Hey, can someone help me add a little bit more detail to my essay…

Hey, can someone help me add a little bit more detail to my essay and also help me add ACADEMIC references for the whole essay? I will attach the essay instructions and what I have written so far. Thank you so much.




Essay Instructions:



What I have written so far:


Assessment 3 Part 2: The Team X Reflective Report 

MGMT 2002


Teams enable us to work collaboratively, to explore different ideas, and to combine all those ideas into a task or decision. Teams are formed in schools, workplaces, universities, sports, and so on. In saying this, the previous group assignment focused on analysing the international expansion strategies of ‘Who Gives A Crap,’ a brand of sustainable toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels founded in Australia. The assignment highlighted the importance of careful planning and analysis in international business operations, emphasising principles such as market potential, competitive advantages, resource availability, risk management, and compatibility with target markets. Our team worked collaboratively throughout the assignment, collating information and ideas together in order to finalise our group assignment. We worked together in completing sections of the assignment within a certain time frame. What could have been improved on in the future is more frequent communication within the team in order to know how everybody is going with the assignment, what other information needs to be added, and if any team members require help on their sections of the assignment. However, working within a team of motivated individuals made it easier to understand the task and ask any questions during meeting times where the assignment was discussed. 


Upon examining the assignment, my team and I have gained insights into the standardization strategies employed by ‘Who Gives A Crap’ to access global markets. Standardization refers to establishing and maintaining consistency in the characteristics, specifications, and quality of products across markets. By specialising in producing bamboo toilet paper and 100% recycled toilet paper, ‘Who Gives A Crap’ has streamlined its production processes, reduced costs, and achieved efficiency gains. The advantages of standardization include increased efficiency throughout the production process, lower training costs, and the ability to benefit from economies of scale. These benefits can be passed on to consumers through competitive pricing strategies. However, the limitation of standardization lies in the need for a target market with a sufficient population of environmentally conscious consumers who can afford these products.


Additionally, the assignment explored the joint venture strategy adopted by ‘Who Gives A Crap’ to expand its brand and make a positive impact in developing communities. Joint ventures, such as collaborations with ‘iDE- International Development Enterprises’ and ‘LWALA Community Alliance,’ have allowed the company to combine its competencies and resources with those of partner organisations, focusing on improving health and hygiene standards. These partnerships have facilitated the company’s entry into new markets by sharing risks and costs, providing access to local expertise, and fostering mutual benefits. However, effective communication and understanding cultural differences remain crucial challenges when operating in new countries.


Reflecting on the previous assignment, I appreciate the importance of strategic decision-making in international business operations. Working collaboratively with my team has encouraged and influenced me to develop a higher knowledge of international businesses and their operations globally. ‘Who Gives A Crap’ has demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility through its international expansion strategies. Their emphasis on standardization and joint ventures aligns with their business model and values, enabling them to make a positive impact while maintaining efficiency and competitiveness. The assignment has highlighted the significance of understanding target markets, cultural barriers, and language differences when expanding internationally. It has also emphasised the need for continuous research and adaptation to ensure a successful international expansion. As I reflect on the assignment, I can confirm that my team and I now have a broader understanding of the global market and its benefits along with its challenges. 


Considering the use of teams in the workplace, it is evident that teams can be highly beneficial for organisations. By organising the office into a team, a small private-owned international trading company can reap numerous advantages. Firstly, teams foster collaboration, enabling employees to work together towards common objectives and share knowledge and expertise. In the context of an international trading company dealing with customers from different countries like New Zealand, the United States, and China, a team structure can help leverage diverse perspectives and cultural insights to better understand and serve customers from each target market. This cultural diversity is very beneficial as it influences diverse opinions and ideas within an international company. Secondly, teams promote innovation and creativity. By encouraging open communication and idea-sharing among team members, organisations can tap into a wider range of ideas and approaches, leading to more innovative solutions. Thirdly, teams enhance employee engagement and satisfaction. When individuals feel part of a team and have a sense of ownership and autonomy in their work, they are more likely to be motivated and productive. However, reorganising an office into a team also presents challenges. One of the challenges is managing conflicts and ensuring effective communication among team members. With different personalities, perspectives, and cultural backgrounds, conflicts may arise within the team. It is essential to establish clear communication channels, foster a culture of respect and openness, and implement conflict resolution strategies to address any issues that may arise. Another challenge is striking the right balance between individual and team goals. While teams promote collaboration, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate individual contributions and provide opportunities for personal growth and recognition. There are benefits and challenges that teams bring to every organisation, but that is what influences international business growth as businesses learn to problem solve within teams and understand each individual’s differences in order to cooperate as a team. 


In conclusion, the previous group assignment on international business operations provided valuable insights into the strategies employed by ‘Who Gives A Crap’ for global growth and impact. The analysis of standardization and joint ventures showcased the company’s dedication to sustainability, efficiency, and social responsibility. This reflection has deepened my understanding of the complexities involved in international expansion and the importance of strategic decision-making to achieve success in global markets. The previous group assignment on international business operations provided valuable insights into the strategies employed by ‘Who Gives A Crap’ for global growth and impact. The analysis of standardization and joint ventures showcased the company’s dedication to sustainability, efficiency, and social responsibility. This reflection has deepened my understanding of the complexities involved in international expansion and the importance of strategic decision-making to achieve success in global markets. Furthermore, it has highlighted the benefits and challenges of utilising teams in the workplace, emphasising the need for effective communication, collaboration, and conflict management. Moving forward, I will apply these learnings to future team collaborations and strive for continuous improvement in my teamwork skills.