ConstableArt9942 My answer What…
My answer

What sort of source is this? What is the subject matter? When was it created? Who is the intended audience?

The source is an excerpt from the American Yawp Reader, specifically the chapter titled “Royall Family.” The subject matter revolves around the portraits of the Royall family, a wealthy colonial family in British America. It was created in 1741 by Robert Feke, a portrait painter who worked in Boston. The intended audience is society in general.

2. Why was this document created, and what purpose does it serve? Now begins the analysis: Consider why this work was commissioned. What has motivated this family to have their portraits painted?

The document was created to showcase the portraits of the Royall family and to provide historical context for understanding their significance. The portraits were commissioned by the family to represent their social status, wealth, and power. The motivation behind having their portraits painted was to establish their place within the elite class of colonial society and to project an image of refinement, influence, and prestige.

3. What is the style? How does the family want to be perceived? Provide examples from the work to support your observation.

The style of the portraits reflects the desire of the Royall family to be perceived as aristocratic and sophisticated. The family members are depicted wearing fashionable clothing, and luxurious fabrics. Their poses exude confidence and self-assurance. For example, in one portrait, Isaac Royall Jr. is shown standing confidently, wearing a richly embroidered jacket, and holding a walking stick, symbolizing his status and authority.

4. What is the historical context? What was going on when this document was created? What events going on at this time might help us better understand this source? Does the author represent a particular perspective from this era? How might these circumstances help us understand this source? Be specific.

The portrait was created during a time of great change in British colonial society. The economy was growing rapidly, and there was a growing middle class. Wealthy colonists were increasingly adopting British fashions and customs. The portrait of the Royal family reflects these changes.
The historical context of the portrait was the colonial period in Massachusetts. During this time, colonial elites used clothing, houses, portraits, furniture, and manners to participate in a culture of gentility that they believed placed them on an equal footing with elites in England. The portrait was created during a time when slavery was legal in Massachusetts, and Isaac Royall Jr. owned eighteen enslaved African Americans, which helped him become one of the wealthiest men in the colony of Massachusetts.
The historical context of the portraits is important in understanding their significance. The late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries were marked by the rise of British colonial society in America. Economic prosperity and the growth of trade allowed wealthy colonials like the Royall family to accumulate wealth and engage in conspicuous consumption. The author represents a perspective that highlights the social aspirations of colonial elites and their desire to align themselves with the cultural norms and expectations of the British aristocracy.

5. What is missing? What perspectives and information is not present in the source? How does this help us to better understand the perspective put forth by this family?

The source lacks perspectives and information from individuals who were not part of the wealthy colonial class. It does not provide insights into the lives and experiences of individuals from lower social classes or marginalized groups. This absence reinforces the limited perspective and focuses on the elite’s desire to project a specific image of wealth and power.

The perspective of the enslaved African Americans who were owned by the Royall family is not present in the source. This helps us to better understand the perspective put forth by the family, which was one of wealth and status, but it also highlights the fact that this perspective was only representative of a small portion of colonial society.

6. How does this source help us to better understand the era we are studying?

This source helps us understand the era by shedding light on the aspirations, values, and cultural influences of the wealthy colonial elite. It reveals the impact of changing economics, particularly the growth of trade and the accumulation of wealth, on the ability of the upper class to shape their social status and project a desired image. It also highlights the influence of British cultural norms and the desire to emulate the aristocracy within British colonial society.

In what ways does the portrait of the Royal Family found in Chapter 4: Colonial City in the American Yawp Reeader reveal changes in British colonial society? What image did wealthy colonials desire to project and how has the changing economics of the late seventeeth and early eighteenth centuries made this possible?

The portrait of the Royall family reveals several changes in British colonial society in the mid-eighteenth century. First, it shows that wealthy colonists were increasingly adopting British fashions and customs. The family is dressed in expensive clothing and they are posed in a stiff and formal manner. This suggests that they were trying to emulate the British upper class.

Second, the portrait shows the growing economic and social divisions between the wealthy and the poor. The Royall family is shown with their enslaved African American workers, who are not given any individual identities. This suggests that the Royalls did not view their enslaved workers as equals.

Finally, the portrait shows that wealthy colonists were increasingly concerned with displaying their wealth and status. The portrait was commissioned by Isaac Royall Jr., who was one of the wealthiest men in Massachusetts. He had inherited his father’s estate, which included a sugar plantation on Antigua, eighteen enslaved African Americans, and a large mansion outside Boston. The portrait was likely commissioned as a way for Royall to display his wealth and status.

The changing economics of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries made it possible for wealthy colonists to project this image. The economy was growing rapidly, and there was a growing middle class. This meant that there was more money available for luxury goods, such as expensive clothing and portraits. It also meant that there was a growing demand for these goods, as more and more people wanted to emulate the lifestyles of the wealthy.

The portrait of the Royall family is a valuable source of information about British colonial society in the mid-eighteenth century. It shows us how wealthy colonists were trying to emulate British culture and fashion. It also shows us the growing economic and social divisions between the wealthy and the poor. Finally, it shows that wealthy colonists were increasingly concerned with displaying their wealth and status.

Questions :
respond to each classmate by sharing information that you feel would improve their evaluation of the primary documents. Not too long and on point respond

First classmate answer
What sort of source is this? What is the subject matter? When was it created? Who is the intended audience? The article delves into the customs and indulgent lifestyle of the Colonial elites. It provides a critique of the portrait ‘Familienportrait des Isaac Royall’ dating back to 1741 and its many shortcomings. The intended audience for this image is society at large, while the accompanying analysis is best suited for historians and students studying history. This piece is deemed a primary source of art born out of Robert Feke’s creative genius. Why was this document created/what purpose does this document serve? Now begins the analysis: Consider why this work was commissioned. What has motivated this family to have their portraits painted? It seems plausible that the head of the household was behind this artwork. Possibly in an effort to elevate their family’s standing among neighbors and peers. What is the style? How does the family want to be perceived? Provide examples from the work to support your observation. It is apparent from the paintings depiction of gold, coral and ivory adorned with silk that the royal family aimed to exhibit their affluence and luxurious lifestyle. What is the historical context? What was going on when this document was created? What events going on at this time might help us to better understand this source? Does the author represent a particular perspective from this era? How might these circumstances help us understand this source? Be specific. The commissioning process behind this particular artistic masterpiece occurred during a pervasive period in which slavery heavily impacted colonial civilization. Within its content lies a window into private moments shared by those featured, including romantic encounters and interpersonal dynamics – showcasing just how exclusive some lived experiences were during this time period compared to widespread poverty-stricken circumstances. What is missing? What perspectives and information is not present in the source? How does this help us to better understand the perspective put forth by this family? By examining whether others created artwork that displayed their affluence and cultural advancement in a comparable way, we could differentiate between an aspiration towards material wealth and refinement and the aesthetic representation of those values. How does this source help us to better understand the era we are studying? In a symbolic yet implicit way, this source corroborates the enormous discrepancy between society’s upper class and lower class. It reveals how those unbound by enslavement capitalized on their privilege by leading exquisite lifestyles, employing indentured servitude and premium resources to their own gain. In what ways does the portrait of the Royall family found in Chapter 4: Colonial City in the American Yawp Reader reveal changes in British colonial society? What image did wealthy colonials desire to project and how has the changing economics of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries made this possible? In certain colonies, employing chattel slavery was instrumental in establishing highly lucrative economies. As a strategy for rapidly amassing riches and securing self-sufficiency while challenging British rule, such exploitation proved effective. Wealthy colonialists with aspirations reminiscent of English nobility felt compelled to project elegance while asserting their ability to operate independently as they progressively dislodged themselves from British dominion. Not surprisingly, those who derived immense benefit from using slaves endeavored to sustain this facade despite achieving financial autonomy.

Second class mate answer 1. What sort of source is this? What is the subject matter? When was it created? Who is the intended audience? This painting is a primary source of the Royall Family. The portrait portrays the wealth and luxuries this family had access to. This portrait was created by Robert Feke in 1741. The intended audience is the general public, but also now serves a purpose for students and historians. 2. Why was this document created/what purpose does this document serve? Now begins the analysis: Consider why this work was commissioned. What has motivated this family to have their portraits painted? I believe this portrait was comissioned by Isaac Royall Jr. and was intended to show their family status and wealth. 3. What is the style? How does the family want to be perceived? Provide examples from the work to support your observation. Based off of the portrait and text it seems as if the family wants to be perceived as wealthy elites with mentions of gold, ivory, and expensive attire. 4. What is the historical context? What was going on when this document was created? What events going on at this time might help us to better understand this source? Does the author represent a particular perspective from this era? How might these circumstances help us understand this source? Be specific. This portrait provides insite into this era of slavery, plantations, and other aspects of colonial times. The painting and text mentions family relations which give you a personal and insightful perspective with the Royall family during this 1740’s. The author also mentions that at the time the coral from the teething stick was traditionally believed to ward off evil spirits. 5. What is missing? What perspectives and information is not present in the source? How does this help us to better understand the perspective put forth by this family? This portrait is only one of possibly more, which only gives insight on one wealthy family. What I believe is missing is how common family portraits were for this time, or if it was typical for all families to have portraits portraying economical standings. 6. How does this source help us to better understand the era we are studying? In what ways does the portrait of the Royall family found in Chapter 4: Colonial City in the American Yawp Reader reveal changes in British colonial society? What image did wealthy colonials desire to project and how has the changing economics of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries made this possible? This source helps us better understand what was available to those of lavish lifestyles and how they chose to flaunt their family wealth. The portrait reveals how slavery boosted their status in the colonial society. They wanted to convey themselves of being self-sufficient and a life of ease and refinement.
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