djcosby23dc Apple is one of the largest, most pro?table technology companies…Apple is one of the largest, most pro?table technology companies in the world. Each year, Apple sells hundreds of millions of its popular iPhones, MacBooks, iMacs, iPads, Watches, and AirPods. Apple’s products—and the technology that supports them—have in?uenced the way people behave and interact. Think how waiting in line at the grocery store or waiting for the next train is more productive, or at least no longer tedious, when you get to check your inbox or watch a video on YouTube. Now remember how insecure you felt the last time you left your smartphone sitting on your living room sofa. Whichever way you look at it, Apple has enjoyed a long streak of successful product launches, with people camping out for days to get their hands on the latest Apple gadgets.Over the course of its history, Apple had its ups and downs, with Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, the company’s founders, leaving Apple in the 1980s. After Steve Jobs’ return to Apple in 1997, Apple has had an impressive run of successful products, including the iMac, the PowerBook, the iPod, and iTunes. Building on its success with the iPod, Apple introduced the iPhone in 2007 and, shortly thereafter, the “App Store,” revolutionizing the way we purchase and use applications on devices. The era of iPhones continued as successive updates to the iPhone line were introduced year after year, each gar ing wider adoption than the last. In 2010, Apple introduced the revolutionary iPad, touted as a “third category” device between smartphones and laptop personal computers (PCs). Clearly, innovations fueled by Apple have changed the lives of many people all over the world.However, Apple has also seen a number of high-pro?le product failures. From 2016 to 2019, MacBooks suffered from one of the most failure prone keyboard designs caused by their butter?y switch design. Few can forget the famous Unbox Therapy YouTube video illustrating the iPhone 6 Bendgate controversy. Also recall the deceptive practice of slowing iPhone performance without notifying the user. Regulators claimed that signi?cant numbers of customers bought new iPhones because of the slowdown, leading to lawsuits and Apple massively discounting replacement batteries, also known as Batterygate. Besides these recent failures, one of Apple’s most visible ?ops was the Newton, actually the name of a newly conceived operating system that stuck to the product as a whole. The Newton, which Apple promised would “reinvent personal computing,” fell far short of its hype when it was introduced in 1993 as a not-so-revolutionary personal digital assistant (PDA). Other notable Apple product failures include: the PowerMac G4 Cube (2000), an 8″ × 8″ × 8″ designer machine that was widely regarded as overpriced; the puck mouse included with the iMac G3 (1998), a too-small, awkward-to-control device that users often mistakenly used upside down; and the Lisa (1983), whose whopping US$9,995 price tag (more than US$25,000 in current dollars) made it too expensive for most businesses.In recent years, Apple has introduced a large variety of new products, all with remarkable success. Innovative products that consumers stand in line to get include the iPhone, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and other devices and accessories.  After the death of Steve Jobs in 2011 and the departure of famed designer Jony Ive in 2019, time will tell if Apple’s current success streak continues or if, at some point, Apple will yet again introduce a product that is “too innovative” for their consumers.  Announced in June 2020, the switch from Intel-based technology to proprietary Apple Silicon for computing devices has many Apple fans excited.  At the same time, other are questioning the challenging transition from Intel to Apple’s mobile-based computing technology for laptop and desktop computers.Consider your own adoption of innovative products from Apple (or similar competitors).  Apple (and competitors) has become not only a hardware vendor but also a keeper of people’s (often private) information and purveyor of that information to app developers and other relevant parties. Although your data is encrypted and in some cases anonymized, personal information can be used by Apple or others to predict future behavior and track trends, physical movements, location, music tastes, and more.  Connected as we may be to the rest of the world, salient concerns are warranted regarding issues of privacy and information property – that is, who has access to what and how private information is being used.   Certainly, there are potential risks associated with being an active participant in the digital world, so the next time you purchase an app, think about how much you reveal about yourself with the swipe of your finger. FIGURE 1.17Image transcription textThe Social (Bing) The Query: Graph: (Facebook) (Google) What IWant Who I Am & (LinkedIn) Whom I Know (WhatsApp) TheStatus The Check-in: Update: Where I Am Database of… Show more… Show more FIGURE 1.18Image transcription textNotice/ Awareness Enforcement/ Choice/ Redress Consent FairInformation Practice Principles Integrity/ Access/ SecurityParticipation… Show more Questions:1. Look into past Apple products that failed from this write up.  Briefly describe why you think they failed given the example of Open Innovation from the etext.  2. Describe what kind of data can be collected by our devices today.  Using digital density what can companies do with our data? Look at Figure 1.17 in the etext for clues.  3. Ethical considerations aside, with the existence of GDPR, quickly run down how this regulation covers the Fair information practice principles in figure 1.18 in the etext.  Do you think Apple complies with these standards around the globe? ANSWER TEMPLATE:Image transcription textCase it – Name Question 1 As a term to cover the most distinctivewriters who ?ourished in the last years of the 18th century andthe first decades of the 19th, “Romantic” is indispensa… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other