Review all of your previous work on the EKT case study. Also review…

Review all of your previous work on the EKT case study. Also review all of the documents provided in the EKT case study.

The goal of this strategy and action plan is to successfully implement the changes proposed to move Elite Knowledge Training forward and create positive change. To do this, the following steps need to be taken:

1. Update the strategy of the organization to focus on offering online training and more advanced forms of instruction. For Elite Knowledge Training to remain competitive in today’s digital world, it is important for them to begin to offer more advanced forms of instruction such as video conferencing, video-based instruction, and distribution of materials in a digital format. To successfully implement this change, Elite Knowledge Training will need to invest in the necessary technology and resources to provide online training. This includes hiring or training existing employees to become proficient in the use of the technology and tools needed to provide online training. Additionally, the organization will need to create a comprehensive plan for introducing online training and ensure that all employees are on board with the change. Elite Knowledge Training will need to create an effective marketing plan to increase awareness of their online training offerings.

 2. Reorganize the structure of the organization to better align with the current goals and objectives. The structure of Elite Knowledge Training is outdated and needs to be updated to reflect the current needs of the organization. In particular, the Training Specialists are resistant to the idea of introducing online training, and their roles need to be redefined to better fit the new direction of the organization. To successfully implement this change, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a comprehensive plan for reorganizing the structure of the organization. This includes identifying the areas that need to be changed and creating a plan for how to best implement the changes. Additionally, the organization will need to ensure that all employees are on board with the changes and understand the new roles and responsibilities.

 3. Foster a better sense of collaboration between departments and better support employees in their roles. The people at Elite Knowledge Training need to be better aligned with the goals and objectives of the organization. This includes fostering a better sense of collaboration between departments, which is currently hindered by the conflict between Bill Johnson (VP Marketing) and Jay Clark-Gardner (VP Learning Design). Additionally, the employees need to be better trained and supported to be successful in their roles. To successfully implement this change, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a comprehensive plan for fostering collaboration between departments. This includes identifying the areas in which collaboration is needed and creating guidelines for how collaboration should be handled. The organization will need to invest in training and support for employees to ensure that they are adequately equipped to handle their roles and responsibilities.

 4. Encourage Mike Harrenton to be more assertive in his role as CEO and ensure that the organization is moving in the right direction. The leadership at Elite Knowledge Training needs to be more focused and aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives. Mike Harrenton (CEO) needs to be more assertive in his role and make sure that the organization is moving in the right direction. To successfully implement this change, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a comprehensive plan for Mike Harrenton to be more assertive in his role as CEO. This includes creating a plan for how he will be more involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization, as well as identifying areas that need his attention and how he can best provide leadership and direction. The company will need to create a plan for how the organization can ensure that it is moving in the right direction and identify areas that need to be addressed to move the organization forward.

 5. Diversify revenue streams to reduce reliance on a few key partners. As identified in the research and interviews, Elite Knowledge Training is currently reliant on a few key partners for over 60% of their revenue. To reduce this reliance and create a more stable financial situation, it is important for Elite Knowledge Training to diversify their revenue streams. To successfully implement this change, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a comprehensive plan for diversifying their revenue streams. This includes identifying potential new revenue sources and creating a plan for how to attract and maintain these new sources. Elite Knowledge Training will need to invest in marketing and sales efforts to effectively promote their offerings and increase their reach. Lastly, Elite Knowledge Training will need to assess the current partnerships and identify areas for improvement to ensure that those partnerships remain strong.

 Develop a Strategy and an Action Plan

1. Form a change management team composed of key stakeholders from various departments to oversee the implementation of the change initiative.2. Conduct a needs assessment to identify areas that need improvement and determine how to empower employees to make the change successful.3. Develop a clear vision and communicate it to all employees to get their buy-in.4. Develop a detailed action plan that outlines the steps to be taken to achieve the goals of the change initiative.5. Set up metrics to monitor progress, identify areas that need improvement, and measure the success of the initiative.

 By following the steps outlined in this action plan, Elite Knowledge Training will be able to successfully implement the proposed changes and create positive change. This will enable the organization to remain competitive in today’s digital world and remain a leader in leadership development.

To successfully implement this change, it is important to ensure that all employees are on board with the change and empowered to make a difference. To do this, Elite Knowledge Training will need to provide employees with the necessary training and resources to be successful in their roles. This includes providing training on the new technology and tools needed to provide online training, as well as identifying areas for improvement and creating guidelines for how collaboration should be handled. Additionally, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a supportive environment in which employees feel empowered to make a difference and contribute to the organization’s success.

 Creating a supportive environment starts with providing employees with the necessary training and resources to be successful in their roles. This includes providing employees with training on the new technology and tools needed to provide online training and creating a plan for how to introduce online training. Additionally, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create guidelines for how collaboration should be handled and invest in training and support for employees to ensure that they are adequately equipped to handle their roles and responsibilities. Once employees have the necessary training and resources, Elite Knowledge Training can create a supportive environment by encouraging open communication, offering feedback and recognition, and providing employees with opportunities to grow and develop.

To ensure that the change process is successful, it is important to generate short-term wins that will motivate employees and create a sense of success. To do this, Elite Knowledge Training will need to identify areas in which quick successes can be achieved and create a plan for how to achieve them. This could include introducing new online training courses, launching a new marketing campaign, or increasing customer satisfaction.

 To generate short-term wins, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a plan for how to achieve the desired outcomes. This could include creating a timeline of when the short-term wins should be achieved and outlining the steps that need to be taken to achieve them. Additionally, the organization will need to create a system for tracking progress and performance as well as identify areas for improvement and create plans for how to address them. Once the desired outcomes have been achieved, Elite Knowledge Training will need to celebrate the

Once short-term wins have been achieved, it is important to consolidate the gains and continue to produce more change. To do this, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a comprehensive plan for sustaining the changes that have been made and moving the organization forward. This includes creating a system for tracking progress and performance, as well as identifying areas for improvement and creating plans for how to address them. Additionally, Elite Knowledge Training will need to invest in training and support for employees to ensure that they are adequately equipped to handle their roles and responsibilities.

 Elite Knowledge Training will also need to create a system for monitoring and evaluating progress to ensure that the changes are being implemented properly and are having the desired effect. This could include conducting surveys, interviews, and focus groups to get feedback from employees and stakeholders. Additionally, the organization will need to invest in training and support for employees to ensure that they are adequately equipped to handle their roles and responsibilities. Finally, Elite Knowledge Training will need to create a plan for how to sustain the changes that have been made and move the organization forward.

 By following these steps, Elite Knowledge Training will be able to successfully implement the proposed changes and create positive change. This will enable the organization to remain competitive in today’s digital world and remain a leader in leadership development.








Using Toolkit Exercise 10.4 in Organizational Change,  create a plan for measuring and controlling the effectiveness of your change solution. Your plan should include the following:

A balanced scorecard for the change, including what it will be measuring and what will be the key indicators you will need to assess whether things are going well.

A brief description of how and when the measures might be implemented.

A balanced scorecard using the Balanced Scorecard Template.


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