andreana68 Below is an Artificial Intelligence (AI – ChatGPT) generated…Below is an Artificial Intelligence (AI – ChatGPT) generated response to the question: what is the area where corporations are likely to have a larger impact: alleviating poverty or decreasing inequality?It is difficult to determine whether corporations are likely to have a larger impact in alleviating poverty or decreasing inequality, as both are interconnected and complex issues that require comprehensive and sustainable solutions.However, it is important to note that poverty and inequality are often intertwined, and reducing one can contribute to reducing the other. For example, creating job opportunities and providing access to education and training programs can help alleviate poverty while also promoting more equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of their socio-economic background.In addition, corporations can take specific actions to address both poverty and inequality, such as promoting fair and equitable treatment of their employees and suppliers, supporting initiatives that address systemic inequality and social justice, and paying their fair share of taxes that can be used to fund social programs.Therefore, it is important to focus on creating comprehensive and sustainable solutions that address both poverty and inequality, and encourage corporations to adopt socially responsible practices that benefit both their stakeholders and society as a whole.Please respond a reflection of about two hundred fifty words that answers the following three questions below: Does the generated response follow the Rogerian style? Answer Yes or no and comment on how this influences the persuasiveness of the response.Does the ChatGPT cover the topics discussed in the week’s readings? The answer needs to identify at least(a) one topic that is covered by both (the ChatGPT response and the week’s materials) and (b) one topic discussed only in the week’s materials (not in the AI’s response). Please identify the specific reading or video material where the topic was discussed.Comment on ChatGTP’s response. Potential topics: what concerns you the most about the response offered? What do you like about it? What don’t you like about it? You only need to discuss one.Resources: Week’s readingsA summary of the book “Capitalism in the XXI Century (Pickety)”.  is in this link:’s “The limitations of markets”Image transcription textGLOBAL DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE TheLimitations of Markets: Background Essay Neva GoodwinDecember 2005 Tufts University Medford MA 02155, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay The Limitations ofMarkets: Background Essay Neva Goodwin There are a number ofways in which economic theory affects both the study … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay In concluding thediscussion of each of the topics in this section we present a shortdescription of “solutions.” As we put forth suggestions … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay government, butthe collective action could also be on the level of a family or anindustry group. Disagreements around this subject are… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay In general, each ofthese examples involves a situation in which there is a differencebetween private and social costs (or bene?ts); as a res… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay extremesuggestion of tying retirement benefits to the earnings of eachperson’s children. There are many cases where intellig… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay Lisa Heinzerling, Inpractice, most cost—bene?t analyses could more accurately bedescribed as ‘complete cost-incomplete bene?t’ studie… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markers: Background Essay Market power inthe standard economic model all markets are assumed to be”perfectly competitive,” such that no one buyer or sell… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay degree of marketpower by joining together to negotiate as a labor union. Agovernment, too, can have market power, for example … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay (2)MARKET-ORIENTED MOTIVATION AND BEHAVIOR In additionto the presence of perfectly competitive market struct… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay A manufacturingbusiness, for example, might be considering whether or not toborrow funds to build an additional factory. If the com… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay are illegal,international markets for some organs), or for the probable futureearnings of a child who is learning to play the violin. Th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay for all concerned(recognizing that there may be some irresolvable con?icts; what isbest for A may simply not be the same as what is best f… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay allocation ofincome among workers in an enterprise has much to do withpower: it is easy to ?nd instances where a CEO is able … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Limitations of Markets: Background Essay REFERENCESNote: The Featured Collection on Market Failure, within whichthis essay is embedded, offers a wide range of referen… Show more… Show more Videos material1. Videos on pragmatic arguments about how inequality hurt us all:Heather McGhee – “The Sum of Us” | The Daily Show : economic inequality harms societies | Richard Wilkinson: 2. Videos about the role of taxation in limiting inequality12 Myths About Taxing the Rich | Robert Reich: 3. A cartoon that voices the arguments of fiscal conservatives commenting on a video by Vox (a liberal outlet)The Debunkers Vs VOX: Tax The Rich: BusinessBusiness – Other