Please briefly analyze the article below and tell me what you…

Please briefly analyze the article below and tell me what you think.



The Context in Which Modified Delphi Technique is Applicable

The Delphi technique is beneficial or applicable when it is challenging to gather information and feedback from critical stakeholders and where anonymity needs to be guaranteed to increase the response rate  (Ogbeifun, Mbohwa, & Pretorius, 2017). There are what  (Grisham, 2009) considers properties that are conducive to using the Delphi technique. According to (Grisham, 2009), the Delphi method is well suited to researching complex issues, for example, international business trends, as trends can derive consensus amongst panels of experts  (Grisham, 2009). The author  (Grisham, 2009) elucidates that the Delphi method is represented in almost every discipline and field of study, in private and public sectors. There are instances where there are better fits than the Delphi method. The Delphi method is not designed to produce “exact, repeatable results,” so in IT-related technical projects, the results are not replicable as different panels may elicit different responses  (Grisham, 2009). Modified Delphi consists of elements that are similar to traditional Delphi but, in a few ways, differ from that process either in format or ways to capture the viewpoints of panelists (Eubank, 2016). Modified Delphi requests greater detail in the justifications presented in responses in addition to the questionnaire to clarify the position and opinions of panelists (Eubank, 2016).


Process for Conducting a Workplace Study Using Delphi

According to the research conducted by (Grisham, 2009), the Delphi method is a tiered multistage process consisting of a series of questionnaires where experts weigh in on a particular strategic organizational objective. Delphi begins with selecting a facilitator who should be an unbiased contributor to the research study and then the panel selection where the objectives are matched with experts with the appropriate skills and expertise to weigh in with viable input and solutions  (Gordon, 2022). The problem statement is constructed and distributed amongst the panel to allow ample time to prepare for the forthcoming questionnaire  (Grisham, 2009). The first round consists of the questionnaire being disseminated to the panel and responses collected, evaluated, redundant information removed, and bugs resolved  (Grisham, 2009). As a part of the first round, the data is inspected, and the standard deviation is calculated  (Grisham, 2009). The process is repeated to get alignment  (Taylor, 2020). Additional rounds are only necessary if consensus is not achieved and if the standard deviations are similar  (Taylor, 2020). Modified Delphi expands facilitation participation to include scenario development (McGrath, 2021).


Project Questions for Modified Delphi Technique

            With the Delphi technique, the intention is to seek alignment on strategic organizational projections. The recommendation from (Belton, 2019) is that the questions discussed in the questionnaire depend on how much the researcher comprehends the topic or relevant issue after the research in the literature review has been conducted. Modified Delphi, as aforementioned, probes further to get a deeper understanding of the panelist’s argument in the questioning (Eubank, 2016). The best formats to use for the questioning are between a 5,7, or 9-point scale for Likert or categories for percentages (Belton, 2019).

            Regarding the search for education on the impacts of trends on competitive adventitiousness and strategic sustainability, the questions in the Delphi technique based on a DBA practitioner should be based on the problem statement: Strategic planning efforts lack the incorporation of digital transformation tools such as AI or IoT contributing to competitors’ advantage in technology production.

Delphi Technique Sample Questions:

What percentage of the organization’s projected outcomes should include digital transformation efforts? (0%, 5-20%, 20-50%, 50-80%, 80-100%) 
What level of preparedness would you say this organization has for implementing digital transformation? 



Belton, I. M. (2019). Improving the practical application of the Delphi method in group-based judgment: A six-step prescription for a well-founded and defensible process. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 72-82. doi:

Eubank, B. M. (2016). Using the modified Delphi method to establish clinical consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with rotator cuff pathology. BMC Med Res Methodol, 16, 56. doi:

Gordon, J. (2022, April 8). Delphi technique. Retrieved from The Business Professor:

Grisham, T. (2009). The Delphi technique: a method for testing complex and multifaceted topics. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 112-130. doi:DOI:10.1108/17538370910930545

McGrath, J. &. (2021). The future of compulsory schooling: Participant developed scenarios from a modified Delphi survey. Futures,, 133, 102818. doi:

Ogbeifun, E., Mbohwa, C., & Pretorius, J.-H. C. (2017). Achieving consensus devoid of complicity: adopting the Delphi technique. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 66(6), 766-779. doi:

Taylor, E. (2020). We agree, don’t we? The Delphi method for health environments research. HERD, 13(1), p.11-23. doi:10.1177/1937586719887709