1.    Why is it called “open” innovation?   A. Because it…

1.   Why is it called “open” innovation?


A. Because it allows creativity in the R&D department.


B.  Because  companies  manage  their  innovation  with  the  collaboration  of external professionals.

C. Because it does not use collective intelligence. D. None of the above.



2.  Open innovation is the same as outsourcing or subcontracting:


A. Yes, because both only resort toprofessionals outside the company. B. Yes, because both are forms of vertical integration.

*C.  No,  because  when  subcontracting,  only  a  service  provision  scheme  is followed.

D. No, because outsourcing is similar to closed innovation.




3.   They are applications characteristic of the third industrial revolution: A. Electronics and information technologies.

B. Informatics and aeronautics.


C. Electronics and the Internet of Things.


D. Artificial intelligence and the Internet of things.




4.   There are four axes or levers of the corporate digital transformation: A. Automation, customization, connectivity andinteractivity.

B. Sensors, signals, robotics and automation.


C. Automation, robotics, connectivity andglobality.


D. Automation, digital access to customer, connectivity and digital information.


5.   The following are obstacles to the corporate digital transformation process: A. Cost and an unprepared business culture.

B. Lack of job skills.


C. Tensions due to the generation gap. D. All of the above.



6.   Among those mentioned, some technologies included in Industry 4.0 are: A. Cloud computing and applications.

B. Client access, big data and robotics.


C. Big data, cloud computing and collaborative robotics. D. All of the above.



7.   Successful digital transformation depends on collaboration between: A. Companies and customers.

B. Companies, government entities and industry associations. C. Enabling companies and technologies.

D. None of the above.




8.   At a global level, digitization poses a series of challenges, among which are: A. Regulation of new business models based on digital platforms.

B. Reducing the digital divide.


C. The protection of the data that customers and employees enter on the




D. All of the above.




9.   On-demand  insurance,  flexible  access  to  the  use  of  tools  and  facilities,  and personalized financial services are:

A. Technologies that facilitate digitization.


B. Characteristics of closed innovation.


C. Harmful effects arising from the digitization process.


D. New services related to the job market typical of the digital field.


10.  The open innovation that characterizes the digital age is based on the relevance




A. Competition. B. Collaboration. C. Integration.

D. Allof the answers are correct.



1.   Before the digital age, strategy in the business world had the following points in common with military strategy:

A. Both refer to the present andthe future and the position tobe held.


B. They involve compromising a significant amount of resources, which are always scarce.

C. They arenot easily reversible.


D. All of the above.




2.   Gametheory studies:


A. The application of games to the business environment. B. Thestrengths and weaknesses of an organization.

C. The choice of optimal behavior when the costs and benefits of each option are not fixed in advance.

D. The choice of behavior once its costs and benefits are known.




3.   The Cirque du Soleil would be a good example of: A. Yellow strategy.

B. Blue ocean strategy. C. Red Ocean Strategy.

D. Environmental strategy.



4.  The industrial organization approach to business strategy addresses issues such as:


A. Competition or rivalry.


B. The allocation of resources and economies of scale.


c.It assumes rationality, self disciplined behavior and profit maximization


d. all   of the above




5.   Hamel defines strategic innovation as: A. The ability toplan.

B. The ability to re-imagine the current business model. C. Theability to learn.

D. The ability to eliminate competitors.




6.   The  turbulence  phenomenon  appeared  in  the  seventies  and  changed  the assumptions around strategy because:

A. It was already difficult to plan investments or enter new markets in five-year




B. Makes planning over long periods of timeeasier. C. Facilitates obtaining information.

D. Intervenes in business relationships.




7.  What is the difference between “business model” and strategy?


A. There is no difference, they amount to the same concept.


B. Business model refers to business intelligence and the analysis of competitive advantages, while the strategy focuses on a complex interrelated system of dimensions.

C.  Strategy refers  to  business  intelligence and  the  analysis  of  competitive advantages, while the business model focuses on a complex interrelated system of dimensions.

D. None of the above.




8.  Regarding Agile methodologies, check the correct answer:


A.  It  is  a  philosophy  to  generate  business  in  environments  fraught  with uncertainty.

B. It encompasses design thinking and lean startup.


C. Prototypes and iteration are two of its pillars. D. All of the above.



9.   Why dowe use the term “unicorn” to refer to digital platforms?


A. Because they are unique businesses.


B. Because they have a billion-dollar turnover.


C. Due to their quick growth and disruptive nature. D. None of the above.



10.  Which of these aspects characterize the business models of sharing economy?


A. A paradigm shift from “owning”to “using”.


B. The exchanges are of the P2P type, between peers.


C. There is greater transparency and traceability in transactions. D. All of the above.



1.   Stakeholders groups are made up of:


A. People who seek to obtain a financial return on an investment.


B. Individuals or parties that influence or have an interest in corporate actions and decisions.

C. People who support an activity. D. Political parties.



2.   The best known instrument to identify the different stakeholders is: A. The “growth-share” matrix.

B. The “attractiveness-competitiveness” matrix. C. The”interest-influence” matrix.

D. None of the matrices mentioned.




3.   Governments can constitute a stakeholder group because:


A.They play a regulatory and supervisory role, by passing laws which affect companies, their activities, financing, payment of taxes and the like.

B. They have the ability to impose penalties at their discretion.


C. Once their government work is over, former government members find employment in the business world.

D. They appoint corporate managers.




4.   Tangible  economic  value  is  the  only  thing  that  counts  when  establishing relationships between companies and their stakeholders:

A. Always. There is no value without economic value.


B. Never. Economic value is not the most important type of value. C. There are other types of value, not just economic value.

D. Sometimes



5.   According to Ackerman and Eden’s matrix, stakeholders can be divided into: A. Dairy cows, stars, question marks, and dogs.

B. Key stakeholders and influential stakeholders.


C. Key stakeholders, influential stakeholders and informed stakeholders. D. Primary and secondary stakeholders.



6.   With secondary stakeholders, the best strategy is to: A. Never inform them.

B. Inform them occasionally or on demand.


C. Involve them in corporate decisionmaking. D. Inform them frequently.



7.  Transcendent value consists of:


A. Anintrinsic value that takes the form of professional learning. B. Positive or negative externalities.

C. Value learning (acquisition of virtues or vices), as it is part of a certain organization.

D. Intangible extrinsic value.




8.   In the music industry, there has been a shift in value creation strategy from: A. Producing records to sell concerts to organizing concerts to sell records. B. Organizing concerts to sell records to producing records to sell concerts. C. Music to cinema.

D. None of the above.




9.   According to Frooman, stakeholders can try to influence a company: A. By withholding resources and/or controlling their use.

B. By withholding resources.


C. By controlling the use of resources. D. By using corporate resources.



10.  In the current leisure and tourism industry, the rules of the game have changed because:

A. It uses information in real time.


B. Digital platforms have eliminated intermediaries. C. Consumers buy their trips online.

D. Allof the above.

1.   Globalization:


A. It is a homogeneous process.


B. It is an uneven and asymmetric process. C. It is an obsolete process.

D. It is a process that affects only some countries.




2.   Brand recognition is a factor which:


A. promotes per se corporate globalization.


B. It does not promote corporate globalization.


C. It promotes corporate globalization, but it is not the only factor. D. It does not take part in the corporate globalization process.



3.   According to the strategies matrix against globalization, having an international subsidiary is:

A. The most comprehensive global strategy.


B. A strategy that makes corporate globalization impossible. C. A failed strategy regarding globalization.

D. The least committed strategy against globalization.




4.   Absence of sensitivity to local demand includes: local tastes, weather and the like.


It can result in a weak position in the local market:


A. Not taking into account local tastes and preferences. B. Not taking into account local cultural customs.

B. Not considering the geography and climate of a territory. D. All of the above.



5.   The  statement  that  “poor  countries  are  the  least  negatively  affected  by globalization”:

A. Itis a partial vision ofthe globalization process. B. It doesn’t make sense.

C. It is totally false. D. It istotally true.



6.    Brexitis an example of:


A. A movement against all forms of globalization.


B. A movement against some aspects of globalization. C. A movement in favor of globalization.

D. The way allBritish people are.




7.   Coca Cola is a good example of strategy: A. Amultinational strategy.

B. A multilocal strategy. C. An exporter.

D. A global strategy.




8.   The factor that has contributed the most tomodern globalization is: A. Cultural uniformity throughout the world.

B. The evolution of technolocy, especially ICTs. C. Thefall of national barriers.

9.   Economies of scope refer to:


A. The existence of cost savings when activities are shared or skills or competencies are transferred from one part of the company to another.

B. The existence of cost savings as the size of a company’s operations increases. C. The existence of cost savings due tothe decrease in the scale or size of the business.

D. The existence of cost savings due to perfectly separate activities in each part of the company.


10.  One of the lines of action to develop an effective European digital single market is:


A. Guaranteeing the interactivity of all mobile devices.


B. Improving consumer and corporate access to digital goods and services. C. Avoiding social exclusion and unequal access to digital environments.

D. Developing frequent interactions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

D. China’s export capacity.




1.   Business transformation involves comprehensive changes in: A. Strategy.

B. The corporate operating model and processes. C. The organization and the individuals.

D. Allof the above.




2.   The implementation of a balanced scorecard involves:


A.  An  approach  that  ranks  and  clarifies  cause-effect  relationships,  and prioritizes and identifies objectives and indicators.

B. Identifying the relationships between strategies. C. Identifying objectives and indicators.

D. Ranking cause-effect relationships.




3.   The balanced scorecard integrates:


A. Three perspectives: the financial, customer and internal process perspective. B.Four perspectives: the financial, customer, and the internal process perspective, as well as that of the individuals who make up theorganization.

C. Three perspectives: the financial and customer perspective, as well as that of the individuals who make up the organization.

D. Four perspectives: the financial, customer, internal process and technology perspectives.



4.   The so-called “valley of despair” in a process of change refers to: A. The inability to do things right.


B. Denial of the new strategy  versus the past


c.The confluence between the references to the past and the non-internalization of the changes proposed by the new strategy.


d. The frustration created by the old strategy.



5.   Strategic change should be led by: A. Workers’ unions.

B. The stakeholders. C. Theclients.

D. Corporate management.




6.   Today, an increasing number of companies: A. Consider transformation a problem.

B. Consider the transformation starting from a difficult situation.


C. Aim for continuous transformation from a well-established position. D. Avoid transformation processes.



7.   Action planning consists of:


A. Identifying the actions to be taken.


B. Identifying the actions to be carried out and the deadlines to carry them out. C. Identifying the actions to be carried out, the deadlines and those responsible. D.Identifying the actions to be carried out, the deadlines, those responsible and the necessary resources.



8.   The customer perspective on the balanced scorecard aims at:


A. Identifying the elements that generate value for customers by integrating theminto a value proposition.

B. Identifying the source of competitive advantage.


C. Identifying the elements that generate value for the company and integrating them into a value proposition.

D.  Identifying  the  elements  that  do  not  generate  value  for  customers  to integrate them into the value proposition.


9.   Kotter believes that one of the things to do as part of the change management process is to train certain individuals to help lead the change process:

A.Training certain individuals, those most keen on change, to help lead the change process.

B. Telling employees what to do and making sure employees do that.


C. Training individuals who are resistant to change to lead the change process. D. Penalizing people who do not get involved in the change.



10.  The acronym RACI refers to the fact that each action included in the action plan should have

A. A manager, an actor, someone to consult and someone to report to.


B. A person responsible, a person accountable, someone to be consulted and someone to be informed.

C. A person responsible, an approver, someone to be ordered and someone to beinformed.

D. None of the above.