TysonSxM Questions 1. Review the visuals posted by your peers and provide…Questions1. Review the visuals posted by your peers and provide your feedback by answering the following questions:2. Are the visuals holistic and accurate, representing all required analyses? Explain.3. Are their visuals the same as yours? If not, speculate on why there could be differences when you worked with the same data.4. Review the executive summaries posted, and answer the following questions:5. Are the executive summaries clear, concise? Identify at least one strength and one area for improvement for each summary.6. Do you agree with the findings and recommendations in the summaries? Why or why not?7. Share any insights or thoughts you have about the assignment. This could be related to the data analysis or results itself or it could be about your experience using Tableau. For example, if you could choose to change one aspect of your visuals, what would you change and why? Executive Summary This executive summary is designed to take a deeper look into the number of employees currently feeling burnout at work. We are going to look at whether there are correlations with current leadership level, age, gender, tenure, work life balance and whether or not these employees love what they do based off the survey responses these employees provided.  The survey was rolled out to all employees from individual contributors through the executive level staff, with the option to choose not to disclose your position when providing ones responses. Respondents were given the opportunity to provide their gender, their age within pre-determined brackets and the length of time they have been employed with this organization, how happy they are with their job and current stress level felt at home (all with the choice to opt out).  We are going to use the data they provided to see if we can find any relationships between any of these cohorts and a higher level of burnout to determine how to best combat people feeling overworked and providing people with a good work-life balance.             In looking at the burnout levels, as shown in the graph below, females are falling in the middle of that category where they report feeling “pretty wiped out almost every day” significantly more than males (for this data set 21 females and 6 males reported this level of burnout). Image transcription textlil Columns Q1: Gender 05: What is your curr.. =Rows CNT(Q5:What is you Sheet 1 Q1: Gender / Q5: What is your current levelof burnout at work? (Qualitative Data)] Female Male … Show more… Show moreWe then looked at what age cohort was experiencing more stress at home in the level of “A little stress that would be expected with the ups and downs of life”.  From this we see that the majority of females to report this level were between 40 and 49 (20 females), but for males the number experiencing this home stress increased as they age.  Our data below shows that only seven males aged 30 through 39 chose this option, up to thirteen males between ages 40 and 49 and the highest group at seventeen males aged 50+.Image transcription textCount of Q6: How stressed Rows Ill Columns Sheet 2 20 10 Alittle stros.. 20-39 Most days I.. Protty stros.. A little stros. 40-49Female I feel great! .. Q1: Gender It feels like I.. A little … Show more… Show moreThe next data point we evaluated was regarding whether one’s leadership level had an impact on how they rated whether they loved what they do. The data here shows that employees at the level of manager are happier with what they do, with twenty-four respondents having chosen they strongly agree they love what they do (out of sixty-four managers who responded).  In comparison eight out of twenty-two Directors, five out of sixteen Executives and four of twelve Individual Contributors also selected this option, and as we can see in our graph below all levels are showing they love what they do.Image transcription textill Columns 04: Leadership Level q&: I love what I do. (.. RowsCNT(Q8: | love what I.. Sheet 3 04: Leadership Level / Q8: I lovewhat I do. (Qualitative Data) Individual Director Execu… Show more… Show moreThe last correlation we examined was looking at tenure and reported level of burnout.  Here we have noted that of the employees who have been with the company for five or more years that only one female (of the 38 whom responded) and three males (of the 22 whom responded), selected the response “I feel great! Energy to spare!”.  The majority of both males and females in this group were “A bit worn out at the end of the day, several days a week”.  Image transcription textCount of OS: What is you. Sheet 4 20 10 A bit wom .. I feel great!..1 your – less than 2 years I’m not sure.. Pretty wipe A bit wom .. Ifeel great!.. 2-5 years Most daysi. Female Pretty wipe … Show more… Show moreFrom these results we can see that although people are happy with what they are doing there are some struggles with finding a good work life balance to manage the stress and exhaustion levels at a more manageable pace. The data shows that more employees are feeling worn or wiped out than not, so potentially hiring some new staff to balance workloads could help mitigate these employees from feeling overworked. I also looked at the responses for which employees regularly practice ways to relax and unwind, the majority of whom said yes were female but overall, among both genders the responses for “neutral” and “disagree” were comparable and high.  Based on that data, I would also recommend as an organization implementing some activities among the staff to encourage interactions in a “fun” way and allow for team building to occur in a more relaxed setting to help build moral and reduce stress. Hosting some off-site activities such as a company softball team, organizing a group to participate in a town clean-up or sponsoring a happy hour with trivia would all be ways to increase relationship building in a low stress environment.  I would also suggest offering some benefits be provided such as access to guided meditation, access to a gym, increased paid time off, and the flexibility to work remotely thereby providing options to allow people to relax in a way that suits their needs.BusinessBusiness – Other