1) Most Events have an opening reception, often followed by a…

1) Most Events have an opening reception, often followed by a dinner. Such receptions allow people to gather and be seated at the same time instead of straggling into the dining area.

A. True

B. False

2) When sending an email to a client or team member (faculty) you should have the following contact information in your signature/tag at the bottom of the page-your name-position-phone number-email and address

A. True 

B. False

3) Cultural can be defined as

A. Intellectual & Artistic matter

B. A fun time

C. Hard work

D. None of the above

4) The primary function of the Catering Manager is to come up with suggestions that will fit your budget. Catering Managers usually enjoy meeting with the client and appreciate the opportunity to be creative.

A. True

B. False

5) An event can be best defined as a…

A. Day or period of celebration

B. Something people attend

C. A special event

D. All of the above

6) When a certain venue signs a contact with a certain catering operation for a specific amount of time, and usually long-term basis, the catering operation is called

A. Long term catering

B. Institutional/Contract catering

C. Catering Operation

D. Certain catering contacts

7) Event Planners should only sell and/or service liquor/beer/wine bought on the permit (SOP) through the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), The Brewers Retail (The Beer Store), or Liquor manufacturers’ authorized retail store.

A. True

B. False

8) Events that mark the passage of time with milestone celebrations such as weddings, birthday celebrations, golden wedding anniversaries, etc. are called

A. Life-cycle events

B. Retail events

C. Meetings & conference events

D. Sports events

9) The Event Leader must provide the Catering Manager with a clear vision of the objectives for your event, as well as a history of your group’s food and beverage preferences, likes and dislikes.

A. True

B. False

10) Breakfast-With some groups as many as 50% of attendees skip breakfast.

A. True

B. False

11) Which of the following negotiating techniques should you not use

A. Control stress and tension

B. Listen and pay attention

C. Jump at the first offer

D. Ask questions

12) Food and beverage, and the manner in which they are served, can make any event memorable and more productive.

A. True

B. False

13) What is the first step in the process of negotiating?

A. Preparation

B. Design

C. Evaluation

D. None of the above

14) A typical lunch service takes one hour and 15 minutes to serve, so a 90- minute time period should be scheduled.

A. True

B. False

15) The best set up for a trainer to interact with the student/learner would be

A. U Shape

B. Boardroom

C. Hollow Square

D. Classroom

16) When building the Event Team, we should always look for community leaders:

A. True

B. False

17) Seating should be minimal at Receptions Style Events. The Event planner should not encourage guests to sit. Seating for 20 percent of the attendee is optimal.

A. True 

B. False

18) One of the greatest challenges for an event manager is to provide the catering department with an accurate guarantee number of guests expected.

A. True 

B. False

19) Fourteen steps of success “Which steps are in Phase 2”

a. Gather and analyze the facts, develop the concept, and identify the standard for success

b. Create an action team, develop a tactical approach, and make deals

c. Establish a follow through team, develop a work plan, ride -herd, countdown, time line, and event profile

d. Use your tools, review, check and recheck

20) The Event Planner should- Encourage excessive drinking and serve alcohol to anyone you suspect may already be intoxicated.

a. true

b. false

21) Menu Planning-The entrée (main course) is key and serves as a starting point for selecting the rest of the meal.

a. true

b. false

22) Buffet tables should not be placed too close to the entrance of the room.



23) Most hotels require a guarantee number of guest   _____ hours before the event in order to allow adequate time to order and prepare food and schedule required personnel.

A. 48/72hrs

B. 24/48hrs

C. 42/24hrs

D. 62/72hrs

24) What table layout is the most ineffective for presentations

A. Theatre style

B. Classroom Style

C. Hollow Square

D. All of the above

25) When developing a great slide presentation, we should stick to 24 Font or greater, professional fonts and keep to the 6 line rule if you can and don’t go animation crazy

a. true

b. false

26) Identify the correct 5 W’s

a. Why, Which, With, Where, When

b. Why, Well, Within, What, Who

c. Why, Went, Wish, Where, When

d. Why, Where, Who, What, When

27) Well-balanced meals with adequate portion sizes leave attendees calm satisfied, and ready to learn.

a. true

b. false

28) Raffling liquor or holding contests that involve buying, drinking or winning liquor should be the first step in planning a great event

a. true

b. false

29) Under the heading of “Styles of Catering Operations”, we have learned the different styles of catering in the hospitality industry. What style of catering provides food service for banquets, hotel patrons in the dining room and room service?

a. Institutional Catering

b. Full-Service Restaurants

c. Private Club Catering

d. Hotel Catering

30) The Event Planner should- Always ensure the facility meets health and safety requirements at all times

a. true 

b. false