Babies Silvia and Lynette are growing and thriving. Parents Brett…

Babies Silvia and Lynette are growing and thriving. Parents Brett and Brenna are amazed and grateful that their twins are so healthy and bright. Each day they develop more and more of their own unique personalities. Brett has gone on a knowledge bender, reading and watching everything he can about infant growth and development. He wants the best for his girls and feels that the more he knows, the more he can do to provide them the best childhood.

1. Raising twins is both mentally and physically exhausting for both Brett and Brenna. However, they are both focused on raising healthy babies. When Brett and Brenna were young, they both struggled with being overweight, so they want to make sure they do everything in their power to prevent that for the twins.

True or False: To promote healthy behaviors, pediatric health providers recommend that a woman should breastfeed, allow self-regulation of intake, and give appropriate portion sizes for infants.

 a. True  
 b. False  


2. Brenna and Brett go to the doctor for a regular checkup for the twins. The doctor measures height and weight and then asks about motor skill development for the girls. What motor skills should the twins have developed by three months of age?


  a. chest up  

  b. sit with support  

  c. stand  

  d. creep  

  e. All of these are correct.  

3. Brett gives the girls their vitamin D drops every day. He looks forward to this since he doesn’t get to participate in feeding them yet.

How much vitamin D does the AAP recommend that all breastfed and partially breastfed infants receive daily?


  a. 22 IU  

  b. 100 IU  

  c. 400 IU  

  d. 1000 IU  

  e. None of these are correct.  

4. Brett is supportive and proud that Brenna has decided to exclusively breastfeed the twins. He knows there have been challenging days, and sometimes he feels like he’s missing out a bit, but the more he learns about the nutritional benefits of breastfeeding, the more he realizes how healthy this choice has been for the family.

True or False: Both the AMA (American Medical Association) and the AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and continuation of breastfeeding in addition to foods through at least the first year of life.

 a. True  
 b. False  




5. Even though he won’t be able to implement his ideas for several months, Brett is learning about introducing food to the girls. He’s even ordered a few kitchen gadgets to make homemade baby food. Brenna finds it endearing, but kindly reminds him that they are waiting until the girls are 6 months old to begin introducing foods, if they’re developmentally ready at that time, as they were born at 37 weeks.

Match the infant age range to the approximate mouth patterns, development skills, and expected eating abilities.




5 to 9 months       Mouth patterns include complete side-to-side tongue movement, and baby begins to curve lips. around the rim of a cup. Baby can sit alone easily. At this time, baby can begin to eat ground or finely chopped foods, begin to feed self with fingers, and drink from a cup with assistance.
4 to 6 months     Mouth patterns include drawing in lower lip as spoon is removed from mouth, up-and-down-movement, and immediately transferring food from the front to the back of the tongue to swallow. Baby is able to sit with support, has good head control, and can use whole hand to grasp objects. In relation to food, baby can take in a spoonful of pureed or strained food and swallow it without choking. Baby can also control the position of food in the mouth.
8 to 11 months     Mouth patterns include rotary chewing also known as grinding. The infant can begin to put spoon in mouth and hold a cup. Infant can eat chopped foods and small pieces of soft, cooked foods.
10 to 11 months     Mouth patterns include sucking/swallowing reflex, tongue thrust reflex and poor mouth closure. Infant has poor control of head, neck, and trunk. Infant can swallow liquids but pushes most solid objects from the mouth.
Birth to 5 months     Mouth patterns include up-and-down munching movement and positioning food between jaws for chewing. Developmentally, the infant begins to sit alone, unsupported and begins to use thumb and index finger to pick up objects. The infant can eat mashed foods and eat from a spoon easily.












6. Brett and Brenna have noticed in early infancy that the girls have started to be more irritable and cry more often. They believe that they may have colic and are reading into tips to help relieve colic.

True or False: There are no current recommendations to treat infant colic; parents must just wait it out.

 a. True  
 b. False