1) The individual in charge of Saji Cooking Oil, Saji Mayo, Saji…

1) The individual in charge of Saji Cooking Oil, Saji Mayo, Saji Instant Noodle, and Saji Creamer at Felda Vegetable Oil Sdn Bhd would be the: 

A) media manager 

B) brand manager 

C) account manager 

D) media planner 


2) Fatimah’s job is to think of ideas and develop slogan in company’s advertising plan. She is a(n): 

A) media manager 

B) account manager 

C) brand manager 

D) creative 


3) Profit and non-profit organizations are shifting promotion budget to Web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. This is an example of the current trend of: 

A) greater accountability 

B) greater use of alternative media 

C) greater use of database marketing

 D) a shift in responsibility of individuals involved in advertising 


4) When Krishnan shops for a laptop, which are the senders in the communication process? 

A) Youtube and Tiktok 

B) Samsung and Huawei 

C) Harian Metro and The Star 

D) The Internet and the Web 


5) Identify in which part of the communication process, when a salesman use verbal and nonverbal cues during his sales presentation. 

A) sending 

B) encoding 

C) transmission 

D) filtering out noise 


6) Salwa sees Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia’s billboards while driving to KLIA. The billboards are: 

A) decoding device 

B) transmission device 

C) creative budget 

D) form of feedback 


7) Alvina smells the fragrance of a sample perfume distributed by the promoter in a shopping mall. What is taking place? 

A) encoding 

B) decoding 

C) feedback 

D) transmission 


8) All of the following are examples of communication noise except: 

A) driving while listening to the radio 

B) watching a Youtube advertisement 

C) scanning the newspaper for articles to read 

D) scrolling Facebook ads without looking at them 


9) Which would be an example of feedback in a marketing channel? A) new product development B) a customer complaint C) a decision to offer discount D) removing a product from the market 


10)When Nestle applied integrated marketing communications programs, it affects all of the following except: A) Nestle’s business-to-business market B) Nestle’s competitors’ promotion C) Nestle’s internal communication D) Nestle’s retailers’ promotion 


11) The basic element of an integrated marketing communication program of a company consists of a careful review of the following, except: A) the markets in which buyers are located B) the products to be sold C) company’s image D) the buyers to be served 


12) Which of the followings is NOT the trends affecting the use of integrated advertising and marketing communications? A) Changes in channel power B) Increase in global competition C) Advances in information technology D) Increases in perception of brand equity 


13) Lotus, Aeon Big, and NSK are retailers that control shelf purchase and have purchasing data, thus they will determine: A) what products manufacturers produce B) what marketing products manufacturers use C) who has the power in the distribution channel D) what products and brands are placed on stores shelves 


14)In order to divert brand parity, the marketing team at a company such as Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn Bhd might claim it: A) is developing additional products B) has found new customers to buy products C) has new locations D) sells superior products 


15)Which of the following items is NOT tangible components of Perodua’s corporate image? A) Perodua cars models sold B) Perodua competitors C) Retail outlets where Perodua’s cars are sold D) Perodua billboards, signboards and i-boards


 16)Which is NOT related to a strong brand image from the perspective of a profit making organization such as Toyota Malaysia? A) being able to charge a higher price B) psychological reinforcement and social acceptance C) more frequent purchase by customers D) more favorable ratings by financial observers 


17)Identify TWO (2) steps in the end consumer decision-making process that are most crucial to developing an integrated marketing communications program are: A) problem recognition and information search B) information search and evaluation of alternatives C) evaluation of alternatives and purchase decision D) problem recognition and evaluation of alternatives  


18) The primary reason for the success of WonderPet@Manjung may be that the company has: A) invested in pet hotels, which is a rapid growing market B) expanded their retail operations C) modified the products and services they sell to match the changing trends D) multiple brands of products for pet owners 


19) The method of consumer segmentation that is based on population characteristics is: A) demographics B) psychographics C) geographic D) polygraphic 


20) A commercial showing the luxury and quality of a Lexus is based on: A) geographic segmentation B) income segmentation C) ethnic segmentation D) geo-demographic segmentation 


21)Marketing to individuals who are successful, sophisticated, receptive to new technologies, enjoy sports, and are liberal in their political views is an example of which type of segmentation? A) demographic B) psychographic C) generations D) geodemographic 


22) A communications budget is based on sales from the previous year or anticipated sales for the next year is : A) percentage of sales B) meet the competition C) what we can afford D) payout planning 


23) If Ipoh White Coffee’s advertising manager decides to match Kopi Hang Tuah’s ringgit-for-ringgit in advertising expenditures, which type of advertising budget is being used? A) objective and task B) meet the competition C) what we can afford D) the percentage of share method 


24) A message theme is: A) a form of leverage point B) the media choices a company makes C) the key idea(s) an advertisement conveys D) the type of appeal that is used in an advertisement 


25) A Campbell’s Soup print advertisement shows a young family enjoying a bowl of soup with the Campbell’s name and logo prominently displayed in the ad. No other information or copy is in the ad. The advertising goal of this advertisement is most likely to: A) build brand image B) inform new customer C) persuade new customer D) support other marketing efforts 


26) Ayam Brand advertisement is designed to support the launch of a new Chicken Curry Pedas and to tell consumers about a special free-gift that is tied into the launch. The advertising goal of this advertisement is most likely to: A) inform current customer B) persuade new customer C) encourage target customer action D) support other marketing efforts 


27) A creative brief may include all of the following, except: A) an objective of building brand image B) specifying the target audience C) describing the public relations program D) a clear message theme 


28) A “right-brain” advertisement is: A) oriented towards the logical, rational side of the brain B) oriented towards the emotional or feeling side of the brain C) used primarily for business-to-business advertisements D) used with pulsating distribution schedules 


29)Which product is most likely to include a disclaimer warranty? A) health supplements B) luxury handbags C) kitchen utensil D) children’s toys 


30) In an advertisement for Santan Restaurant by Air Asia, consumers are encouraged to “join now” by offering them discounts for applying the membership card. This statement in the ad corresponds to which component of an attitude? A) cognitive B) affective C) conative D) verbal 


31) The means-ends chain approach suggests that an advertisement should contain a message or means that: A) leads the consumer to a desired end state B) changes a consumer’s attitude C) modifies a consumer’s beliefs D) stimulates some type of behavior 


32)In the means-ends chain for milk, the calcium content of milk leads to healthier bones, which leads to a display of wisdom and a comfortable life free of osteoporosis. The fact that milk has calcium represents which component of the means-ends chain? A) product attribute B) consumer benefit C) leverage point D) personal value 


33) The following are types of appeals that can be used in designing ads, except: A) music B) cognitive C) rationality D) emotion 


34) Although almost any type of appeal can be used to create an advertisement, it is the key responsibility of the marketer to make sure, to whatever degree possible, that the appeal is the right choice for the: A) advertising agency and creative that will be working on the ad B) product, media planner, and media buyer C) brand and the target audience D) account executive and creative The goal of a humorous ad is to have consumers: A) pause, remember, and act B) watch, laugh, and remember C) concentrate on the funny part D) ignore the musical element 


36) Clothing, perfume, and cologne have sexual connotations, so they are more likely to be advertised using: A) rational appeals B) subliminal approaches C) sexual suggestiveness D) scarcity appeals 


37)Music is very good at gaining a viewer’s attention: A) but often interferes with the person’s ability to retain the information in the ad B) but interferes with brand and product recall C) and increases the retention of information in the ad D) and increasing the viewer’s propensity to action 


38) Muniandy has an interest in purchasing a motorcycle and is now looking at the different models, gathering information about each one. Which type of appeal would be the most effective in developing or changing Muniandy’s attitude and in establishing specific brand beliefs? A) sex appeal B) emotional appeal C) humor appeal D) rational appeal 


39) A print advertisement for Estee Lauder Perfume uses the picture of a typical grandmother with a testimony about the perfume and how her granddaughters now wear Estee Lauder Perfume. This advertisement illustrates a testimonial execution with a(n): A) cognitive message strategy B) affective message strategy C) conative message strategy D) brand message strategy


40) In a television advertisement, David is about ready to lose a girlfriend because he did not purchase the right piece of jewelry. A voice-over offers a solution, the jewelry is purchased at the advertised store and the girlfriend is now happy. This illustrates which form of executional framework? A) slice-of-life B) testimonial C) fantasy D) informative 


41)In an advertisement for the Bella Marie France Weight Solution, Nadia talks about the weight she lost and how good the employees were to her. This would be an example of using which type of executional framework? A) dramatization B) testimonial C) authoritative D) informative 


42) A Halal endorsement by JAKIM Malaysia would typically be used in which type of executional framework? A) slice-of-life B) dramatization C) authoritative D) fantasy 


43) Showing how a product works is found in which type of executional framework? A) slice-of-life B) testimonial C) demonstration D) fantasy 


44) A dessert that is promoted as being “sinfully delicious” with a person sitting on a sandy beach is using which type of executional framework? A) resonance B) slice-of-life C) fantasy D) hyperbole  


45) Of the following types of celebrity endorsements, the one that would have the greatest level of credibility would be: A) celebrity endorsing a brand in a television show B) celebrity voice-over in a radio ad C) an unpaid celebrity speaking on behalf of some charity or nonprofit organization D) a dead-person endorsement of a particular brand 


46) Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh l is an actress who plays the part of a housewife in a commercial for a new brand of furniture polish. For this type of ad, Rachel would be considered which type of endorser? A) celebrity B) CEO C) expert D) typical person 


47) The duration of an advertising campaign is affected by: A) both the reach and frequency of the campaign B) the reach of the campaign, but not the frequency C) the frequency of the campaign, but not the reach D) neither the reach or frequency of the campaign 


48) A media strategy is the process of: A) investigating the media usage of a product’s target market B) analyzing and choosing media for an advertising and promotions campaign C) selecting the outlets of each media that will be used for an advertising campaign D) choosing the proper appeal, message, strategy, and execution 


49) If the objective of an advertising campaign is to increase brand recall, then the emphasis should be on: A) the characteristics of the target market B) a high level of frequency C) a high level of reach D) both a high level of frequency and a high level of reach 


50) The primary advantage radio has that is not available in the other mass media outlets is: A) low cost per contact B) intimacy C) long exposure duration D) highly targeted market segmentation 


51) The following are advantages of outdoor advertising, except: A) low cost per impression B) broad reach C) short lead time to develop ads D) accessible for local ads 


52) When promotional materials are only sent to customers who have given their approval, the program is called: A) direct mail B) Internet marketing C) permission marketing D) a frequency program 


53) The following are principles for building a successful frequency or loyalty program, except: A) exclude less valuable customers through data mining B) design the program to enhance the value of the product C) calculate the full cost of the program D) design a program that maximizes the customer’s motivation to make the next purchase 


54) Selling products via vending machines to customers without the use of other channel members is: A) database marketing B) direct marketing C) indirect marketing D) by-pass marketing 


55) Cooking food in a grocery store and giving small pieces of the food to consumers who pass by is which form of sampling? 


A) in-store distribution 

B) direct 

C) response 

D) cross-ruffing


56) If Darlie packages two tubes of toothpaste together to sell at a special price, it is an example of a: 

A) cross-ruffing premium 

B) rebate 

C) bonus pack 

D) self-liquidating premium 


57)Maizan likes to eat Kit Kat ice cream and will use a consumer promotion, such as a coupon or premium, only if it is for Kit Kat. Trey would be classified as which type of consumer? 

A) promotion prone 

B) brand loyal 

C) price sensitive 

D) shopper prone 


58) Trade allowances include all of the following, except: 

A) off-invoice allowance 

B) exit fees 

C) trade shows 

D) slotting fees 


59)Which statement is TRUE about green marketing? 

A) it almost always is effective 

B) it will work even when product quality is lower 

C) it reaches every purchasing group equally 

D) it is not always advertised or promoted by companies involved 


60) Sponsorships are typically used to accomplish each of the following objectives, except: 

A) showcase specific goods and services 

B) sell excess inventory 

C) increase profits 

D) help a firm develop closer relationships with current and perspective customers