For businesses to behave ethically and responsibly, their employees…
For businesses to behave ethically and responsibly, their employees need
    higher salaries
    good benefits
    higher education
    strong moral guidance from the leadership
“Newman’s Own” is a food product line that gives 100 percent of its after-tax profits to charity. This company is practicing ______.
    business ethics
    social responsibility
    customer satisfaction
______ refers to standards of conduct and moral values of a firm.
    Business ethics
    Social responsibility
    A social audit
Steve Jobs is a business leader who was able to anticipate what customers are looking for, and led his company to create products that meet those needs. This is an example of _____.
    decision making
    market research
    critical thinking
Which of the following is NOT an example of an internal force that requires organizational change?
    labour union demands
    production problems
    new technologies
    new company goals
Feedback from customers is an example of a(n) ______ that requires organizational change.
    internal force
    external force
    change agent
    marketing issue
In business, ______ refers to the ability to see better and different ways of doing business.
    critical thinking
    social responsibility
Emily works for a pharmaceutical company and gives a presentation on the need to expand the company’s geriatric division within the next ten years. Emily is helping to establish the company’s ______.
    critical thinking
For today’s managers, which of the following is least important?
    the ability to work by strict rules
    critical thinking skills
All of the following statements are correct EXCEPT
    successful businesses seek to meet their social and ethical responsibilities.
    business is the economic pulse of a nation.
    business includes not-for-profit organizations that provide services to the public.
    business provides goods and services necessary to an economic system.
A manager’s only obligation is to environment for creativity and critical thinking. The implementation of those ideas is carried out by other departments.



Natural resources are essential for certain companies but are NOT required for all economic systems.




Fortune Magazine publishes a list of most admired companies in the world each year. What criteria do companies have to meet in order to make the list?


Define profit. Explain why you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The success of a business is measured only by the profit it earns.”


A company removes a profitable product from the market because it may be dangerous. This company is demonstrating ___.
    ethical behaviour
    green marketing
    conflict of interest
    social welfare
Which of the following statements best justifies why a company should act in an ethical manner?
    The government will take action if a firm fails to act ethically.
    Acting ethically always maximizes profits in the short run.
    Acting ethically will help a company to prosper in the long run.
    The right thing to do is always the least expensive alternative.
___ refers to the way in which a business tries to balance its commitments to ___.
    Business ethics; organizational stakeholders and society as a whole
    Corporate social responsibility; organizational stakeholders and society as a whole
    Business ethics; investors
    Corporate social responsibility; the government
Tanisha is a diabetes educator at a local clinic. Recently, she was offered a lavish trip by a sales representative who has been pushing the clinic to use his company’s diabetes supplies. Tanisha declined the gift. Which ethical challenge did she face?
    honesty and integrity
    cultural consequences
    conflict of interest
Harold knows of a defect in a product his company sells. He will disclose the defect but only if the customer specifically asks about it. Harold’s ___ could be called into question.
Canada’s Bill 198 and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of the United States can both ___.
    replace a company’s code of ethics
    protect corporate executives who engage in wrongdoings
    guarantee ethical behaviour
    motivate businesses to develop written codes to guide ethical behaviour in the workplace
On average, women with a college degree earn less money than men with a college degree. This is an example of
    social responsibility.
    sexual harassment.
The ___ defines the standards for safety and advertising to be followed by makers of drugs, cosmetics, and therapeutic devices.
    Food and Drug Act
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
    Consumer Compliance
    Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
A marketing strategy that promotes environmentally friendly products and production methods is called ___.
    ethical awareness
    green marketing

24. The sales manager decides to double each salesperson’s monthly quota. What impact is this action likely to have on the company’s ethical climate?

    It will improve.
    It will remain the same.
    It will deteriorate.
    Not enough information is provided to determine the effect.

25. An advertising agency representing two companies that compete with one another has an obvious conflict of interest.



26. Employees should always be loyal, regardless of the situation.




27. A corporate culture that supports business ethics develops on four levels. Mention and explain each of those levels.


28. In general, as price of a good or service increases, the quantity demanded

    stays the same.
    depends on the type of product or service.

29. ______ refers to the willingness and ability of buyers to purchase goods and services.

    Consumer behaviour
    Customer preference

30. As the number of suppliers of a product increases, the supply curve shifts to the ______ and the price will ______.

    right; fall
    right; rise
    left; fall
    left; rise

31. The three major types of economic systems are ______.

    capitalism, planned economies, and mixed economies
    capitalism, pure competition, and planned economies
    capitalism, monopoly, and mixed economies
    capitalism, oligopoly, and planned economies

32. Which of the following market structures best describes the Canadian auto industry?

    pure competition
    monopolistic competition

33. Before the patent expired on allergy medicine Claritin, pharmaceutical company Schering-Plough was able to set its own price in the marketplace. From which type of competition did the company benefit?

    pure competition
    monopolistic competition

34. Consumers often turn to lower-priced retailers for the goods they need during a business cycle of ______.


35. ______ provides a running measure of consumer price changes.

    The Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    Per capita income
    The Producer Price Index (PPI)

36. A balanced budget occurs when ______.

    all of the national debt is repaid
    taxes, fees, and borrowings are equal to government spending for the year
    taxes and fees equal all government spending except for capital expenditures
    all federal taxes and fees equal all federal government spending

37. High ________ unemployment is a global economic challenge.


38. When a manager tries to predict prices and quantities that will be sold, he or she is dealing with microeconomics.



39. Canada has a small portion of the world’s population.  If a Canadian company seeks growth, it must expand globally.




40. Differentiate between macroeconomics and microeconomics. What types of economic activities might be included in each category?


41. Differentiate between a monopoly and an oligopoly in the private enterprise system.


42. Computers that are manufactured in Japan and sold in Norway are categorized as Japanese ______.


43. An absolute advantage occurs when a country can maintain ______.

    a monopoly by outlawing foreign imports
    a monopoly by levying high taxes on imports
    a monopoly by being the lowest-cost producer of a good or service
    its advantage by producing a good or service more efficiently

44. The country Artesia exported products totaling $86 billion last year. During the year, Artesia imported products valued at $43 billion. Artesia has a(n) ______.

    exchange rate of 2 to 1
    trade deficit of $43 billion
    trade surplus of $43 billion
    unfavourable balance of payments

45. Which of the following would result from devaluation of the Canadian dollar?

    Canadian goods would sell for less abroad.
    The cost of foreign vacations for Canadian citizens would be reduced.
    Foreign firms would have to pay more to purchase Canadian assets.
    Canadian goods would be more expensive for American consumers.

46. Goto, Inc. is trying to establish a supplier relationship with a parts manufacturer in a small Asian country. Filipe, the purchasing manager, is attempting to get to know the general manager and staff of the company to help finalize the agreement. Filipe is attempting to overcome what type of barrier?

    physical barrier
    tariff restriction
    exchange controls
    cultural barrier

47. A foreign-made household appliance is popular and is highly competitive with the same product manufactured domestically. To give the domestic industry a better chance to operate profitably, the government restricts the number of these appliances that can be imported by applying a(n) ______.

    import quota
    protective tariff
    revenue tariff

48. Which of the following is NOT a social or cultural barrier in international trade?

    consumer attitudes
    currency exchange

49. A less-developed nation is facing a financial crisis due to the rapid devaluation of its currency. Which of the following might aid this country?

    International Monetary Fund
    World Bank
    United Nations
    World Trade Organization

50. All of the following are part of the European community’s plan to eliminate all barriers to free trade among its members with the exception of ______.

    business regulation and requirements being standardized
    trade duties and value-added taxes being standardized
    custom checks being eliminated
    legal systems being standardized

51. The most common first step in engaging in international business is ______.

    foreign licensing
    indirect exporting
    direct exporting

52. Trading internationally allows companies to spread their risks.



53. An import quota is an example of a cultural barrier to global business.




54. What is dumping? How do countries counteract this practice?