Cause and effect analysis, also known as the Fishbone diagram, is a…

Cause and effect analysis, also known as the Fishbone diagram, is a problem-solving technique that helps to identify the underlying cause of a problem. It used to identify the root cause of defects in a process or system. The technique involves breaking down a problem into its component parts and then analyzing each part to determine its cause-and-effect relationship with the problem. This analysis helps to identify the root cause of the problem and provides a structure for identifying and addressing possible solutions. The fishbone diagram is one way to visualize the cause-and-effect relationships and can be used to help identify and prioritize potential solutions.

Divergent thinking is a creative problem-solving technique that encourages the creation of a wide range of potential solutions to a problem. This technique allows for the exploration of different perspectives and ideas and encourages the development of novel and innovative solutions. It is a valuable tool when trying to address complex problems, as it encourages creative and out-of-the-box thinking.

Convergent thinking is a problem-solving technique that involves narrowing down a range of potential solutions to identify the most promising ones. This technique allows us to make informed decisions about which solutions are likely to be the most successful and effective. Convergent thinking is an essential tool in addressing workplace problems. This technique allows us to narrow down a range of potential solutions and identify the most promising ones. 

Devil’s Advocate thinking is a problem-solving technique that involves challenging potential solutions to a problem to identify the most viable ones. This technique allows us to consider different perspectives and identify potential issues with our solutions before implementing them. Devil’s advocate thinking is an important tool in addressing workplace problems. This technique allows us to challenge potential solutions to identify the most viable ones.

The weighted ranking process is a mathematical technique used to evaluate and compare multiple solutions to a problem. The process involves defining criteria, assigning weights to each bar based on importance, rating each answer against each measure, and calculating a final score for each solution. The solution with the highest score is considered the best option.

The process of analyzing and rating several possibilities based on a predetermined list of criteria is referred to as weighted ranking. It involves giving numerical values to each of the criteria so that each option can be evaluated against them, and then giving weights to each of the criteria to emphasize the criteria that are most important to consider. In this way, each option can be evaluated against all the criteria. The conclusion is a numerical value for each possibility, which may afterwards be contrasted with one another to establish which option represents the best possible alternative. The technique of weighted ranking has several benefits, some of which include the ability to objectively analyze a variety of choices, the ability to rank the criteria in order of importance, and the ability to choose the optimal alternative from among a number of available choices.

 The choice that has to be made will determine both the criteria that will be employed and the weights that will be assigned to those criteria. In general, the criteria should be relevant to the choice, and the weights should represent the relative relevance of each criterion in the decision-making process. For the purpose of selecting a new automobile, for instance, the criteria can consist of things like price, fuel efficiency, safety rating, and style. The weights would indicate that price is the most essential factor, followed by fuel economy, safety rating, and then style.

Choosing the appropriate criteria for a weighted ranking process may be challenging since there may be a wide variety of criteria that might be employed; nonetheless, it is essential to concentrate on those that are most pertinent to the choice and are most significant. In addition, employing a weighted ranking procedure may be useful when making judgments since it gives an objective method of weighing numerous criteria and the weights that relate to them to decide which option is the most advantageous. However, since it calls for a particular degree of mathematical and analytical expertise, it is possible that not everyone would be a good candidate for it. In addition, there may be certain situations in which utilizing a weighted ranking procedure is not the optimal option. In these cases, it may be more appropriate to use alternate approaches, such as non-numerical reasoning, as an alternative.

The PDPC diagram is a problem-solving tool that is used to identify the root cause of a problem and develop a plan to implement a solution. PDPC stands for “problem, data, process, and control.” It is a process that consists of five steps, the first of which is the definition of the problem, followed by the analysis of the problem and the identification of potential causes, the creation of potential solutions, the selection and implementation of a solution, and finally an evaluation of how effective the solution was. Teams can use this process to address problems that have arisen in the workplace and identify potential solutions that can help to improve those processes and make them more efficient.


Reflect on your learnings throughout the course.
describe how your perception and understanding of decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking has evolved throughout this course. In your discussion, explain how you could apply these insights in the workplace and to what degree you could influence or coach others to help them improve their skills.
Add other reflections, takeaways, a-ha moments, and insights

Just need help with intro and conclusion above is what was learned