DESI_PANDA Target State for A3 Problem-Solving Implements Plan. Target State…Target State for A3 Problem-Solving Implements Plan. Target State for A3 Problem-Solving (see attached figure) Encounters Problem •? Something about the way work happens now is not IDEAL. Studies Problem •? Observe the work in its actual context. •? Document the current condition. •? Validate observations. •? Quantify the extent of the problem. •? Perform cause analysis: is work properly specified? Are connections clear, direct, yes/no? Are pathways simple, direct, and uninterrupted? •? Write the left-hand half of the A3. Devises Countermeasures •? Generate ideas to move the organization closer to IDEAL. •? Design specific countermeasures that i) specify the work, ii) create better connections, and/or iii) simplify pathway. •? Involve the people affected by the change; get their ideas, their reservations. •? Envision and document a target condition. •? Devise an implementation plan: what, who, when, and desired outcome. •? Predict the results of implementation quantitatively. •? Decide on a follow-up plan. •? Write the right-hand half of the A3. Builds consensus with affected parties •? Build consensus with ALL people affected by the implementation or target condition. •? May involve studying problem further or reworking the target condition. Gets approval •? The appropriate authority verifies that problem has been sufficiently studied. •? The authority verifies that all affected parties are “on board” with the proposal. •? Appropriate authority approves the change and implementation. Implements plan •? Each person listed in implementation carries out his/her assignment by the deadline. Measures effects •? On the date specified in the follow-up plan, measure the results of implementation and document. •? If results differ from predicted, research why. •? On to the next problem! Managing to Learn — Detailed A3 Template Title: What change or improvement are you talking about? 1. Background: What are you talking about and why? 2. Current Conditions: Where do things stand now? 3. Goal: What specific outcome is required? 4. Analysis: Why does the problem or need exist? What do the specifics of the issues in work processes (location, patterns, trends, factors) indicate about why the performance gap or need exists? What conditions or occurances are preventing you from achieving the goals? Why do they exist? What is (are) their cause(s)? Use the simplest problem-analysis tool that will suffice to show cause-and-effect down to root cause. From 5 Whys to 7 QC tools (fishbones, analysis trees, Pareto charts) to more sophisticated SPC, 6 Sigma, and other tools as needed. Test the cause-and-effect logic by asking “why?” downward and stating “therefore” upward. What specific improvement(s) in performance do you need to achieve? Show visually how much, by when, and with what impact. Don’t state a countermeasure as a goal! What is the problem or need—the gap in performance? What is happening now versus what you want or needs to be happening? Have you been to the gemba? What facts or data indicate there is a problem? What specific conditions indicate that you have a problem or need? Where and how much? Can you break the problem into smaller pieces? Show facts and processes visually using charts, graphs, maps, etc. What is the purpose, the business reason for choosing this issue? What specific perfomance measure needs to be improved? What is the strategic, operational, historical, or organizational context of the situation? 5. Recommendations: What do you propose and why? 6. Plan: How will you implement? (4Ws, 1H) What will be the main actions and outcomes in the implementation process and in what sequence? What support and resources will be required? Who will be responsible for what, when, and how much? How will you measure effectiveness? When will progress be reviewed and by whom? Use a Gantt chart (or similar diagram) to display actions, steps, outcomes, timelines, and roles. What are the options for addressing the gaps and improving performance in the current situation? Always start with two or three alternatives to evaluate. How do they compare in effectiveness, feasibility, and potential disruption? What are their relative costs and benefits? Which do you recommend and why? Show how your proposed actions will address the specific causes of the gaps or constraints you identified in your analysis. The link should be clear and explicit! How and when will you know if plans have been followed and the actions have had the impact planned and needed? How will you know if you meet your targets? How will you know if you reduced the gap in performance? What related issues or unintended consequences do you anticipate? What contingencies can you anticipate? What processes will you use to enable, assure, and sustain success? How will you share your learnings with other areas? pls fill the below template by using the above info BACKGROUND • Why are you talking about it? • What is the business case? What business problem are you trying to solve or analyze? Be very concise – communicate WHY you are addressing this issue. CURRENT CONDITIONS • Clear problem statement What is going on? What is the location of the problem? When the problem first started? What is the size or magnitude of the problem? Use facts, date, Metrics GOAL • State the specific target(s). State in measurable or identifiable terms. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS • Use the simplest problem-analysis tool that will suffice to find the root cause of the problem: Five whys; fishbone diagram, problem or process analysis tree, 7 QC tools (old or new), tools from the Six Sigma, Kepner-Tragoe, Shainen, Taguchi, TRIZ or other toolbox of your choice. PROPOSAL • Your proposed countermeasures PLAN • Timeline with who, what, when, where, how. FOLLOW UP AFTER IMPLEMENTATION/RESULTS • What issues or remaining problems can you anticipate? • How do you know the problem is resolved or there are better flows? • What metric of improvement you can share?Image transcription textTarget State for A3 Problem-Solving Studies Problem. Encounters 8 Problem. Devises Countermeasures. (A3)Measures Effects. Implement Builds consensus with Implements affected parties. Plan. Gets Approval…. Show more BusinessBusiness – Other