Module 5: My Labour Market Research, Company Research, My Network…

Module 5: My Labour Market Research, Company Research, My Network

While it might be fun to know that a future job could be a Feedback Looper, understanding the labour market makes most sense once we locate ourselves in it. Knowing where you fit enables you to pay attention to clues the labour market offers that are relevant to you.

This is a labour market research activity that can help you identify where you want to find work. Use the guiding questions to get started in each of the categories, to develop greater clarity on your place in the labour market. You must find appropriate labour market sources for the choices you make. Please ensure these sources are cited and referenced using both in text citations and a reference page.


Where do you want to be?  Are you restricted by location or does location create new horizons for you to explore? You must source labour market facts to provide a reason for your location choices. Locations should provide good job opportunities for your chosen career/industry.

First Choice: Location (city and country) Second Choice: Location (city and country) Third Choice: Location (city and country)



Reason for this choice Reason for this choice  Reason for this choice 

Personal reason for this location choice:


Labour market reason for this location choice:


1. Personal reason for this location choice:


2. Labour market reason for this location choice:


Personal reason for this location choice:


Labour market reason for this location choice:




What industries can you see yourself working in?  You must source labour market facts to provide three reasons for each of your industry choices.  For the first choice, use the industry relevant to your current program of study. The second and third choices may be taken from other industries of interest to you. Three reasons should be provided for each industry.

First Choice: Industry Second Choice: Industry Third Choice: Industry



Reasons for this industry choice based on labour market information/facts. Reasons for this industry choice based on labour market information/facts. Reasons for this industry choice based on labour market information/facts.











Job Titles

What are some possible job titles that appeal to you within your industries? What are some of the different versions of that job title?  Provide the link for job search websites used to search for job titles. Provide a different website link for each industry researched.

Name of the 1st industry:

Indicate 3 job titles that appeal to you in this industry:





Provide the link for the website used to research the job titles.
Name of the 2nd industry:

Indicate 3 job titles that appeal to you in this industry:





Provide the link for the website used to research the job titles.
Name of the 3rd industry:

Indicate 3 job titles that appeal to you in this industry:





Provide the link for the website used to research the job titles.


Skills and Qualifications 

What skills and qualifications are needed for your target industry?  As jobs evolve, the skills needed will evolve as well. What future skills are you willing to develop to ensure meaningful employment in the future? In reviewing some of the job search sites above, please indicate the names of your chosen industries in the table below and specify three skills/training/qualifications that you will need to develop to ensure meaningful future employment in each of these industries.

Industry 1 name –  Industry 2 name –  Industry 3 name – 
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.


Job Search Activities 

For each category below, enter the results of your research. What professional associations, networking events and job search websites (along with identified job titles) will you rely on to support your job search?

Professional Associations

Professional associations can provide access to the hidden job market, professional development, and networking opportunities. For each of your selected industries, identify a professional association that supports your career interests. Enter your response in the table below.

Name of the industry –

Name of the relevant association – 

Name of the industry –

Name of the relevant association –

Name of the industry –

Name of the relevant association –


Networking Events

Indicate 3 networking events that are relevant to each of your industries and provide the date of the networking event. Enter your response in the table below. 

Industry –

Name of the event –

Date of the event – 

Industry –

Name of the event –

Date of the event –

Industry –

Name of the event –

Date of the event –

Salary Range

Identify based on your labour market research, the salary target for each of the job titles indicated in the table above; feel free to express this as a range. Some websites that may give insight into potential salary ranges for your occupation are:


Pay Scale- Salary Data & Career Research Centre (Canada) Salaries

Job Bank- Explore careers by wages

Job title and salary range –
Job title and salary range –
Job title and salary range –


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Company Research

What 3 companies are you most interested in? What companies are in your industry(ies) and geographical location(s)? Answer the following questions, and ensure you are citing company websites for your summary.

Company Name What does the company do. Research this information on the company website (type of company, products and services)? Explain why the company fits within your location and industry. Provide one reason for the location, and two reasons for the industry.













*Create reference page at the end of the assignment on a new page.

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Module 6: My Informational Interview 

My Informational Interview

Assessment Instructions 

You will conduct an informational interview with someone from your personal network. This meeting can be done virtually or in person. 

This section is broken down into three parts.

Selecting someone to conduct the informational interview with.
Planning your questions using the four-quadrant method of informational interviewing
Summarizing the results of the meeting.

Part 1:  First plan out who you are going to conduct the informational interview with.  You may select someone in your personal network as long as the person selected is related to your career interest. 

 Name and Position Title  Company How do you know this person or how did you meet this person?



Why did you select this person to conduct the informational Interview (provide 3 reasons)? 




Part two: Plan out the questions you will ask the person you have selected. You must use the four-quadrant method of informational interviewing to draft out your questions.  Write 3 questions for each category.

Identify the list of questions you chose to ask this person. Why did you select these questions? 


Questions related to the person.




Why did you select these questions for the person category?


Questions related to the company.




Why did you select these questions for the company category?


Questions related to the industry.




Why did you select these questions for the industry category?


Questions related to next steps or advice.





Why did you select these questions for the next steps/advice category?





Part three: summarize the results of your meeting by answering the following questions. 

What did you learn from the questions you asked that you could apply to your future career?  Identify at least 6 things you learnt from this process. Use the questions below and other responses from your informational interview, to guide your answer when completing this section.

What is one interesting thing about this person’s career pathway that was surprising to you or inspiring?
According to your interviewee, what does a typical day look like in their occupation?
What did your interviewee indicate were the pros and cons of working in this industry?
What is the educational path required to prepare for this career?
In what ways can you see yourself doing this type of work? Please be specific.










What relevant career advice did the person you interview have to offer you?  How will you incorporate their advice into your career going forward?