Sale Module Linda is looking at expanding into online business, and…

Sale Module

Linda is looking at expanding into online business, and since she’s looking at loyalty programs, recording customer information is important to her.  Recording sales from her website is easy, but recording sales at their kiosks is problematic. Some customers simply do not want give their personal information, so Linda is comfortable with recording these sales to one ‘customer’ by location. 

At the end of the day, Linda would like the ability to query purchases – minus sales by location so that she can adjust inventory to account for unrecorded sales.

Your task is to create a class diagram and sequence diagrams to support the following user stories and systems use case specifications.


Use Case: Maintain Customer

User Story

As the owner of this business, I would like to record contact information for my customers. 

Acceptance Criteria:

Must be able to flag customers as no longer active.
Must be able to query customers.
Must be able to query sales by company.


Use Case Descriptions

Use Case Name Create Customer
Triggering Event New customer requests sale.
Brief Description Allows the Owner to record a new customer’s information.
Actors Owner
Related Use Cases  
Preconditions Owner has opened the Main Menu.
Post Conditions Customer is saved to the database.  Sales can be created for the Customer
Flow of activities Actor System

Requests to add a new Customer

Prompts for Customer name, address, telephone  and email address

Enters customer name, address, telephone number and email address

Verifies that name, address, telephone number and email address have been entered. 

Creates a unique customer identifier

Displays the customer’s identifier, name, address, telephone number and email address

Prompts to save



Request to save

Saves the customer
Exception Conditions
Owner chooses to cancel adding the customer



User Story

As the owner of this business, I would like to record my sales so that I can quickly see how much money I’ve made. 

Acceptance Criteria:

Must be able to record sales by selecting products by product type and enter quantity sold.



Use Case Descriptions


Use Case Name Create Sale
Triggering Event Customer has to purchase products 
Brief Description Allows the Owner to record a new sale
Actors Owner
Related Use Cases  
Preconditions Owner has opened the Main Menu.
Post Conditions Sale is created and can now be queried
Flow of activities Actor System


Requests to add a new sale

Displays a list of customers and prompts for selection.  Displays a list of locations and prompts for selection. Prompts for sales date


Selects a location

Selects a customer

Enters sales date

Verifies that customer and location were selected.

Verifies that sale date has been entered and generates a unique sale number. 

Displays Sale identifier, date and customer.  Display a list of product types and prompts for selection.



Selects a product type

Displays a list of products including product name and price.  Prompts for selection and quantity sold


Selects a product and enters quantity sold

Verifies that quantity sold was entered

Adds product to the sale and calculates extended  price * quantity

Calculates HST

Updates totals.

Display a list of products sold.  Prompts for another product from the list and quantity sold.  Prompts for another product type



Repeats above step until all products entered

Prompts to select a product type.  Prompts to confirm sale


Repeats above 2 steps until all product types are selected.

Prompts to confirm sale


Chooses to save

Saves the sale.

Return to the main menu

Exception Conditions
Owner chooses to cancel adding the sale



Use Case Name

Query Purchase – Sale
Triggering Event Owner requires a list of remaining inventory (end of day processing)
Brief Description Allows the Owner to retrieve purchases – sales so that inventory can be reconciled
Actors Owner
Related Use Cases  
Preconditions Owner has opened the Main Menu.
Post Conditions Purchases – sales are displayed. 
Flow of activities Actor System


Retrieve locations

Displays a list of locations and prompts for selection


Requests to purchases – sales for location

Retrieves Purchases by product assigned to the location. Retrieves Sales by product assigned to the location.  Retrieves Inventory adjustments by product assigned to the location. Subtracts purchases – sales and inventory adjustments) and displays quantity in inventory. 



Request to exit

returns to the main menu
Exception Conditions Owner requests to cancel query


User Story

As the owner of this business, I would like to record inventory adjustments to accommodate for the cash sales that happen quickly and aren’t recorded.

Acceptance Criteria:

1.            Must be able to record inventory adjustments by location and product.



Use Case Descriptions


Use Case Name Create Inventory Adjustment
Triggering Event End of day processing 
Brief Description Allows the Owner to adjust inventory to accommodate for unrecorded sales.
Actors Owner
Related Use Cases  
Preconditions Owner has opened the Main Menu.
Post Conditions Inventory adjustment is recorded and available to query
Flow of activities Actor System


Requests to add an inventory adjustment

Displays a list of product types and prompts for selection.  Displays a list of locations and prompts for selection.


Selects a location

Selects a product type.

Verifies that product type and location were selected.

Displays a list of products and prompts for selection.  Prompts for adjustment quantity.



Selects a product and enters adjusted quantity.

Creates an adjustment identifier and assigns the system date to adjustment date.   Displays the inventory adjustment


Repeats the above step until all adjustments for the product type are entered.  Chooses to confirm.

Saves the inventory adjustments.

Returns to the main menu.

Exception Conditions
Owner chooses to cancel adding the inventory adjustments.



Have to make classes and sequence diagrams