Chargerram30  . Barb has bipolar disorder and when properly medicated is able…Image transcription textBarb has bipolar disorder and when properly medicated is able tounderstand the provisions of a contract to purchase a home.Under the contractual capacity requirement her home… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textUnreasonable conduct is required to prove: O negligence Omanufacturing defect O design defect failure to warn… Show moreImage transcription textA product must do what it is supposed to do. The consumer isprotected if the product does not do what it is supposed to dounder the: Cl implied warranty of merchantability Cl i… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe provides that the warranty of merchantability and warrantyof fitness are implied unless they are explicitly disclaimed”as is”. O Consumer Financial Protection B… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textA warranty is a guarantee or promise that provides assurance byone party to another party that specific facts or conditions: O areethical O are cost effective O are true or will happen O are legal… Show moreImage transcription textA discharge of duties may be issued by the court when bothparties: O are relieved of their obligations under the contract Odisagree on parts of the contract O fall to appear befor… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe bans unfair methods of competition. O Federal TradeCommission Act O Fair Credit Reporting Act O Clayton Act OSherman Act… Show moreImage transcription textCreating and maintaining a competitive market for the benefit ofbusinesses and Consumers is the basic objective of: O antitrustlaws O consumer protection laws O The Sherman Act … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textA young man writes a novel that is based on the story of StarWars: including Luke Skywalker and several of the othercharacters of the story. This is an example of a: D oate… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textA is an example of when a programmer hacks software code tounderstand how it works and then writes a program thatreplicates it. O copyright infringement O licensing viol… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhen a supplier fails to perform their obligations in a contract, itis called a: O refusal to perform O denial of responsibility Obreach of contract O offer and acceptance… Show moreImage transcription textThe idea that some products are inherently dangerous isacknowledged by the: O legal concept of limited liability O impliedwarranty of merchantability O legal concept of strict li… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Bill of Rights guarantees rights, including free speech. This isan example of what purpose of law? O maintaining order Oprotecting individual rights and liberties O resolving di… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe covenants in a describe the details of what the parties committo do or not do. O written agreement O document O contract Odeal… Show moreImage transcription textprotect the fundamental rights and liberties of citizens. OEquivalent branches of the government O Legislation andcommon law O The legislative branch of the governme… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textShelly is interested in buying a used Jeep from a privateindividual. She would really like to have some type of warranty,however this sale would be covered by the principle of… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAccording to the Clayton Act companies must notify thegovernment in advance to: O relocate to another state Oreorganize their board of directors O change their pric… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPayment for mental anguish are an example of: O Judicialoverreach O Corrective damages O Punitive damages OCompensatory damages… Show moreImage transcription textA tenant who damages a landlord’s property may be sued under:O the constitution. O the Supreme Court. O tort law. O criminallaws… Show moreImage transcription textEmotional, economic, and reputational damages may be awardedin: O Supreme Court rulings O negligence cases O criminal casesO traffic violations… Show moreImage transcription textA trademark can prevent others from: O investing in the product.O reproducing the name in print. O selling the product. O usingthe company’s product name or logo…. Show moreImage transcription textconsists of four aspects: publicly promulgated, equally enforced,independently adjudicated, and consistent with internationalhuman rights principles. O The executive branch O Co… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich of the following are one of a company’s most significantassets: O intellectual property O money in the bank O Businessrelationships O buildings… Show moreImage transcription textWhich competitive practice is prohibited by the Sherman Act? OAdaptive pricing strategies O Creations of trusts that created avirtual monopoly O Seasonal pricing strategies O Market pricing… Show moreImage transcription textJeff monitors his credit on an ongoing basis and would like torequest a copy of and verify the accuracy of his credit filesannually. Which legislation would support him in this? … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJudges decisions that establish precedent and bind future courtsis known as: O common law O stare decisi O evolving law Ostatutory law… Show moreImage transcription textAn example of is where Sylvania claims that their light bulbs”last 10 times longer and use 75% less energy than standardbulbs”. O a purchase liability O an implied warra… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other