Help…ME   1. Compare and summarise the changes between your “Pre…



1. Compare and summarise the changes between your “Pre and Post- experience” Skills Self-assessment tables (this will help you to identify skill development areas for advanced planning)(words 110)  


Refer back and compare
Discuss any changes in your three priority skill development areas and then any other skill areas of note.

Three priority skill development areas that i have focused and attend workshop to improve my ability as these three are my weakness (pre and post-experience)

Teamwork and leadership (I did this short course workshop on Campus)
Financial literacy (I did this short course workshop online)
Critical/creative thinking and problem solving  (I did this short course workshop on Campus) 

Reflect: Post-experience – Skills Self-assessment Rating (use for Q2 and Q3)

Reflect and rate your confidence in demonstrating each skill by indicating (tick or cross) the relevant box in the table (m


I am not confident that I can demonstrate this skill and it still needs a lot of development




I am somewhat confident that I can now demonstrate this skill but it needs more development




I feel I can demonstrate this skill with confidence through experience but there is room for improvement




I feel very confident that I can demonstrate this skill through experience but you can always learn something new!




Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Problem Solving







Digital Literacy








Financial Literacy








Initiative and Enterprise/ Entrepreneurship







Learning and Applying Knowledge








Planning and Organisation
















Teamwork and Leadership








Verbal, Written and Interpersonal Communication










2. Demonstrate: Based on your ratings in the post-experience skills self-assessment table above, select your top three employability skills (strength areas) and complete the following activity


List the three (3) skills you are MOST confident in demonstrating; and would promote on your resume as a strength




Explain why you selected each skill as a strength




Describe a specific example of when and how you demonstrated this strength. What did you do and what was the outcome? Note any evidence you have to support your claims (Hint: think about the career learning experiences you have just completed).






3. Based on your ratings in the post-experience skills self-assessment above, select three employability skills you find challenging and complete the following activity



List the three (3) skills you are LEAST confident in demonstrating




Explain why you selected each skill as a weakness




Describe what you could do to improve or further develop this area.





4. Based on your responses to the skills self-assessment activities:(words 160)


Identify three employability skills you will choose to develop further and explain why.

You can choose to:???????

Advance your strengths. Demonstrate your skill knowledge and be specific about which aspect of the skill you want to work on and why. (For example, if you choose communication skills narrow down what you will specifically work on. Will it be writing – creative or academic? Will it be presentation skills –  will you work on harnessing your nerves or developing the format for pitching ideas?
Work on developing the more challenging skills you are less confident in demonstrating??????
???????Or do a little of both.?

????????????????????????In crafting your response: Reflect on the field you aim to work in and, your current skill capabilities. Comment on how your proposed skill development addresses at least one of the major challenges you are likely to face in the world of work (i.e. 4IR, casualisation, automation, alienation).


5. Outline the specific actions and milestones you will undertake to further develop your skills. This development may be through a combination of activities and learning experiences, including formal and informal modes of study and learning.(words 110)


Be specific about the career learning experiences you plan to do and relate them to the skills you want to develop (i.e., if it is an online course – research the actual course you will do and provide the name and platform (URL or web address). If it is a volunteer gig – name the organisation you plan to approach). Relate your choices to your skill capacity, your industry, and any changes occurring in the future world of work.


6. Choose one of the employability skills you have nominated above to develop through a specific career learning experience (above). Then, produce a SMART goal you can map as the ‘next step’ toward your advanced employability skill learning.(words 110)


See Glossary of Terms for SMART goal definition and SMART goal infographic to help shape your response. Provide any relevant links (URLs) to organisations or courses. 


URL LINK to the development opportunity ..

S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Achieveable.
R: Relevant
T: Timely (Time bound)

7. In consideration of all elements of your employability skills development plan; who could you discuss this plan with and seek objective feedback from?(words 110)


You might consider speaking directly with your teachers, colleagues, mentors, friends, or family, and/or you may wish to share your ideas, skills, and plans through a wiki or an e-portfolio. It is also important to draw on information and seek guidance from members of your professional network. In crafting your response, please identify at least one source of objective feedback (a potential mentor) from an industry expert or professional from outside the personal network of your family. 


8. How do you plan to approach your professional network for feedback? How could they best support you in advancing your skill development?(words 110)


Consider the range of mediums available to you to connect to potential mentors in your industry and the knowledge these individuals have about the world of work and some of the issues described throughout the unit. In what ways can they guide you and support you? How can you prepare as a mentee?



Please help me to answer 1 to 8 questions…