Would you please Proofread my paper and see if I answer all the…

Would you please Proofread my paper and see if I answer all the questions correctly? Also, help me fix any mistake  add anything to make it make sense to the questions below. I will revise after at my end

These answers supposed to be in essay style 


Chapter 14: Case for Critical Analysis- Conficio Industries


Question 6: If Henry is passed over for promotion, what feedback and advice should he be given about improving his management skills for possible future promotions?


Chapter 16: Case for Critical Analysis- Morgan’s Department Store

Question 7: Do you think the complaints of lower-paid sales associates are legitimate? Why or why not? How do you suggest Lauren respond to these complaints, such as that the system offers few opportunities for large commissions in some departments?

Question 8: Have the successes of sales associates such as Katherine or Damien created a situation in which customers’ loyalty to particular salespeople is stronger than their loyalty to the store? For example, if a successful associate leaves Morgan’s, might the customer leave also?

Chapter 13: Case for Critical Analysis- Oklahoma Petroleum

Question 9: What other strategies might Amara adapt to work with the oil company men as an active team member? What are the pros and cons of each strategy?

Question 10: What does it mean to be “true to yourself”? Is being true to yourself more important than achieving personal career success in a male-dominated company? Is it okay to enable the continuation of an “unhealthy” work environment for women? Why do you think the way you do about this?



6. According to the case, Henry appears to be a likable individual whom people rely on and trust. He is renowned for his willingness to lend a hand. Henry needs to develop his leadership abilities to be a successful manager, which will allow him to speak with authority. Despite being overly courteous, he must let them know that he is in command and that everything must proceed as planned. If he doesn’t step back and establish a managerial attitude, others will take his friendly nature for granted. Although treating your staff well is excellent, there should be some distance between him and his team. Being overly accommodating can encourage employees to misbehave, and they may then leave the company. Other employees who abide by the regulations may become irate as a result. Managerial inaction can rise to anger, resulting in other employees quitting without cause. Henry needs to concentrate on his organizational ability, particularly his extraversion personality trait, to demonstrate his capacity for being assertive. A situation in which he could hold his team members accountable and inspire them to work hard rather than help them. However, Henry lacks some of these personality traits. In that case, I think he might act similarly to Richarch Brandson, who had to overcome his introversion to become an extrovert to be more gregarious and outspoken—an essential quality for any successful business leader. If he pushed himself, he might develop the personality trait necessary to be a good manager


Chapter 16: Case for Critical Analysis- Morgan’s Department Store

7. According to the equity theory, people are driven to seek social equality by the rewards they anticipate for their hard work. People believe they are being treated fairly and equally if they believe their reward is comparable to what others receive for making similar contributions. With DeMarco’s newly implemented incentive program, this has not been the case. Employee motivation will be low to continue doing it if they believe management does not value their high effort and strong performance. Whether the criticisms of the lower-paid sales workers are justified may be a matter of debate. Workers that are paid less will have to put in much more effort in their departments than other employees. Lauren may need to implement a two-tiered system in which certain staff only work on commission in areas where there is the potential to earn huge commissions such as the high-end designer apparel section while other employees work for an hourly salary or a base wage commission. The complaints of lower-paid sales associates are certainly legitimate. The system offers a few opportunities for large commissions in some departments, but the majority of lower-paid staff members do not have the same opportunities for large commission payouts. Lauren should respond to these complaints by creating a more equitable system for all employees. She should ensure that there are opportunities for larger commissions in all departments and that all employees have a fair chance to earn them. She should also look into creating incentives for employees to promote repeat business, referrals, and customer service, as this will help to create a more equitable system for all employees.


8. Yes, the successes of sales associates such as Katherine or Damien have certainly created a situation in which customers’ loyalty to particular salespeople is stronger than their loyalty to the store. If a successful associate leaves Morgan’s, it is likely that the customer will leave as well. To combat this, Lauren should focus on creating a culture of loyalty to the store, rather than to individual salespeople. She should create incentives for customers to return to the store, regardless of which salesperson they work with. She should also continue to promote customer service, as this will create a stronger bond between the customer and the store. Customers will most likely follow the sales representatives or service providers rather than the product itself. Instances of this can be found in numerous industries, not just those that place a strong emphasis on sales. A brand is inevitably tied to the faces it chooses to represent it, which is a well-known reality. These faces are typically those of salespeople, customer service agents, account managers, etc. A more regrettable, related fact is that one negative experience with customer service after many positive ones may quickly damage a brand’s reputation and result in the rapid loss of a valuable customer. Positively, a great customer service person can foster significant loyalty toward themselves as well as the brand.

Chapter 13: Case for Critical Analysis- Oklahoma Petroleum

9. One method would be for Amaras to take to become an active and valued part of the team is for her to offer ideas that might benefit everyone by using her understanding of the company’s operations and objectives. Since the oil people in business would be able to see that she is competent to participate in the team’s conversations, this technique can bridge any gap between Amaras and the males who work for the oil firm. She will be seen as an authority in her area as a result of implementing this plan, and her recommendations will be given significant consideration. One of the disadvantages of pursuing this method is the chance that she would not be perceived as a team player because she is presenting ideas that the males might not welcome well.

Working together with the guys on their ideas and providing her perspective based on her expertise is another fantastic tactic that Amaras might use. Due to using this method, the team members may become more respectful of one another and more in tune with one another. One advantage of pursuing this course of action is that Amaras will be seen as being open to new ideas and prepared to work together to find a solution. The guys may not take her opinion seriously if she is viewed as solely agreeing with them when she uses this method. This is one of the downsides of this strategy.

Another method that Amaras may use would be to encourage free discussion amongst the team members and establish an atmosphere that is trusting. This tactic can establish an environment characterized by openness and comprehension, providing a more productive dynamic within the team. This technique will assist in creating connections between the men and Amaras, allowing for improved communication and cooperation, which is one of the many advantages of pursuing it. The chance that it will take some time for the males to feel comfortable opening up to Amaras and trusting her advice is one of the potential drawbacks of this technique.

Taking the initiative to lead initiatives and duties that have been given to the team is yet another advantageous method for Amaras to take. This tactic has the ability to demonstrate to the men that she is a competent leader who is also prepared to accept responsibility for the outcomes of her actions. The fact that she will be able to show the team that she is capable of leading and managing projects is one of the advantages of pursuing this course of action. One of the drawbacks of using this method is that there is a chance that it may be seen as her attempting to exert her authority over the group, which may be greeted with opposition.


10. It’s more crucial to be true to yourself than to achieve personal achievement. A person can succeed in their personal and professional lives by being loyal to themselves. But, a person cannot succeed in the long run if they are not faithful to their emotions and convictions. Knowing and embracing who you are is the first step towards being genuine to yourself. It entails being aware of your strengths, interests, limitations, and life’s purpose and then always acting accordingly. You learn about yourself by experiencing life and figuring out what suits you the best. You don’t have to worry about pleasing others or living up to their expectations because it is a personal decision. In a male-dominated industry, I think being true to yourself is more significant than professional achievement. Success in your career is crucial, but not at the expense of trying to sell yourself to others. You should be respected for who you are as a person, not for the person you pretend to be. I disagree that it is acceptable to support the continuation of an unhealthy workplace for women. A productive workplace isn’t unfriendly. A harsh job is also not conducive to good health. Furthermore, sexual harassment and discrimination harm women’s physical and mental health in addition to their employment No matter a person’s gender, ethnicity, nationality, or other characteristics, they should be treated equally in the workplace.