A company decided to install a new type of database software to…

A company decided to install a new type of database software to keep track of inventory. The information systems staff was responsible for backing up all inventory data prior to installing the new software.

Which of the following types of technology risks is being addressed in this scenario? 


Updating systems


Misusing data


Corrupting data


Technology usage


Which of the following is a disadvantage to using tests as a hiring method for potential employees?


Most tests only evaluate skills and not applicant personality traits.


It is easier to evaluate skills using application forms.


Most applicants refuse to take tests as a part of the employment process.


Test results can be inaccurate due to applicants experiencing test anxiety.


Which of the following types of departmentalization can result in a company duplicating the equipment it uses to create  a product?










Jane, who managed a regional team of salespeople, prioritized her activities in order to prepare for the weekly sales meeting with her staff. She then set the meeting day and time according to when the staff were scheduled to be in the office.

Which management skill below did Jane demonstrate?   


Human relations


Time management




Decision making


Which of the following is an example of recency error in performance appraisals?


Laura gave an employee a poor performance rating. The employee did not meet her sales quotas for the second year in a row.


Laura gave an employee a high performance rating. Even though the employee did not meet her sales quotas, she was a good communicator.


Laura gave an employee a poor performance rating. Even though the employee met her quotas all year, her sales numbers were down in the month prior to her appraisal.


Laura gave an employee a high performance rating. She likes the employee’s personality, and they have similar social interests.




As the human resource manager, Karen worked with the finance manager to advise him on the steps to follow in terminating a poorly performing employee.

Which phase of Human Resource Management below does this scenario describe?













Natalie managed the development of a new software for a technology company. She evaluated the feedback she obtained from clients who had purchased the software. Natalie used the feedback to help make product updates and fixes for all customers.

Which of the steps of the management process below does this illustrate?











Sarah was frustrated with her supervisor, and was not motivated to do her job. She felt that her coworkers were treated better than she was, even though she worked long hours and met her performance goals.

Which of the motivation theories below explains Sarah’s lack of motivation?


Expectancy Theory


Goal-Setting Theory


Management by Objectives


Equity Theory



Which of the following exemplifies a corporate strategy?


A gourmet dessert maker promotes how its ingredients are fresher than those used by other dessert makers.


A gourmet dessert maker starts a rewards program for sales clerks who provide excellent customer service.


A gourmet dessert maker decides to enter the dried fruit business in addition to making desserts.


A gourmet dessert maker wins an award for outstanding customer service.




Which of the following is NOT a major benefit of having a diverse workforce?


Enhanced creativity, innovation, and problem-solving


Reduced expenditures


Increased hiring pool of potential employees 


More opportunities for workplace flexibility



When Sharon was hired for her new sales position, she was provided a laptop to take with her when she traveled. She would be able to work and meet potential clients while away from her office.

Which of the following virtual options does this scenario illustrate?






Portable office




Which of the following is a first line manager?


Manager of Vaccine Development in a pharmaceutical company


Technical Team Lead for diabetes product testing in a pharmaceutical company


CFO of a pharmaceutical company


Vice President of Research for a pharmaceutical company




An employee reported a safety violation at her workplace. Her supervisor tried to force the employee to quit by reducing her work hours and cutting wages.

Which form of discrimination below does this scenario illustrate?


Hostile work environment


Sexual harassment


Age discrimination


Quid pro quo



Sebastian required his employees to work overtime to meet a deadline on a project. The following week, he gave each employee a gift card to a local restaurant.

Which type of reinforcement below does this scenario illustrate?


Positive punishment


Negative reinforcement


Positive reinforcement


Negative punishment



Which of the following is usually a benefit rather than an incentive?


Offering employees a yearly bonus


Providing a profit-sharing program


Paying employees for performance


Providing continuing education courses


Which of the following is true regarding turnover management within an organization?


It deals only with the loss of current employees.


It may include internal promotions within an organization.


It can be reduced by decreasing employee compensation.


It is driven by the results of performance appraisals.




Matt was the marketing manager for a sports team. He made choices based on his own ideas and judgments and rarely accepted advice from his staff.

Which style of management below does Matt use?


Autocratic style


Free rein style


Contingency approach


Democratic style



In which of the ways below is corporate culture best expressed to employees?


Through enforcing legal requirements


Through management leading by example


Through offsite training programs


Through explicitly stated goals and objectives



Which of the motivational theories below proposes that workplace conditions and individual motivation factors both impact the satisfaction of employees?


Theory X and Theory Y


Two Factor Theory


Classical Theory & Scientific Management


Hawthorne Effect



Which of the following is true about a flat organizational structure?


Is most common in large corporations


Has several levels of management


Has been used to reduce management costs


Is usually associated with a centralized organization 


The marketing manager asked Jess to complete  a competitive analysis report by the end of the week. Even though the request was last minute and she was behind on her work, Jess was reluctant to let her assistant help with it. She liked knowing she was responsible for completing important tasks.

Which of the following is true about Jess’ delegation efforts?


Jess delegated ineffectively since she wanted to retain a certain amount of control.


Jess delegated effectively since she knew her assistant was not qualified to complete the report.


Jess delegated ineffectively since she had little time to manage her assistant on additional tasks.


Jess delegated effectively since she was willing to assign both routine and important tasks.





The management for a company formally agrees to pay its employees a set overtime wage whenever an employee works more than 40 hours in one work week. One month after making this agreement, a supervisor refuses to pay an employee overtime pay. The employee notifies the company management and his union.

Which of the following does this scenario illustrate?


Hostile work environment






Collective bargaining



A large clothing retailer determines the company eventually wants to offer home goods and furnishings at its stores within the next six to seven years. Management decides to add a home goods division to prepare for this product offering expansion.

Which of the following does this scenario illustrate?


Intermediate goal


Functional strategy


Long term goal


Operational plan



Ryan wanted to talk to his supervisor, Beth, about a new idea for managing the inventory at the store. However, he was reluctant to go to Beth since she was not very receptive to new ideas and changes in their department.

Which of the following personality traits describes Beth?


Low openness


High agreeableness


Low extroversion


High conscientiousness