      Preparation   For this assignment, you will write a…






For this assignment, you will write a product report focused on a single product of your choice. Your submission will follow theformatting and address the questions/issues specified in the Product Report Outline.

Go to the store where your product is sold. This can be your local grocery store, Walmart, Target, or wherever your product is sold and displayed alongside competing brands and products. When selecting your product or good, remember that in this assignment, you will analyze the product based on the four Ps of marketing.

Your Task


Gather the information necessary to complete your Product Report. Among the information, you will need to collect is the following:

Name of product and company: Use the proper corporate name, not a nickname—for example, Tide Pods by Proctor & Gamble. Include pictures if you’re handy with uploading/inserting images.
Product Description: Briefly describe the product you’ve selected and any relevant history that led you to choose this product/brand.
Describe the key marketing strategies behind your selected product. You should base your evaluation and report on what you can observe about how the four Ps are applied to the product you chose.
Product: Describe the want or need your product addresses.
Placement: Describe the product’s physical location among its closest competitors (a quick picture of the shelf would tell a good story!), and describe what this placement says about the marketing strategy.
Pricing: Describe the pricing strategy. A good description would include observations about the closest competitive product and its relative pricing.
Promotion: Describe how the product is being promoted. You could include any prominent physical/in-store promotions on the shelf, flyers, coupons, social media, online advertising, etc.
Other factors: You might notice other essential factors about your product that lie outside the four Ps. You can include them in your report here. One example might be a unique distribution system for your product.

When submitting your assignment, it should follow the format and organization shown in the Product Report Outline provided below.



Your Name

Introduction to Business Marketing Report



Company/Product Name Here

Name of product and company: Use the proper corporate name, not a nickname—for example, Tide Pods by Proctor & Gamble. Include pictures if you’re handy with uploading/inserting images.


Briefly describe the product you’ve selected and any relevant history that led you to choose this product/brand—minimum of three, maximum of five sentences.



Four Ps of Marketing

Describe the key marketing strategies of your selected product. You should base your evaluation and report on what you can observe about how the four Ps are applied to the product you chose. You should write a minimum of three sentences about each aspect.

Product: Describe the want or need your product addresses.
Placement: Describe the product’s physical location among its closest competitors (a quick picture of the shelf would tell a good story!), and describe what this placement says about the marketing strategy.
Pricing: Describe the pricing strategy. A good description would include observations about the closest competitive product and its relative pricing.
Promotion: Describe how the product is being promoted. You could include any prominent physical/in-store promotions on the shelf, flyers, coupons, social media, online advertising, etc.
Other factors: You might notice other important factors about your product that lie outside the four Ps. You can include them in your report here. One example might be a unique distribution system for your product.

Conclusion and Recommendation

In this section, you should conclude your selected product’s proven or possible success. How has the company used the four marketing Ps to ensure your selected product’s success? This should be a minimum of three, and a maximum of five sentences.






I Can See the 4 Ps of Marketing


Criteria Ratings Pts  

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT & DEVELOPMENT:CONTENT & DEVELOPMENT:



70 to >60.0 pts


Content is comprehensive, accurate and persuasive. Responses are excellent, address assignment and include course concepts



60 to >55.0 pts


Content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated. Responses are adequate and address assignment



55 to >50.0 pts


Content is generally . Major points are not well stated. Responses are inadequate to address assignment, either in level of detail or length of responses.



50 to >0.0 pts


Content is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive. Questions were not adequately answered



0 pts


Content is very incomplete or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



70 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeORGANIZATION & STRUCTUREORGANIZATION & STRUCTURE: 



10 to >8.0 pts


Structure of the assignment is clear and easy to follow; transitions are logical and maintain the flow throughout the assignment



8 to >7.0 pts


Structure is mostly clear and easy to follow. Transitions are present



7 to >6.0 pts


Structure of assignment is not easy to follow. Transitions need improvement



6 to >0.0 pts


Organization and structure distract from the message of the assignment. Points are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts



0 pts


Organization of submission is lacking or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFORMATFORMAT



10 to >8.0 pts


Assignment follows all designated guidelines; Assignment is appropriate length/depth of thought; format enhances readability of work



8 to >7.0 pts


Assignment follows designated guidelines; Assignment is appropriate length. Format is good



7 to >6.0 pts


Assignment follows most guidelines; length is not adequate



6 to >0.0 pts


Assignment may lack elements of correct formatting. Assignment is inadequate in length/depth of thought



0 pts


Assignment does not meet minimum formatting requirements or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMECHANICSGRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION & SPELLING



10 to >8.0 pts


Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct; language is precise and clear



8 to >6.0 pts


Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed with minor errors; spelling is correct



6 pts


Assignment contains grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors



6 to >0.0 pts


Assignment contains numerous grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors



0 pts


Grammatical errors make the assignment unreadable or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



10 pts
Total Points: 100

