andreana68 Imagine that you have been commissioned by your government to…Imagine that you have been commissioned by your government to design from scratch an entirely new system for corporate governance. Your system is to be the most effective governance system and you are allowed to borrow freely from the standards of any country in the world. What are your recommended best practices? Be specific and make sure to comment on unitary board versus two-tiered board, board composition, independence committees, auditor requirements, and other factors mentioned in the HCP reading? (two hundred words that follows rogerian style) Resources Reading to respond to this above questions are below: Image transcription textMANFORD STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSROCK CENTER FOR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CASE: CG-11DATE: 01/15/08 MODELS OF CORPORATE GOVERN… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modcis QfC’orpom re Governor: ce.’ Who s the Fairer: 0}”??? en:.4 ii? (“G-1 I P- 2 Broad standards of governance arerequired by regulatory bodies, based on the recomme… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels ofCorpom re Governance: Who 5′ ?ieFm’resrofThem A”?(“G-U P- 5 regulatory environments (such as Morocco,Egypt, and Russia).5 However, there is considerable co… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modeis ofC’orpom re Governance: Who .3: the. Friirest ofThem AH? (“G-U p- 4 family.° Even Google, 10 years old and havingrecently completed a successful IPO, brought in an out… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modeb’ ofC’orpom to Governor: ce.’ Who .3: the. Forrest ofTh em.4 H? (“G-1 I P- 5 companst financing or acquisition deals.Alternatively, the involvement of the Massachusetts I… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modeir ofC’orpom to Governor: ce.’ Who .3: the. Forrest of??? em.4 H? (“G-1 I P- 6 In many instances, significant shareholderswho were not founding members of the company also … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”NJ .Models QfC’orpom re Governor: ce.’ Who .3: the Forrest off}?em .4 H? (“G-1 I p- that it fairly presented in all materialrespects the financial condition, results of operations … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modelr QfC’orpom re Governance: Who .3: the Forrest af?rm: .4H? (“G-U p- 3 powers, the SEC was granted the power toregulate securities exchanges [such as the New York S… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modelr QfC’orpom re Governance: Who .3: the Forrest af?rm” .4H? (“G-U p- 9 proposal on the matter on AIG s annual proxy.When the SEC sided with the company in rejecting the… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 10 reports. The Act did not specify a requiredstructure for boards, nor did it mandate procedures fo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 11 board should appoint a lead independentdirector who serves as a liaison with shareholders, the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 12 The supervisory board was required by law tohave one-third of its members as labor representative… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 13 In parts of Europe at the moment, we are in themiddle of a very important dialogue about how to deal … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modeis ofC’orpom re Governor: ce.’ Who .3: the. Friires’t ofTii em.4 H? (“G-1 I P- 14 We have a vested interest in Swedenhaving as many skilled people as possible in society, an… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Models QfC’orpom re Governor: ce.’ Who .3: the Frn’res’t ofThem .4 H? (“G-1 I P- 5 bank financiers also owned minoritystakes in industrial firms.” Their investment indicated t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modeis ofC’orpom re Governor: ee.’ Who .3: the. Forrest ofTh em.4 H? (“G-1 I P- 16 Japanese companies were challengedwith responding to the pressures that came with capit… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels ofCorpom re Governance: Who 3 the Forrest ofThem AH? (“G-U P- I 7 eliminated. Group companies were forced tobecome financially self-sufficient, although they still o… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels ofCorpom re Governon (‘6: Who 3 the Forrest ofTbem AH? (“G-1 I P- M affiliated with CNPC and three of whomwere independent, non—executive directors. The com… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels ofCorpom re Governor: ce.’ Who .5′ the Forrest olerem AH? (“G-1 I P- H As in many other countries, family-runcompanies continued to dominate the Indian economy… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels ofCorpom re Governance: Who .5′ ?ieFm’restofThem A”?(“G-U P- 20 financial at all, and had more to do with how thecompany treated a broad set of stakeholders, such as e… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textM odds ofCorpo-m re Governance: Who 3 the F m’restof ThemA”? (6-11 p. 21 QUESTIONS 1. Imagine that you have beencommissioned by your government to design from scr… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-1I p. 22 Exhibit 1 Components of Corporate GovernanceExternal Auditors Inst Unions Owners Stock Board of … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 23 Exhibit 2 Governance Metrics International:Ratings on International Corporations (2007) Compan… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 24 Exhibit 3 Johnson & Johnson: Board ofDirectors (2007) Public Audit Policy Finance Yes / No … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textM odds ofCorpG-m re Governance: Who 3 the F m’restof ThemA”? (6-11 p. 25 Exhibit 4 Cadbury Committee on CorporateGovernance: Code of Best Practices (1992) Relating t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Ds the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 26 Exhibit 5 EasyJet PLC: Comply or Explain Report(2006) Statement of compliance The Company compli… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 27 Exhibit 6 Holdings in German Corporations byGerman Finance Companies (2001) Deutsche Bank All… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 28 Exhibit 7 Heineken N.V.: Ownership Structure(2007) Holding Companies of the L’Arche Green N.V. H… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 29 Exhibit 8 Toyota Motor Corp: First Tier AutoSuppliers in Production Keiretsu Is Toyota the Largest … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 30 Exhibit 8 (continued) Toyota Corporation:Corporate Governance Structure Toyota’s Corporate … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textModels of Corporate Governance: Who Us the Fairest of ThemAll? CG-11 p. 31 Exhibit 8 (continued) Toyota Corporation:Corporate Governance Structure Title Position Joined… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.Modcls ofC’orpom re Gammon ce.’ Who .3: the. Forrest ofTh em.4 H? (“G-l I P- 52 Exhibit 9 Hewlett Packard: FY06 GlobalCitizenship Report Priorities and Goals Global citizens… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textM ed els ofCorpG-m to Governor: are: Who Exhibit 9 (continued)3 theFm’restokaem A”? (6-11 Hewlett Packard: FY06 GlobalCitizenship Report E co no mic Value HP has direct ec… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other