need help with synthesizing this section of my literature review to…

need help with synthesizing this section of my literature review to conclude the findings




2.4.2 Current Scholarly Efforts to Address the Problem


In this part of the review, current scholars and researchers have found that different levels of EI affect leadership styles, leader motivation, and digital transformation. This section covers leader motivation, digital transformation, and management style. I will examine current efforts by identifying scholarly researchers who have discussed these themes that directly relate to the business problem, how it was addressed, and the degree of success or failure in overcoming it. Furthermore, academic researchers will disagree on data collection techniques and instruments, breaking agreement and disagreement. Leader Motivation


Emotional intelligence (EI) is a growing body of evidence that suggests leaders can motivate employees through their ability to understand and connect with their employees on a deeper level, leading to higher levels of motivation (Aziz et al., 2019; Jin et al., 2020; Masaldzhiyska, 2019; Yuste, 2021). EI allows leaders to recognize and understand their employees’ emotions, allowing them to tailor their motivational strategies accordingly (Andrabi & Rainayee, 2020). Influential leaders possess EI, which enables them to manage emotions effectively and communicate with their subordinates, minimizing stress and emotional distress (Hassan, 2022).

A study by Alzyoud (2019) found that the EI of leaders can result in a sense of belonging, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and employee retention rates. According to Huang, (2022), leaders with high EI can identify the motivations of their team members and provide them with the necessary support and tools to improve their motivation and performance.  He also mentioned that an EI leader can create a positive, supportive, and motivating work environment (Huang, 2022). Motivation drives employee performance and satisfaction in today’s dynamic and competitive work environment (Cahyadi et al., 2022). This can be achieved by cultivating a culture of trust, open communication, and collaboration with the ability to change and the motivation to do so. EI leaders can also provide personalized feedback and recognition to motivate employees by understanding their needs and emotions (Shen & Lei, 2022).

According to scholars, developing EI is not a factor that demotivates leaders but rather a crucial component of their success (Lambert, 2020; Shen & Lei, 2022). Dadhabai (2022) and Nayee (2021) have found that EI plays a significant role in leadership success. An individual with high EI can successfully navigate challenging situations while remaining calm and composed. The ability to regulate their emotions is independent of their decision-making and ability to lead effectively. A leader with high EI is crucial to the success and performance of an organization, as they can create a positive and motivating work environment, understand and meet the needs of their employees, provide personalized feedback and recognition, and effectively manage conflicts and crises (Yuste, 2021)


As identified by scholars, there is a correlation between high EI and a leader’s motivation to implement change (Raman et al., 2021; Shen & Lei, 2022). High EI is also linked to a leader’s push to implement change, as they can recognize the need for change and understand the emotions and concerns that may arise among their employees during times of change. Leaders with high EI can effectively communicate the rationale and benefits of difference to their team members, alleviating resistance and fostering a positive attitude toward change (Kolomboy et al., 2021).  high emotional intelligence is critical to organizational success and performance (Colwell, 2019). By understanding and managing their and their followers’ emotions, leaders can create a positive and motivating work environment, drive change, and foster a positive attitude toward change. Digital Transformation


Digital transformation can pose challenges to leaders (Lee et al., 2022; Moreira & Rua, 2023) and emotional intelligence can help them navigate them. Moreira and Rua (2023) found a positive relationship between emotional intelligence dimensions and transformational leadership in the technology sector. Aiming to integrate emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence into the digital workplace, Kaur (2021) discussed the topic. According to Prakash 2020, emotional intelligence plays an important role in transforming leadership in the gig economy. Several studies have highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in facilitating successful digital transformations (Zhao et al., 2022).Digital transformation has presented leaders with a number of challenges that require emotional intelligence. It has been shown that leaders with high emotional intelligence are better able to handle complexities and uncertainties associated with digital transformation (Silva & Abreu, 2022). Understanding and managing their own and others’ emotions allows them to build strong relationships with their teams and effectively communicate the transformation’s vision and goals.

A leader’s emotional intelligence is crucial to navigating digital transformation challenges (Mindeguia et al., 2021; Raman et al., 2021). As a result, they can effectively address the needs and concerns of employees during the digital transformation process by adapting their leadership styles and decision-making strategies. A common challenge in digital transformation initiatives is managing and mitigating resistance to change, which is a common challenge for leaders. A leader with high emotional intelligence is able to address concerns and alleviate fears by empathizing with the emotions of their team members (Jurado et al., 2022), which fosters a supportive and collaborative environment conducive to digital transformation (Suleman et al., 2020). Scholars suggest that emotional intelligence is a crucial factor for leaders to navigate digital transformation challenges successfully. Change Management Style


Singh et al., (2022) examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership styles in Indian IT companies. Effective leadership depends on emotional intelligence, which mediates the relationship between leadership styles and effectiveness. High EI levels are associated with better career growth, stronger relationships, and more effective leadership. Singh et al., (2022) examined the relationship between EI and leadership styles using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire form 6-S, revealing a significant positive relationship with only 19.5% of variance explained by EI. Although emotional intelligence plays a role in influencing leadership styles, it is not the sole determining factor. Sharma and Anisha (2018) argue that developing effective leadership styles requires emotional intelligence. Based on theories, studies, and research, the scholar developed a conceptual model combining emotional intelligence, leadership styles, and effectiveness. Sharma and Anisha (2018)’s  study focuses on the relationship between leadership styles and effectiveness, emphasizing the role of emotional intelligence as a mediator. According to Singh et al., emotional intelligence serves as a facilitator for effective leadership styles in Indian IT companies.

According to Sindu Bharath et al.’s study (2021), Leadership styles in the IT sector are influenced by Emotional Intelligence (EI). Employees with high EI levels make up 53.8% of the workforce, while those with low levels make up 46.2%. Autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership styles are common. The development of EI requires persistence, practice, and feedback from coaches and experts. Leadership requires emotional intelligence, which helps leaders manage their emotions and followers’ emotions. Moreover, it helps leaders navigate through change and adapt effectively. According to Singh et al. and Sindu Bharath et al., there is a strong relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership styles. Leadership styles such as transformational or democratic leadership are more likely to be exhibited by leaders with high emotional intelligence (Xu ,2022).  Additionally, leaders with high emotional intelligence are capable of understanding and managing their own emotions as well as those of their followers (Schreckenbach et al., 2018). It is possible to create a positive working environment by understanding and managing emotions, which can promote collaboration and motivation among team members.