they want to run the school like a business. The business has an overall message, and they are finding different ways of getting that message out. For Charter One, I don’t think there is a better way or a more effective way for them to get messages out.


I participated in an afterschool program of Battle of the Books. This joined multiple schools and campuses together with the overall message that reading is important. This is a program that involved about 30 students at my campus and about 150 students altogether. I wish the organization would push the message more that reading is important and that by participating in Battle of the Books it is a fun way to read and engage with others.


As for my personal affiliation with an organization, if I am being 100% honest, I was part of al-anon. My ex had a problem and I ended up attending meetings. This organization helped me get through a really difficult time in life. The messages from al-anon were pushed on social media, online, and email. I think overall this organization did a good job with messaging. With this organization, it is so big and there are so many different locations and places to go, I think it kind of depends on where you go and who you end up with on this one.

REPLYALAletha Lensing

Aug 5, 2023, 8:39 PM


The professional organization I’ve been a part of for 13 years is the military. Overall, the military is great about using organizational messaging through its daily operations and training. We rely on clear and concise internal communication to carry out tasks and accomplish missions every single day. The military has mastered the art of giving briefings and providing feedback, but I think we could improve on two-way communication. In the last several years, the military has realized that the mental health of their people matters just as much as the mission (because it won’t be accomplished otherwise), so we’ve had a lot of training and team building exercises that foster open communication and growth.

In my personal life, most of the organizations I’ve associated with have been with church. Community Bible Church relies heavily on organization messaging to reach the congregation and the community. They engage members by involving them in outreach and community service efforts, provide resources for spiritual growth like sermon podcasts and worship services, and they involve members in homegroups for personal growth. Everything CBC does relies on effective organizational messaging, which is evident by the grace and love they show members and the community.    

REPLYVHVenus Holley

Aug 5, 2023, 5:53 PM


I have been involved with many organizations but, The American Red Cross is the main one that I contribute to. My job was a big part of the (ARC). At my job when a certain time of the year came for the ARC to ask for donations, the ARC would send out pamphlets, donation cards, or we had a week of people in the lobby asking for donations. In this week, they played games and gave out various trinkets. Organizational messages were sent out through memos, emails, and messages from HR. At my job, they tried to make giving a donation mandatory. The organization could have utilized organizational messaging more effectively to pursue collaborative project opportunities, to work on fundraising ideas more, and could have utilized messaging a bit more effectively on their website for policy changes. People tend to get very confused if they cannot access information online, emails tend to get missed, deleted, and people do not always read in full the information that needs to be shared. Utilizing brief bullet points, highlighted or bolded wording also helps point out what is important within a message. I would also like to see the messages in the neighborhoods.

American Red Cross | Help Those Affected by Disasters

REPLYAAAishah Albert

Aug 5, 2023, 1:26 PM


Organizations encompass a wide range of entities, including businesses, non-profits, educational institutions, and social groups. In these organizations, messaging plays a crucial role in conveying information, promoting ideas, and shaping perceptions. Organizational messages can take various forms, such as internal communications, marketing campaigns, mission statements, and public relations efforts.

Effectiveness in organizational messaging depends on factors such as clarity, consistency, and alignment with organizational goals. Some organizations may struggle with ineffective messaging due to poor communication strategies, lack of audience understanding, or inconsistent branding. To improve effectiveness, organizations can invest in research to understand their target audience, develop clear and concise messaging, ensure consistency across communication channels, and regularly evaluate and adapt their messaging based on feedback and evolving needs.


Overall, effective organizational messaging requires a strategic approach that aligns with the organization’s objectives while effectively resonating with its intended audience.

REPLYNMNatalia Miller

Aug 5, 2023, 12:23 PM


School districts and churches are the organizations that I have most been a part of throughout my life. I have worked and volunteered for school districts for the past 20 years and have been a part of church events for 30 plus years. I currently work as a special education teacher for a school which has approximately 1,200 students. During the years I have served the school as a parent volunteer and an employee, their communication system has improved significantly. For instance, in the past, each grade level team oversaw development and sent out their newsletter to families. As a result, repetitive information was sent, as well as information that could have been sent to a smaller number of audiences was sent school wide. For the past five years or so, the school adopted a system which filters all the messages and information that needs to be sent to school wide as well as to families. Once a month, a member of each team must send information pertaining to their upcoming events, etc. to the department of communication. Moreover, the department of communication filters all the messages, puts together and is responsible for sending the message out to families and staff. Joep Cornelissen (2020) agrees that having a single department responsible for sending out communication can be effective to organizations. Cornelissen (2020) claims that, “Some communication disciplines might still be organized as separate units or devolved to other functional areas (e.g., finance, human resources), but the general idea here is to consolidate most communication disciplines into a single department so that communication can be strategically managed from a central corporate perspective” (p.60). Therefore, with the development of technology and condensing information to a single department can save time, avoid repetitive unnecessary messages, and most importantly, facilitate communication amongst employees and families.


Cornelissen, Joep P. “Corporate Communication in Contemporary Organizations.” Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice, 6th ed., SAGE PUBLICATIONS, S.l., 2020. 

REPLYDCDondi Cooks

Aug 5, 2023, 9:50 AM


Hello Dr. Zito, My career has been full of organizations I have participated in. Professionally and personally, I have been involved in Rugby for seven years, and that has led me towards a career where I am currently part of a rugby club that consists of nearly 400 kids across two campuses; being the only coach at my campus, it can be a challenging process receiving information about scheduling, games, professional development, coaches’ training, and just the overall game plan that I need to be fully ready for the upcoming year. Currently, organizational messages are being utilized through a technology platform with coaches in a group chat. This strategy is mildly effective, in my opinion, because it doesn’t have a structure of consistency of when information is being transmitted. This causes a gap in messages among coaches. When you are the only coach at the campus, the delay and response time to information causes a delay in the knowledge needed to be effective with the kids and parents I must communicate with. To provide a small yet effective solution could be a coach meeting weekly that can be done on a Zoom call either in the morning or in the evening so all questions, suggestions, and updates are communicated in real-time. This simple method can alleviate the lack of information among coaches. This method also provides consistency and uniformity among the coaches so everyone is moving steadily towards the mission and vision for the rugby organization’s desired goal of team success across campuses and growing the sport in the community and at schools in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex.



Cornelissen, J. (2020). Corporate communication (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.

REPLYLLLeslie LaPosta

Aug 4, 2023, 8:37 AM


In my life, I have been a part of a variety of organizations. Personally, one that stands out is Champion Force Athletics. I was involved with this organization for about three years as a head cheerleading coach. Some of the organizational messages that were shared frequently were the fact that the thing that makes this organization different from others is that CFA makes competitive cheerleading affordable, and typically it is in lower income areas. Coming from someone who cheered for 17 years throughout elementary, high school and college I loved the program and what it stood for. However, I think the messaging could have been used a little effectively by also including that this program is a great beginner program that drills down fundamentals. In the area I live in there are tons of competitive cheer programs, and while CFA is wonderful, it is not a program that will attract a totally committed cheerleader or gymnast because it’s only one day a week. Many of the athletes that I coached ultimately went to other cheer programs because they wanted more. CFA is not going to change in that area, because that’s part of allure in that it’s cost-effective and not a tremendous time commitment. By putting out the messaging that it’s the perfect program for beginners I think they would see more success. Tying into that, messaging from cheerleaders who have developed a true love of the sport because of CFA may also help drive home that messaging even further.

REPLYCPCarlos Peralta

Aug 4, 2023, 6:35 AM


An organization that I am a part of is My Friends House Christian Fellowship church, a personal organization that involves itself in the community, its members, and missionary work both domestically and internationally. With its many groups for people to get involved in, organizational messaging has played a role in aiding with delivering its messages. Utilizing communication tools such as GroupMe, emails, and social media the church has relayed messages varying from congratulatory to prayer requests to upcoming events. Their use of organizational messaging is quite effective as they deliver content in a manner that attracts, engages, and relates with its intended audience. 

Another organization that I have been a part of is Southside ISD school district. Speaking from a parent point of view rather than an employee, the district is very effective in delivering their messages in a quick, efficient, and deliberate manner. They have given news of recognition, offered their condolences, student achievements and areas in need of improvement, changes in school policy, and school board decisions. The district understands that parents want to know any information that will affect their child whether directly or indirectly and have delivered any news pertaining to the school within the same day they occur. They utilize their distinct webpage, newspaper, social media platforms, text messaging, phone calls and send home letters with the students in order to ensure parents are receiving any and all important information.

REPLYAMAshley McCloud

Aug 4, 2023, 3:35 AM


In Durham, North Carolina, one prominent organization is Durham Public Schools (DPS), encompassing both professional and personal aspects within its sphere. Organizational messaging plays a vital role in shaping communication and perception within DPS and other local entities. Within Durham Public Schools, organizational messages are pivotal in conveying critical information to students, parents, teachers, and the community at large. These messages encompass various topics, such as educational policies, safety protocols, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities. Through emails, newsletters, social media, and official announcements, DPS strives to maintain transparency and foster engagement among its stakeholders. By effectively using organizational messaging, DPS ensures that everyone is well-informed about important developments and initiatives. However, there are instances where organizational messaging within DPS could potentially be more effective. For instance, during times of significant changes, such as shifts in curriculum or remote learning transitions, clearer and more proactive communication might help alleviate confusion and concerns among students, parents, and educators. Utilizing various communication channels and tailoring messages to different audiences could enhance overall understanding and cooperation. On the personal organization front, let’s consider the “Durham Parents’ Association,” a local group of parents dedicated to advocating for their children’s educational well-being. Organizational messaging for this group involves coordinating meetings, sharing resources, and voicing concerns to the school district. By enhancing the frequency and consistency of their messages, this association could strengthen its impact by encouraging wider participation and collaboration among parents, thus amplifying their collective voice.

REPLYEAElizabeth Armijo

Aug 3, 2023, 2:06 PM


I have worked for a private nonprofit university for the past seventeen years as well as participated with the nonprofit organizations of MISS Foundation, Red Cross, and used to work for the City of Glendale. Organizational messages have been utilized in many ways within these organizations. Some were email notifications to share policy updates, changes to procedures, as well as to inform everyone of travel policy restrictions post COVID. Other ways that organizational messages have been sent have been flyers around the lobby areas of the buildings, fundraiser events, as well as teambuilding challenges to meet certain goals. Events are also hosted giving opportunities for people to network and meet as well. Some of the organizations could have utilized organizational messaging more effectively to pursue collaborative project opportunities, to work on research or fundraising ideas more, and could have utilized messaging a bit more effectively on their website for policy changes. People tend to get very confused if they cannot access information online, emails tend to get missed, deleted, and people do not always read in full the information that needs to be shared. Utilizing brief bullet points, highlighted or bolded wording also helps point out what is important within a message. 

REPLYKBKelly Bonaccorsy

Aug 3, 2023, 8:52 AM


Since 2017 I have been apart of the Charles Count Public Schools organizations which allows all students to receive the education they deserve. The other organization that I have been apart of is the Charles County Parks and Recreation which allows the community to participate in many different activities. In the public school system we use to work from home. (lenewsad, 2023) Microsoft Intune provides you with pre-written messages in templates designed for the taskbar area, notification area, and Get Started app. You can add a custom destination URL in the message to link employees to additional resources or the next step in their onboarding process. You must include a logo so that employees recognize and know the message is from you. In our organization our Board of Education sends our informational messages to parents and guardians along with the educators of the county to establish a chain of communication. This is important especially during our winter months in case we have to cancel school. I believe that many organizations can use messaging more effective because it comes in handy when everyone is in different places at different times.


enewsad. (2023, May 31). Overview of organizational messages in Microsoft Intune. Microsoft Learn.