Resource identification 1a) Make a list of the resources used in…
Resource identification

1a) Make a list of the resources used in the organisation.



There are three main types of resources used at Stingray
· Human Resources
· Financial Resources
· Physical Resources


1b) In discussion with your team members, discuss and agree on two resources you will be focussing on for this activity that will contribute to the sustainability of the organisation. 

Resource 1

Resource 2




1c) Gather information from a range of sources to determine the effects of these resources on people, the organisation and the environment. List the internal and external data resources used. 


Resource 1


Impact on people

Water is essential for human health and well-being. It is used for drinking, cooking, bathing, and sanitation. 

Impact on organisation

Water is used for cooling, cleaning, and manufacturing.

Impact on environment

Water is a limited resource and its overuse can lead to water shortages, pollution, and ecosystem degradation.

Resource 2


Impact on people

Electricity is used for lighting, heating, cooling, and appliances.

Impact on organisation

Electricity is used for powering machinery, computers, and other equipment.

Impact on environment

Electricity production can generate greenhouse gases and other pollutants that contribute to climate change and air pollution.

Internal data resources used

Water usage records

Electricity usage records

Maintenance records

Stingray Case study 


External data resources used

Government reports on water and electricity usage

Environmental impact reports

Sustainability guidelines



1d) Discuss and document at least three methods for reducing / minimising the use of your selected resources. Record these.


Methods for reducing/minimising water usage:

Install water-efficient fixtures and appliances.
Fix leaky faucets and pipes.
Collect rainwater for irrigation and other uses.


Methods for reducing/minimising electricity usage:

Turn off lights when you leave a room.
Unplug appliances when they are not in use.
Use energy-efficient light bulbs.



1e) Discuss and document at least three benefits of minimisation of these resources on people, planet and profits. Record these.


Benefits of minimizing resources on people, planet, and profits:

Improved health and well-being
Reduced risk of waterborne diseases
Reduced air pollution
Increased energy security
Reduced water consumption
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
Reduced pollution
Protected ecosystems
Reduced water and electricity bills
Increased employee productivity
Improved reputation



1f) Identify at least three metrics that can be used to measure effectiveness of the proposed methods.


Metrics for measuring effectiveness of proposed methods:

Water usage:
Gallons of water used per day/month/year
Percentage of water saved
Electricity usage:
Kilowatt-hours of electricity used per day/month/year
Percentage of electricity saved


1g) Set reduction targets (SMART) for the selected resources. (example: reduce electricity usage by 5% in first quarter) 


Reduction targets (SMART):

Water usage:
Reduce water usage by 10% in the first year.
Reduce water usage by 20% in the second year.
Reduce water usage by 30% in the third year.
Electricity usage:
Reduce electricity usage by 5% in the first year.
Reduce electricity usage by 10% in the second year.
Reduce electricity usage by 15% in the third year.



2. Developing procedures 
Thinking of the methods for reducing /minimising your selected resources in question one above, create at least two appropriate procedures that take into account organisational and legislative requirements, with the aim of reducing or using the resource more efficiently.


Procedures to reduce/minimise usage of Resources 1 and 2


for Resource 1


Water lawns and gardens less often.
Take shorter showers.
Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shaving.




Procedure for Resource 2


Set your thermostat to a higher temperature in the summer and a lower temperature in the winter.
Wash clothes in cold water.
Air-dry your laundry.





3. Developing policies
Using the Sustainability Policy Template provided in Appendix A (also available for download from Canvas), create a sustainability policy for EACH of the resources selected that includes the following (i.e. two policies, one for each resource):  Fill in the required fields in Appendix A found at end of this document and Section 3 is answered!

Resource 1: Water Sustainability Policy




This Water Sustainability Policy demonstrates our dedication to environmental responsibility and acknowledges the vital role water plays in our organization’s operations.





This policy and associated procedures are applicable to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders involved with our organization. It encompasses compliance with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.





At [Your Company Name], we recognize the significance of preserving water resources for future generations. To uphold this commitment, we pledge to:



Monitor and reduce water consumption, setting annual targets to achieve a [X]% reduction by [Year].


Comply with all applicable water-related laws, including [List relevant regulations].

Implement water-efficient technologies and practices across our operations, focusing on [Specify areas, such as irrigation, cooling systems].


Promote responsible water usage by raising awareness among employees and stakeholders.


We also commit to responsibly managing wastewater, minimizing its environmental impact and adhering to all regulatory guidelines.



Continuous Improvement Processes:

This policy will be reviewed annually by our Environmental Management Team. As part of this review, we will evaluate our water consumption targets and assess our progress. Any necessary adjustments to our methods will be identified and implemented.





This policy will be communicated to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders through internal announcements, training sessions, and our company website. Progress reports on water conservation efforts will also be included in our quarterly sustainability updates.



Responsibility and Review:

The Environmental Management Team at [Your Company Name] is responsible for the review and update of this Water Sustainability Policy. This policy was last updated in [Month Year], and it will be reviewed in [Month Year].



Resource 2: Electricity Sustainability Policy




This Electricity Sustainability Policy underscores our dedication to minimizing energy consumption and mitigating environmental impact.




This policy pertains to all individuals involved in [Your Company Name]’s operations, including employees, contractors, and stakeholders. It encompasses adherence to applicable energy-related regulations and standards.




At [Your Company Name], we recognize our responsibility to reduce electricity usage and its associated environmental effects. Therefore, we commit to:



Decreasing electricity consumption through targeted measures, aiming for a [X]% reduction by [Year].


Complying with all relevant energy-related laws and regulations, including [List applicable regulations].


Adopting energy-efficient technologies and practices across our facilities, particularly in [Specify areas, like lighting, equipment usage].


Promoting energy conservation awareness among employees and stakeholders.


Furthermore, we pledge to optimize our use of renewable energy sources whenever feasible, thus further contributing to sustainable practices.






Continuous Improvement Processes:

Our Environmental Management Team will conduct an annual review of this Electricity Sustainability Policy. During this review, we will assess our progress towards energy reduction goals and identify opportunities for improvement in our strategies.




This policy will be communicated across the organization through internal announcements, training sessions, and our company’s website. We will also provide regular updates on energy conservation progress in our quarterly sustainability reports.



Responsibility and Review:


The responsibility for reviewing and updating this Electricity Sustainability Policy rests with [Your Company Name]’s Environmental Management Team. The policy was last updated in [Month Year] and is slated for review in [Month Year].


4. Consult stakeholders
4a) Make a list of the relevant stakeholders that need to be consulted with as part of the policy development process. 





4b)  consult with the Chief Operations Officer (the facilitator) and other stakeholders (members of the team), sharing the policies and procedures developed in steps 2 and 3 above and: 

Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and resources and how they will be sourced including costs required to implement the policy.
Discuss what support will be given for the implementation of the new policies and procedures (eg training, notice of where to find the policies and procedures)
Ask for their feedback.
Recommend and seek agreement on appropriate practices/methods of implementation, outcomes and performance indicators.







5. Implement Policies/Procedures

Implement the new policies and procedures to all staff at Stingray. To do this:

5a) Inform all staff (team members) via email and discuss the implementation process, that is, the timeframe and where these are located within the organisation’s other Policies and Procedures.






5b) In the email Include at least two (2) support services that will be available to staff during the implementation phase.


Just Need help with questions 4 and 5( included the rest for reference)